Tag "járvány"

The end of June brought prosperity into the shopkeeper world

In June, we bought more week by week, according to checkout data, and in the end there was only a 1 percent monthly lag in receipt data – blokkk.com wrote....

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Family businesses respond differently to crisis situations

Strategic thinking largely determines the response of firms to a crisis situation and the success of recovering from an economic shock. This year’s five-year old K&H Family Companies Excellence Award...

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Wave of dismissal at the workplaces

More than a hundred thousand people have already lost their jobs in Hungary in the crisis caused by the coronavirus – and who knows where the end is. Due to...

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The Hungarian guests returned to the restaurants

The Hungarian guests returned, but the foreigners are still missing – blokkk.com wrote. In the months of the pandemic, March-June, 16 percent of the annual income of the restaurateur fell...

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GKI continued to grow in July after rising in May-June

The value of the GKI consumer confidence index rose by 11.3 points in May due to the slow decay of the coronavirus and the easing of strong uncertainty in April,...

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Netrisk: most holidaymakers plan to relax inland

The majority of Hungarians are also planning their trips carefully in the period following the lifting of the border lock ordered due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to Netrisk.hu’s survey...

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The per capita shop fair is also different in each county

The value of in-store purchases per capita in May already exceeded the months of the beginning of the year in all counties. Image: blokkk.com An exception is Budapest, where the...

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Digimeter: home office wins in covid times

While teleworking and digitization have gained tremendous momentum, the weaknesses of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises have also become apparent during the coronavirus pandemic. Most of the enterprises had mainly...

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Concerns may remain with us – consumer habits are already changing in China

Health emergencies have made shoppers worldwide cautious. The experience of the first opening Chinese market shows that consumer anxiety persists even after the restrictions are lifted, according to EY’s international...

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London analysts expect smaller-than-expected eurozone GDP

London macroeconomic analysts say the latest activity data suggest that the performance of the eurozone economy was slowed down to a lesser extent than previously expected by the coronavirus pandemic...

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Economist: A second wave could severely affect the European economy

If a possible second wave of the coronavirus pandemic were to be similar to the first, it would hit the European economy very hard, economist Halmai Péter emphasized on Tuesday...

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EU forecast: A deeper economic recession is expected, with wider divergences between member states

Despite a rapid and comprehensive EU and Member State response, the European Union’s economy is plunging into a deep recession this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, and as emergency...

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Rural tour guides can receive 1 HUF million in support

Tourist guides living in the countryside can receive 1 million HUF in support thanks to the application of Kisfaludy 2030 Tourism Development Nonprofit Ltd. published on Tuesday. According to the...

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The epidemic does not cause a substantial shortage of poultry meat on the domestic market

The bird flu epidemic will not cause a substantial shortage of poultry meat in the domestic market this year, however, the situation in the sector has been aggravated by export...

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The functioning of strategic sectors must be ensured

We got through the first stage of the coronavirus pandemic, how did the logistics profession go through this period? How difficult have foreign and domestic shipments become because of the...

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The coronavirus has also affected acquisitions and mergers badly

The acquisition and merger activity was also affected by the coronavirus pandemic, with the U.S. reporting a 83 percent drop in the value of reported transactions in the second quarter,...

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KSH: the number of guest nights decreased by 92.7 percent in May

In May, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of nights spent by foreign guests in commercial accommodation fell by 98.4 percent and the number of nights spent...

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In May, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 2.1 percent

According to the raw data, the volume of retail trade turnover decreased by 2.8 percent in May this year and by 2.1 percent, adjusted for calendar effects, compared to the...

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ITM Secretary of State: Until the end of August, four thousand companies will be eligible for support

By the end of August, nearly 4,000 companies will be able to receive their support in the tenders of the two programs of the Economic Protection Action Plan to help...

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The German government opposes the relaxation of mask wearing rules

The federal government in Germany opposes the measure being considered by several provincial governments to withdraw the requirement to wear a mask in stores due to the coronavirus pandemic in...

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The coronavirus does not spread through meat products

Consumers do not have to be afraid of consuming meat products, the coronavirus does not spread through food, Magyar Nemzet Online quotes the resolution of the German Federal Risk Assessment...

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Sentix’s eurozone investor sentiment index improved less than expected in July

The Sentix Frankfurt Economic Research Institute’s eurozone investor sentiment index improved less than analysts expected in July, indicating that the eurozone is only slowly recovering from the deep recession caused...

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From April to May, retail sales in Romania jumped sharply

The volume of retail sales in Romania increased by 18.5 percent in May compared to April, according to the adjusted value, the expansion was 20.2 percent, the Romanian National Statistical...

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Buyers blew up in the second half of June

The KSH already distributes online cash register data on a weekly basis. In the second half of June, the shop world came to life, in a week the big ones...

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Non-EU citizens can come to Hungary only from Serbia

“With the exception of Serbia, we cannot fulfill the union’s request to release citizens from non-EU countries for the time being, because that would be contrary to the health interests...

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Deserted downtowns in the UK

People do not go into city centers, they get more and more things in their place of residence in the UK – napi.hu wrote. In early June, store attendance in...

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In the past four months, the performance of the euro area economy weakened the least in June

In the past four months, the performance of the euro area economy weakened the least in June, according to a survey published on Friday by the IHS Markit economic research...

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KSH: foreign trade balance turned negative

In April, exports fell by 37.2 percent in euro terms and by 35.1 percent at constant prices, while imports fell by 29.1 percent and 23.5 percent, respectively, from a year...

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Retail sales in Germany jumped in May

Retail sales in Germany grew much more than expected in May. The German federal statistical office, Destatis, reported that retail sales in Germany increased by 13.9 percent in real terms...

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In May, the number of guest nights in Romania decreased by 97 percent

The number of guest nights in Romania decreased by 97 percent in May compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National Statistical Institute announced. In the...

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