Tag "járvány"

MTÜ: domestic guest traffic may be larger than last year

In Hungary, domestic tourism will be the first to recover, and the number of domestic travelers and their spending will be higher than last year, the CEO of the Hungarian...

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Spa association: we can only use outdoor pools

The baths have been opened, but for the time being only the outdoor pools can be used – Boros László Attila, the president of the Hungarian Baths Association told Kossuth...

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The trend researcher about the new era we are living in

We have been living in a new world for two months. While many hope that sooner or later everything will return to the old wheelhouse, it certainly won’t be. The...

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The bargaining position of food suppliers is strengthening

After a special retail tax of up to 2.5 percent of annual sales, traders have been given another hurdle: a new measure significantly restricts their freedom to negotiate a purchase...

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Coca-Cola employees and a corporate fleet help the Hungarian Red Cross in logistics

17,000 slices of chocolate, ten thousand eggs, plenty of diapers, canned food and cooking oil – just a few examples of donations made by Coca-Cola. From the beginning of May...

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The coronavirus brought a digitization revolution to Hungarian companies

Hungarian companies responded effectively to the crisis caused by the coronavirus, and the situation also resulted in long-term positive changes, for example, a large-scale digital switchover was launched at a...

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Numil Kft. stands by parents, patients, the elderly and healthcare professionals

One of Danone’s Hungarian sub-companies, Numil Kft., helps the work of healthcare workers with a special commitment. The Hungarian distributor of foods for special medical purposes is confident that, in...

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The National Chamber of Agricultural Economics postponed the membership fee declaration and payment until the autumn

In view of the state of emergency declared by the government and in accordance with the economic decisions made in connection with it, the national presidency of the National Chamber...

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Global supply chains need to be reassessed when the economy restarts, according to German economists

German economists favor a gradual relaunch of the economy by removing pandemic restrictions, but they stress in a survey of the ifo economic research institute that the role of global...

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U.S. retail sales fell by a record high in April

In April, retail sales in the United States fell to an unprecedented rate, both compared to the previous month and a year earlier – according to a report by the...

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The Spanish government is confident of a resumption of international tourism in late June

The Spanish government is confident of a resumption of international tourism occurs until late June. Transport Minister José Luis Ábalos said in a television interview on Monday, “We cannot allow...

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Enterprise resiliency: nine areas of focus for COVID-19 crisis management

The global spread of COVID-19 is a humanitarian crisis, first and foremost. But it’s added yet another layer of disruption to the growing list of unexpected challenges facing leaders and...

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KSH: the Hungarian economy expanded in the first quarter

According to raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.2 percent according to the raw data, while the seasonal and calendar-effect adjusted balanced data shows a 2.0 percent...

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Minister of Agriculture: the impact of the crisis on the Hungarian food economy

The role of safe food supply has increased, and the emergency situation is also strengthening consumer awareness. According to Dr. Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture that is why it is...

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Budapest reopens in two weeks

On his Facebook page, Prime Minister Orbán Viktor announced the decision to reopen Budapest, after thorough discussions with epidemiological experts – portfolio.hu wrote. According to him, we have won the...

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Csányi Sándor: agriculture is one of the most stable sectors of the national economy

The coronavirus crisis highlighted the importance of agriculture, proving that it is one of the most stable sectors of the national economy, and the stability of food supply in the...

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Car small markets

Thanks to the government’s supportive strategy, the number of local producer markets increased almost one and a half times between 2012 and 2019, from 117 to 298 – hirtv.hu wrotes....

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This is how seasonal workers from abroad can work in agriculture

A police decision has been issued on the conditions of entry and exit of seasonal agricultural workers to Hungary, as well as on the rules of their stay and quarantine...

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Jim Beam and the Tankcsapda joined forces

The Tankcsapda band and 225-year-old Jim Beam teamed up to help those in a difficult situation due to the coronavirus epidemic. The Tankcsapda band and Jim Beam bourbon whiskey, which...

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With the support of Riska, BSI organizes a Virtual Running Weekend

It is extremely important for the Hungarian dairy producer, Alföldi Tej Kft., to support a health-conscious lifestyle and to promote the joy of exercise even during the coronavirus pandemic. The...

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What to do if someone is unable to pay personal income tax

May 20 is the deadline for reviewing, supplementing and correcting the draft personal income tax prepared by the tax authority. One of the typical reasons for deviations from the return...

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The pandemic may bring a slowdown in globalization

The coronavirus could bring the fundamental transformation of global trade and a regression of globalization, according to economists interviewed by CNBC – portfolio.hu wrote. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in...

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Eurozone and EU GDP fell by record levels in the first quarter

Compared to the previous quarter, euro area and EU gross domestic product fell by the largest amount ever recorded in the first quarter, according to a preliminary report by Eurostat,...

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Tetra Laval Group donates €135 000 to the National Ambulance Service towards COVID-19 relief efforts

The global COVID-19 outbreak has brought about never-before challenges in our daily lives, and we remain deeply concerned for all those affected by the pandemic. In order to support Hungary’s...

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AM: Hungary requests the introduction of exceptional EU support measures in the poultry, pig and dairy sectors

At a video conference of EU agriculture ministers on Wednesday, Hungary requested the introduction of additional EU support measures to address the crisis situation caused by the coronavirus epidemic in...

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Because of the coronavirus, we eat more fruits and vegetables

People consume more fruit and vegetables, but also less ready meals, amid restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Antwerp found in its survey carried out in 11...

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Two thousand servings of game meat were donated to the staff of the South Pest Central Hospital

Two thousand servings of game meat were donated to the staff of the South Pest Central Hospital, which cares for coronavirus patients. The chilled, ready-to-cook venison products were delivered on...

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Credit insurer: the pandemic causes a brutal wave of bankruptcies in the global economy

Despite rescue packages in individual countries, the number of bankruptcies is growing at a record rate worldwide, among other things, according to Atradius’ credit insurance analysis. According to the study,...

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The delivery of postal items outside Europe has slowed down and become more expensive

The delivery of postal items outside Europe has slowed down and become significantly more expensive due to the coronavirus epidemic – Panulin Ildikó, a spokesperson for Magyar Posta Zrt. told...

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British pubs in danger

In Great Britain, most of the legendary pubs could be ruined if small pubs do not receive urgent state help to survive – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The British Beer and Pub...

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