Tag "HR"

Wellbeing Association: Workplace “well-being” – natural in the wider world, even less important at home

Nowadays, not only a stable, secure income is one of the main determinants of a good workplace. It is important for more and more employees to feel good in their...

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K&H: the minority of working young people expect a wage increase that exceeds inflation

There are still a majority of young people who are generally dissatisfied with their lives in terms of several factors – for example, work or study, housing situation, financial security...

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Randstad leader: Every tenth company is planning downsizing, many are announcing layoffs

The economic situation is difficult, only 38 percent of the companies plan to increase the number of employees, while 49 percent do not plan to change. At the same time,...

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Rossmann won the Best Workplace award

“We are happy about all awards and recognition, however, what really gives us pleasure is the anonymous, positive feedback of our employees. Since the emergence of the coronavirus, the drugstore...

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The labor market revived – the number of job applications increased by 25 percent

By autumn, the domestic labor market revived: the pace of job searches started significantly. In total, the number of applications submitted for advertisements increased by 25 percent compared to the...

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Profession.hu: the majority of domestic companies plan to raise wages next year

After the typically optimistic attitude in 2021, Hungarian companies expect a larger proportion of economic downturn next year this year, but half of the companies still expect growth in 2023....

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GKI: “Is cheap labor still one of the bases of our competitiveness today?” – on the margin of a myth

The phrase in the title as a question came out as a statement from the mouth of the MKIK president. What is true about this? According to economic theory, the...

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A third of employees are worried about the livelihood crisis

Companies not only have to deal with rampant inflation and skyrocketing utility bills in the deteriorating economic environment, but they also have to pay more attention to their employees than...

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Job search and wage transparency are also supported by Profession.hu’s new campaign

The campaign launched on October 17 serves a dual purpose: with its intense presence and content that is expected to influence the public discourse, it also motivates previously passive job...

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Utility allowance of a quarter of a billion at Rossmann

In November and December, the drugstore chain provides financial support to all colleagues in two installments in the amount of HUF 70,000 to HUF 120,000. “In recent years and this...

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WHC Group: for the time being, there is no noticeable decline in temporary employment

According to recent news, even at the highest levels of the government, unemployment is expected to rise sharply in the coming period, but there is still no sign of this...

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GE Women’s Network: gender equality in the workplace is important

In the current economic and market environment, it is also an important task for companies to provide employees with the support they need to perform their work to the best...

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Payment discipline in Hungary fell to the level of 2015

After an improving trend until 2019, the proportion of late payments and bad debts increased significantly as a result of the pandemic and the energy crisis. Exactly 76% of bills...

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Generation Z and X employees are the most dissatisfied

Managers are too optimistic about the happiness of their employees, according to the latest research by the Capgemini Research Institute. Based on a survey involving 750 managers and 1,500 employees,...

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Half of the employees in the private sector are dissatisfied with their salary

The effects of economic difficulties on the labor market are only gradually and delayed. 49 percent of employees working for companies are dissatisfied with their salary, and 52 percent plan...

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A turnaround is expected in the labor market, but its extent is not yet visible

This summer, companies scaled back the intensity of their recruitment, but there is still no noticeable change in the labor market. There were fewer job advertisements this year in the...

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Profession.hu: fluctuation in the labor market is not always bad

The decision-making process of the HR profession has changed significantly in recent years, and changes in the economic environment typically affect the industry quickly and significantly. The epidemic situation, record...

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Jobtain: This is worth knowing about the foreign workforce working for us

The labor shortage in our country is breaking records compared to the last five years. According to KSH data, 2022. II. a total of 98,648 vacancies were available in the...

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It’s official: from now on, employees have more free time

The European Union guidelines aimed at balancing private life and work must be applied by all member states from August. However, it is not only for this reason that it...

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Scary data shows that employee morale needs to improved

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Auchan was the first FMCG store chain to receive an accessibility certificate

In the corporate culture of Auchan Hungary, social responsibility, solidarity and cooperation are prominent. Employing people with disabilities (MMK) is one of the cornerstones of the company’s HR and CSR...

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(HU) Hosszú távon velünk marad a távmunka

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Magazine: Dr László Szűcs: “Digitalisation must and can be learned”

Trade magazin’s Business Podcast, Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó continues In the latest episode of the Future Talks podcast Dr László Szűcs, a lawyer with PwC Legal, was Szilvia Krizsó’s...

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Baker McKenzie: It is easier to give jobs to Ukrainian refugees

The employment of war refugees from Ukraine is in some cases easier in Hungary, and companies can also receive support after the workers, says Baker McKenzie, an international law firm...

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(HU) 66 százalékkal több az álláshirdetés idén, mint tavaly ilyenkor

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(HU) Jelentős munkaerőhiánnyal küzdenek a Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyei gyártócégek

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95% of job advertisements do not include pay, even though it would mean up to 1.5 times more applicants

Due to the shortage of labour, it is a long-standing trend that due to the shortage of employees, it requires increasing investment of strength on the part of companies, in...

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As a result of the acquisition, WHC will become one of the largest HR players in Central Europe

The 100% Hungarian-owned WHC Group has acquired a majority stake in Heads Adriatic, one of the dominant HR companies in the Adriatic region. The WHC Group, founded in Zalaegerszeg in...

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The blue-collar labour market has been disrupted.

Wages have increased significantly, emigration has again reached pre-pandemic levels, while increasingly unrealistic demands have appeared among applicants. This poses a serious challenge for employers if they want to acquire...

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JYSK significantly increases its workforce

JYSK will create 300 new jobs at its ecseri regional distribution centre, which will be built with an investment of 200 million euros, the home furnishings chain told MTI on...

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