Tag "KAP"

AM: 2021will be a transitional period for EU agricultural support

There will be a transition period next year for EU agricultural subsidies, while the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will be governed by the regulation for the 2014-2020 period for...

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The agricultural ministry is developing a strategic plan for the use of the CAP

The Ministry of Agriculture has begun to develop a strategic plan for the support system for the period 2021-2027, which will include the framework, directions and justifications for the utilization...

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EU support for agriculture should also be provided during the transitional period

Farmers should continue to receive their subsidies after the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) expires at the end of this year – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture head of the...

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Negotiations on the new Common Agricultural Policy will continue in Brussels next year

At the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on Monday, EU agriculture ministers agreed that further negotiations on the details of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) were needed and that an...

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European Court of Auditors: teh utilization of EU measures to stabilize agricultural income is low

The EU measures to stabilize farmers’ incomes have only partially achieved their objectives, with low and uneven utilization and some targeted measures may lead to disproportionate compensation payments – the...

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Agricultural organizations in Central and Eastern Europe have been discussing the future of the CAP

Agricultural organizations of the Three Seas Region held their next meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania. Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian and Slovak experts discussed the future of EU’s agricultural policy....

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AM: the tools of the Common Agricultural Policy needs to be used to strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural businesses

Strengthening the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is one of the most important goals of Hungary’s agricultural policy, as its success plays a key role in increasing income-generating capacity – the...

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NAK: V4 agricultural chambers jointly urge the reform of several EU regulations

The Chambers of Agriculture of the Visegrád Countries urged the reform of several EU regulations and the maintenance of a favorable EU agricultural policy at their meeting in Poland on...

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A proper EU budget is needed to ensure a change of generation in agriculture

An adequate budget must be available in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2021-2027 in order to ensure the conditions for financing substantial support for generational change in...

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AM: The agricultural ministers of the Visegrád countries met in Prague

The shaping the future of the Common Agricultural Policy and forestry issues were the main topics of the meeting of the agricultural ministers of the Visegrád Cooperation in Prague, which...

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Nagy István: countries with strong agriculture must act together to preserve CAP funds

The countries with traditionally strong agriculture need to act together to retain the resources of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and to preserve farm-friendly, simple regulation – Agriculture Minister Nagy...

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Nagy István: to maintain the EU agricultural budget a joint action by the region is needed

The EU agricultural budget for the next seven years should not be reduced, even by increasing the contribution of individual countries, Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on Friday in...

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The agricultural chambers of the Visegrád countries want a simpler common agricultural policy

At the serial meeting of the Agrarian Chambers of the Visegrád Countries, the leaders of the organizations, made clear requests again on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)...

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Nagy István: we need to keep the level of EU agricultural subsidies

In order to maintain the current level of subsidies, the right framework and simple conditions are needed in the European Union’s agricultural policy – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said...

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EU support for farmers should be in line with the environmental requirements

The agricultural sector should also contribute to environmental protection and the fight against climate change, but a proper balance needs to be found between the environmental ambition level of the...

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One hundred thousand people have already filled the farmer’s petition

Over a period of four weeks, one hundred thousand people signed the petition launched by the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) and the Hungarian Association of Farmers and Farmers (Magosz). The...

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AM: joint effort of seven countries to keep production-related EU agricultural subsidies

Seven countries, including Hungary asked for an increase of production-related EU agricultural subsidies or at least to keep it at the current level in the post-2020 EU budget period at...

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Nagy István: the Ministry of Agriculture supports the collection of signatures for the conservation of EU agricultural resources

The Ministry of Agriculture supports the collection of signatures for the conservation of EU agricultural resources that was initiated by the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) and the Association of Hungarian...

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AM: Hungary and Slovakia support each otherat the EU agricultural negotiations

The importance and role of Hungarian-Slovakian agricultural relations goes beyond bilateral relations. An intensive joint work is also taking place within the framework of the Visegrád four cooperation, and in...

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The agricultural chambers of the Visegrád countries discussed the future of the common agricultural policy in Veszprém

The future of the Common Agricultural Policy was discussed at the 71st Veszprém Meeting of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Visegrád Countries (V4). At the two-day meeting the increase...

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AM: Hungary is opposed to make wine of inferior quality grape varieties

The European Commission would authorize wine production from decades forbidden vines, but Hungary opposes the proposal; a further 12 EU member states supported the Hungarian initiative to maintain the ban...

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Nagy István: reduction in rural development funds is unacceptable

The European Commission’s proposal to reduce Hungary’s rural development resources after 2021 by more than 26 percent is unacceptable – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the Agriculture and...

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The Agricultural Chambers of the V4 countries should guarantee the continuity of EU fundings

According to the Agricultural Chambers of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries, the continuity of EU fundings, including payments to farmers, should be guaranteed and equal conditions of competition should be...

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Nagy István: application for subsidies should be easy in the new CAP

Hungary will only support a new common agricultural policy (CAP), which makes the application and payment of subsidies easy for both farmers and Member States’ organizations – Nagy István Minister...

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EU agricultural commissioner: the level of CAP funds can be maintained by increasing the contribution of the Member States

Phil Hogan European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development highlighted in Budapest at the event organized by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), that Hungary is a “key partner”, a...

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EU Commissioner for Agriculture: Hungary is a key partner in agricultural policy negotiations

Hungary is a key partner, a key factor in the bargaining process for the new EU budget period and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) rules -Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for...

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The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies is unacceptable

The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies in the Common Agricultural Policy is unacceptable for Hungary – Györffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture told at the presidency meeting...

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The current Hungarian CAP support rate should remain!

The current Hungarian support rate should remain in the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) period – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According to the findings of the Agricultural Forum of the Free...

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Nagy István: Allies in the region also consider it unacceptable to reduce EU agricultural resources

The four Visegrád countries, as well as Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia, and the Baltic states also agreed that the European Commission’s (EC) proposed reductions of EU funds for the...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the reduction of CAP funds is unacceptable

According to Hungary, the EU budget proposed for the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is not enough, especially since the legislative proposals on 1 June would place significantly...

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