Tag "hirdetések"

(HU) Két év börtönbüntetés jár Nagy-Britanniában az impulzusvásárlásra ösztönző hirdetésekért

People responsible for misleading ‘buy now, pay later’ adverts could face two years in prison, Britain’s financial watchdog warned on Friday as it told firms offering the loans to stop...

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The GVH has published information on advertisements targeting children

The Economic Competition Office (GVH) has issued a leaflet about advertisements aimed at children to alert advertisers to potential infringements – GVH announced on Friday. It is illegal for children...

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Advertising Cake 2018: Trust in print is still strong

The 2018 advertising cake was presented on 27 February 2019 at a press conference organized by professional organizations, where Kovács Tibor, president of the MLE, presented the results of the...

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NMHH research: we see hundreds of product placements a day

On average, hundreds of product placements can be seen on TV every day on the national trade channels, according to a survey of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH)...

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Although it is more expensive, the majority of the small companies say it is worth to advertise on Facebook

Although the number of the free advertising opportunities are decreasing on the Facebook pages, the majority of firms say it is worth to advertise on Facebook – the latest research...

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