Tag "infláció"

Inflation in OECD countries slowed to 1.2 percent in October

In the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual growth rate of consumer prices was 1.2 percent in October after 1.3 percent in September....

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Consumer prices in the euro area also fell in November

Consumer prices declined more than expected year-on-year in the euro area in November, mainly due to falling energy prices. According to preliminary data released by the European Union’s statistical office...

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KSH: Prices rose by 3 percent on an annual basis

In October, the annual growth rate of consumer prices slowed to 3.0 percent from the 3.4 percent in the previous month. The moderate annual rise in the prices of food...

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Inflation remained at 1.3 percent in OECD countries

In the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual growth rate of consumer prices was 1.3 percent in September, the same as in August....

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Consumer prices in the euro area fell 0.3 percent in October

In the euro area, the consumer price index fell by 0.3 percent year-on-year in October, in line with expectations, which was in line with the decline in September. The European...

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Inflation in the euro area fell to a four-and-a-half-year low in September

Annual headline inflation in the euro area fell to a four-and-a-half-year low in September, and core inflation was the lowest ever recorded, according to final data released by the Statistical...

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Consumer prices fell in Germany in September

For more than five years, consumer prices fell the most in September in Germany, according to a Tuesday report by the German federal statistical office Destatis. According to the final...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 3.4 percent in September

In September, the annual growth rate of consumer prices slowed to 3.4 percent from 3.9 percent in the previous month, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Thursday. Analysts also...

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GKI forecasts a 7-percent GDP drop for 2020

After the 6.1 percent decrease in the GDP in the first half of 2020, for the second half of the year, GKI forecasts an 8 percent decline in the gross...

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MNB: annual inflation may drop to 3 percent in 2022

According to the latest Inflation Report of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), the annual inflation rate may fall to 3% in 2022, and may slightly exceed 3.5% this year and...

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The euro area consumer price index fell in August for the first time in four years

In August, the euro area consumer price index fell in August, compared to the previous month for the first time in four years, due to the fall in energy prices...

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Consumer prices fell in August on a monthly basis in Germany

In August, inflation in Germany was in line with expectations, meaning that consumer prices fell on a monthly basis and remained unchanged on an annual basis. According to data posted...

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Annual inflation in the Czech Republic declined in August

Annual inflation in the Czech Republic fell to 3.3 percent in August from 3.4 percent in July, the Czech statistical office said in Prague on Thursday. Compared to last year,...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 3.9 percent in August

In August, consumer prices were on average 3.9 percent higher than a year earlier, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Wednesday. Overall, prices did not change compared to the...

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Analysts: the weakening of forint has appeared in the August inflation data

The rise in inflation and core inflation in August will see an increase in excise duties on tobacco and fuels, high food prices and a weaker forint – analysts who...

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Deflation Instead of inflation in the euro area

Instead of the modest inflation expected by analysts, there was deflation in the eurozone in August. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, on Tuesday said as preliminary data that consumer...

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We need to be prepared for persistently higher food prices

Hungary is a world champion with a VAT rate of 27%, and inflation is also the highest in the European Union. Some experts are calling for a reduction in VAT,...

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The highest inflation occurred in July in the euro area four months ago

According to preliminary data, the highest inflation in the euro area for the last four months was in July, according to a report published on Wednesday by the European Union’s...

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Consumer prices in Germany fell in July

Consumer prices in Germany fell 0.1 percent on an annual basis in July. The annual consumer price index fell for the first time since April 2016, according to a Thursday...

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Euro area inflation rose in July

Euro area inflation rose more than expected in July, according to preliminary data from Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In July, when disease control measures in Europe were largely...

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Euro area inflation accelerated in June

Eurozone inflation accelerated to 0.3 percent in June from a four-year low of 0.1 percent in May – Eurostat, the European Union’s statistics office announced. A year earlier, in June...

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Rising food prices

According to statistics, average annual inflation was only 2.9% in June, but food prices continued to rise far above average, with some products rising by more than 10-20%. GKI analysts...

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Inflation in the Czech Republic continued to rise in June

Annual inflation in the Czech Republic rose to 3.3 percent in June from 2.9 percent in May – the Czech statistical office announced in Prague on Friday. Prices for products...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 2.9 percent in June

In June, consumer prices were on average 2.9 percent higher than a year before. Over the past year, the prices of food and spirits and tobacco have risen significantly –...

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Consumer price inflation slowed in OECD countries in May

In the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual growth rate of consumer prices slowed to 0.7 percent in May from 0.9 percent in...

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Euro area inflation rose in June

Euro area inflation rose more than expected in June from a four-year low in the previous month, according to a report by Eurostat. In June, when disease control measures were...

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The pace of consumer price inflation accelerated in Germany in June

Instead of the expected slowdown, the annual rate of increase in consumer prices accelerated in Germany in June, but still fell far short of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) target....

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The MNB expects modest GDP growth this year

According to the central bank’s forecast, gross domestic product (GDP) may grow at a modest pace in 2020, between 0.3 and 2.0 percent, GDP growth next year will be 3.8-5.1...

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Inflation in Germany hit a three-and-a-half-year low in May

In May, three and a half years ago, the lowest inflation occurred in Germany, according to a report released on Tuesday by the federal statistical office Destatis. According to the...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 2.2 percent in May

In May, consumer prices were on average 2.2 percent higher than a year before. The more moderate rise in the price of services than last year played the largest role...

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