Tag "HR"

The winners of the Randstad Award 2024 employer branding have been announced

Based on a comprehensive survey among Hungarian employees, this year Lufthansa Systems Hungária Kft. was chosen as the most attractive employer in the IT category. Hungary’s most popular employers were...

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What motivates student workers?

The opportunity to earn money is the most important motivation in the lives of students who take up work, the vast majority of whom have already heard, worked or are...

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Unusual Mother’s Day: when moms didn’t go shopping to Tesco

A total of nearly 2,800 parents, of whom around 2,200 are mothers, work at Tesco with children under the age of 18. Primarily, the company helps them and those planning...

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Changes in the Labor Market and Business Decision-Making Based on the IOM World Migration Report 2024

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) World Migration Report 2024 has unveiled significant data concerning global migration trends and challenges, which are particularly important for business decision-makers. The report emphasizes...

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BNI: it is difficult to reintegrate mothers with young children into the labor market

Women still have to meet conflicting expectations regarding starting a family and getting a job, which not only complicates their situation, but also takes away significant resources in terms of...

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Randstad Employer Brand Research: we have the 2024 most attractive domestic employers

For the eleventh time, the most popular employers in our country were honored with the Randstad Award. According to the opinion of Hungarian employees, this year LEGO is the most...

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K&H youth index: Young people do not feel their jobs are stable

According to the K&H youth index, the proportion of young people who considered their jobs stable in the first quarter of this year was 47 percent, which is a relatively...

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Grant Thornton survey: Flexibility and an inclusive work environment can help retain accountants

Not only recruitment, but also retention poses serious challenges to employers in the financial and accounting sector. Finding and hiring the right specialist is only the initial step for employers....

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Can people under 25 really earn more than older workers?

The tax discount for those under 25, introduced two years ago, is still the subject of debate: according to some, it had a motivating force and activated young workers, while...

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Trenkwalder: the average hourly wage of manual workers exceeded HUF 2,000 in the first quarter

In the first quarter, the average gross hourly wage of skilled and trained workers performing physical work was HUF 2,061, which is a 15.9 percent increase compared to the HUF...

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The current labor market situation favors companies ready to expand

here is still an active presence of employees in the domestic labor market. As in the previous quarter, nearly 20% more applications were made in the first three months of...

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It turned out how productive Hungarian companies are

We need to prepare for hybrid working in the longer term: more than a third of Hungarian white-collar workers work from home for at least one or two days –...

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Sándor Czomba: the proportion of guest workers is low, jobs cannot be taken away from Hungarians

Hungary belongs to the Hungarians, it is only possible to temporarily stay and work in our country for the purpose and legal title determined by the Hungarian state, and if...

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Employee turnover has moderated, but it does not bring relief

At the national level, employee turnover decreased significantly, decreasing to 28 percent last year, from 33 percent a year earlier. However, companies can’t breathe a sigh of relief, because this...

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KSH: The number of foreign guest workers in Hungary has increased

According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the number of foreign guest workers in Hungary increased significantly in 2023. In the publication Helyzetkép, 2023 – Labor...

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Márton Nagy: more and more people want to work in Hungary

More and more people want to work in Hungary, said Minister of National Economy Márton Nagy on Saturday in his presentation at the Tranzit spring conference entitled Year of Elections...

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RANDSTAD Workmonitor: What motivates employees?

Randstad asked 27,000 employees from 34 countries about what is important to them in the world of work and what they expect from their employer. The latest Workmonitor survey reveals...

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A quarter of the companies increase the amount intended for fringe benefits

At the beginning of the year, fewer employers scheduled salary increases for this year than last year, and although there are still a majority (63%) who plan to increase wages,...

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Unnecessary meetings and poorly saved documents make life miserable for domestic office workers

Among other things, Hungary’s first nationwide representative productivity research looked for answers to what factors hinder the daily work of domestic white-collar workers, which can even lead to burnout. Many...

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Help for career starters: we can sit at a table with the country’s most successful professionals

The country’s best-known public figures share their experiences with talented young people at the Mentor Evening of the Generation of Future Builders (JÉG). The organization prepares the professionals of the...

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Sándor Czomba: the number of job seekers has never been so low

The number of registered jobseekers is at a thirty-year low, this data has never been so low, which means that a significant number of people are looking for and finding...

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Wages will continue to rise this year, which is a huge challenge for companies

The majority of companies are preparing for a wage increase this year. However, it can be clearly seen from the employers that it is a huge challenge for them to...

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The unemployment rate rose to 4.7%

In the three months between December 2023 and February 2024, the number of employed people (age group 15-74) was 4,721,000, 31,000 more than a year earlier. The number of people...

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More companies feel that they are in a more stable financial situation than last year

Companies are more optimistic about the year ahead than they were last year. A greater proportion feel that they can count on a secure financial situation this year: while in...

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This is how the labor market will be in 2024: how many applications will an average job seeker submit?

Active job seekers are prepared for their job search: applicants prepare for a job interview by writing down questions, making sketches and reviewing the company, most of whom submit their...

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Half of the employees would change, and almost a third of the job seekers would leave their careers

On the domestic labor market, almost every second employee is looking for a new job or is waiting for a good opportunity to come his way and change. Nearly a...

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Shared company bikes and mini offices in the workplace – could this be the future?

First came the open-plan workplaces, then the communal offices, and then the alternately used desks. At the same time, online storage facilities and other digital systems that can be managed...

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Almost half of women do not return to their original workplace after maternity leave

Four out of ten women returning from maternity leave found themselves in a situation where their employer did not take them back, even though this would be mandatory under current...

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The Hungarian Red Cross and the Coca-Cola Global Foundation support more than 90 disadvantaged women with education

With the support of The Coca-Cola Foundation and the professional management of Hungary’s largest humanitarian organization, the Hungarian Red Cross, the initiative to help train disadvantaged women, announced last year...

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More people hope for a raise than they expect to receive

Last year, only half of the employees expected a wage settlement, while in the end nearly three quarters of the employers decided in favor of it – this ratio has...

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