Tag "home office"
Research: telecommuting remains with us after the easenings
Date: 2020-05-21 11:25:39
Hungarian companies are cautious about reopening their offices, and most managers want to incorporate the telecommuting solutions introduced during the pandemic and proven since then, according to a recent survey...
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Working from home can be dangerous
Date: 2020-05-11 11:10:24
In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, it is good to hear that, thanks to the digital age, people can work from home in the same way as if they were...
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How to avoid overtime under the Home Office
Date: 2020-04-28 11:10:10
Working hours have increased since the beginning of the crisis. This means that in such a difficult period, we can easily take longer working hours from home. The situation can...
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Wholesale shopping is radically transforming
Date: 2020-04-24 11:50:24
The continuous spread of the coronavirus epidemic and the restrictions imposed in the name of protection have significantly reshaped everyday life, to which everyone is trying to adapt – hellovidek.hu...
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That’s why we suffer in home office
Date: 2020-04-24 11:09:46
The social distancing measures that have recently been introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic, have forced many people to work from home; for many of them this will be the...
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The impact of coronavirus on online shopping
Date: 2020-04-02 11:38:11
The effects of the coronavirus have also quickly emerged on the demand and supply side of the market in online commerce. Árukereső.hu, Hungary’s most visited product and price comparison site,...
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This will pass, too!
Date: 2020-04-02 08:55:42
Today my sister-in-law sent me a story that had been written by one of her colleagues. It is about a king, who was in big trouble once and the sentence in...
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As population works from home, Walmart reports increased sales for tops but not pants
Date: 2020-03-31 08:10:54
In the age of social distancing, working from home has become the new normal. But coronavirus quarantine has led to an interesting trend in fashion: sales for tops are up,...
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Labour law information for hospitality businesses
Date: 2020-03-15 13:06:40
During the pandemic emergency and for a 30-day period after it ended: 1. employers can modify the work schedule any time, 2. employers can order home office or remote work...
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(HU) Koronavírus a munkahelyen: ezek a főbb szabályok
Date: 2020-03-09 21:32:03
Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....
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