Tag "infláció"
KSH: consumer prices rose by 8.3 percent in February
Date: 2022-03-09 11:45:27
In February, consumer prices were on average 8.3 percent higher than a year earlier. Inflation was last so high in August 2007, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Wednesday....
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Analysts: the acceleration of inflation in February spread a wide range of products
Date: 2022-03-09 11:22:04
A wide range of products and services were characterized by the acceleration in price growth in February, according to analysts commenting on the latest data, stressing that the effects of...
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In January, inflation in the OECD peaked at a nearly 31-year high
Date: 2022-03-07 11:10:39
In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual increase in consumer prices was 7.2 percent in January after 6.6 percent in December. The...
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Russian Retailers Limit Margins On ‘Socially-Important Products’
Date: 2022-03-07 08:50:42
Russian retailers including Magnit, O’Key and Auchan Russia have said that they are voluntarily limiting margins on ‘socially-important’ products, such as bakery, dairy, sugar and some vegetables, at 5%. Domestic...
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The price of cooking oil could increase by 20-25% in the summer
Date: 2022-03-04 12:56:17
The Ukrainian-Russian war is exacerbating global food price inflation. Ukraine is hungary’s number one exporter of cooking oil, but with the war, the export of this sector has also become...
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What about the small gas stations after the gas price stop?
Date: 2022-03-03 11:12:02
It is difficult to decide what is worse: the 600 HUF petrol price prevailing in neighbouring Slovakia, or the fact that many petrol stations at the border are forced to...
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Eurozone inflation hit another record high in February
Date: 2022-03-02 11:09:59
The annual inflation rate in the euro area rose to a new record 5.8 percent in February 2022 from 5.1 percent in January, exceeding the 5.4 percent market expectation based...
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GKI forecasts a slowdown in economic growth
Date: 2022-03-01 10:15:15
In 2021 the Hungarian economy was moving on a better growth path than the annual budget’s expectation had been. At the same time the balance conditions turned much less favourable...
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Inflation in the euro area was at a record high in January
Date: 2022-02-23 11:07:33
Euro area inflation accelerated to a record high in January, while core inflation was the lowest in three months. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, announced on Wednesday that consumer...
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Supply Disruptions Add to Inflation, Undermine Recovery in Europe
Date: 2022-02-18 12:09:08
With supply constraints likely to persist, the challenge for policymakers is to support recovery without allowing high inflation to become entrenched. When countries asked people to stay at home to...
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(HU) Varga Mihály ezt gondolja a következő évek legnagyobb gazdasági kihívásairól
Date: 2022-02-18 10:21:24
Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....
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Mihály Varga: Hungary must be kept at the top of the EU growth rankings
Date: 2022-02-18 10:03:55
In the coming years, Hungary must be kept at the top of the EU growth rankings in order to regain its pre-pandemic development advantage as soon as possible, the Minister...
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UK inflation at record high
Date: 2022-02-17 10:20:36
Uk inflation accelerated to a record high in January. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said on Wednesday that the 12-month Consumer Price Index (CPI), excluding housing costs, rose 5.5...
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(HU) Mennyivel kerül többe jelenleg egy kisebb bevásárlás, mint egy hónappal ezelőtt?
Date: 2022-02-16 11:37:01
Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....
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Strawberries will only be available in horror prices this year
Date: 2022-02-15 11:30:43
On Valentine’s Day, one of the earliest, typically spring fruits, strawberries, appeared in the specialty newspapers of the shops. Tesco has been offering the delicacy cheapest since last Thursday: 399...
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Coffee, Trappist and buns – it’s now brutally expensive
Date: 2022-02-15 11:27:27
The latest inflation figures show that although the list of products selected for the price stop is defensible, the prices of many products popular in Hungary are still skyrocketing. No...
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The lowest inflation of the past four months occured in Germany in January
Date: 2022-02-14 11:02:36
After a nearly thirty-year high in December, inflation in Germany fell to a four-month low in January, the German federal statistics office Destatis announced on Friday. The final value of...
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Hungarian inflation at 2007 heights
Date: 2022-02-11 11:55:31
In January 2022, consumer prices were on average 7.9 percent higher than a year before. Inflation was last higher in August 2007, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Friday....
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MNB: prices in January increased mainly due to higher food prices
Date: 2022-02-11 11:25:15
Inflation rose by 0.5 percentage point month-on-month in January, mainly due to an increase in the price index for food, and to a lesser extent for industrial goods and market...
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UK’s Asda To Roll Out Value Ranges In All Stores
Date: 2022-02-08 08:10:32
Asda will put its lowest price food ranges in all its stores after poverty campaigner Jack Monroe criticised British supermarkets for cutting back their budget ranges. With UK consumer price...
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Inflation in the OECD is at a 30-year high
Date: 2022-02-04 11:19:03
In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the annual increase in consumer prices was 6.6 percent in December after 5.9 percent in November. The...
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Inflation in the euro area was record high in January
Date: 2022-02-02 11:10:39
Instead of the expected decline, euro area inflation accelerated to another record in January, according to a preliminary report released by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office, on Tuesday; however,...
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Solvency stagnated in the second half of 2021
Date: 2022-02-01 11:59:38
Compared to the previous year, the solvency of the Hungarian population improved in the last quarter, but stagnation was characteristic of the whole of 2021, according to Intrum data....
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Hungarians are less afraid of COVID and more afraid of inflation
Date: 2022-01-27 12:43:01
A series of ipsos what worries the world research revealed that as a result of the trend that turned around last November, the coronavirus is once again the most preoccupied...
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The IMF has worsened this year’s, but improved next year’s global economic growth forecast
Date: 2022-01-25 11:10:39
The global economy is growing 0.5 percentage points slower than expected last October, by 4.4 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) revised World Economic Outlook (WEO)...
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Record inflation emerged in the euro area in December
Date: 2022-01-20 11:02:09
According to preliminary data, a record high annual consumer price index occured in the euro area in December, according to a quarterly report from Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office....
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K&H: Companies have also been hit by inflation
Date: 2022-01-20 10:55:33
Although large companies have typically already incorporated the impact of monetary deterioration into their prices, more than half of firms have difficulty with high inflation. According to the K&H Enterprise...
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British inflation is on record
Date: 2022-01-19 11:05:02
Annual inflation in Britain, Europe’s largest non-EU economy, accelerated to a record-breaking highin December. Twelve-month consumer inflation (CPI) excluding housing costs was 5.4 percent last month, up 5.1 percent in...
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Analysts: food and durable goods have raised inflation in December
Date: 2022-01-17 11:45:15
Analysts told MTI that inflation had not slowed last December in spite of expectations. A lot is expected from the January indicator, because the revaluations at the beginning of the...
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KSH: consumer prices rose by 5.1 percent last year
Date: 2022-01-14 11:45:39
Last December, consumer prices were on average 7.4 percent higher than a year earlier, 0.3 percent higher than a month earlier and up 5.1 percent year-on-year, the Central Statistical Office...
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