Tag "háztartási gépek"

It’s hard to choose a good home appliance

The real cost of a new household appliance or electronic device does not depend on the price tag. If we want to make a good decision in the long run,...

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Will artificial intelligence take over our home appliances?

Online people who don’t even exist in reality, music created with two clicks and mind-reading smartphones – in recent times we have been given an almost frightening insight into what...

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New trends in the home appliance market: minimalism and functionality are in the foreground

Since August, nearly 50 percent of OMV Hungária’s filling stations have already been powered by solar panels. As a result of the investment, the wells will produce energy corresponding to...

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Recent research: Hungarians buy these household appliances

Hungarians are extremely price-sensitive when it comes to buying household appliances: they only buy new ones if the old one is broken, and the most important factors when buying are...

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Research: between 50,000 and 200,000 household items spent in the past year

Hungarians regularly bought household appliances during the second and third waves of the pandemic, but four out of ten only sold new products for between FIFTY and two hundred thousand...

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New energy labels on household appliances from March

The time has come: the new energy labels must be interpreted from March. The EU drew attention to the change last year, but in addition to the new labels that...

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New energy labels are coming for household appliances

When planning to buy a home appliance, don’t be surprised to see new types of labels and even significantly lower category classifications than before. This is because they are replacing...

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Euronics donates 300 household appliances to Hungarian healthcare institutions fighting COVID-19

The Hungarian-owned Euronics Technical Store Chain donates 150 large household appliances (50 refrigerators, 50 washing machines and 50 dryers) and 150 Dyras small appliances to institutions, hospitals and ambulance centers...

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Explore LG TVs with the Google Assistant built-in

LG AI (Artificial Intelligence) ThinQ® TVs with the Google Assistant built-in allow you to seamlessly select your favorite programs, ask questions, and control compatible smart home devices. Using intelligent voice...

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ITM: 5 billion HUF support for household appliances replacement

The home-warming home appliance replacement tender of the Home Heat program, contributes to the modernization of the energy efficiency of more than 115 thousand Hungarian households with a non-refundable grant...

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ITM Minister of State: 119,000 applications were received for household appliance replacement

The home warmth household appliance replacement program has received 119,000 applications, of which 40,000 have been criticized and all have received support – Weingartner Balázs, Minister of State of the...

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The support documents of the home appliance replacement program to arrive until March

Until the beginning of March, all applicants will receive the support documents for the Home Appliance Replacement subprogram of the Home Heat Program – the Minister of State of the...

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Twenty thousand application winners are expected for the Home Warmth Program

The first beneficiaries of this year’s Home Warmth Program have received their sponsorship document. MediaMarkt is preparing for the program with a significant increase in stock, as the state contribution...

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GfK: the household appliances market is increasing with double-digit for three years now

GfK’s in-store sales figures show that the household appliances market has been developing dynamically in the past three years. The refridgerator and the washing machine exchange programs played a huge...

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GfK: the market for technical consumer goods grew by more than 10 percent

The sales of durable technical goods increased by 10.6 percent in Hungary in this year's second quarter, compared to the same period of last year. The total turnover amounted to...

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GfK: slowing the growth of long-term technical goods market

The sales of durable technical goods increased by 3.0 percent in this year's third quarter compared to the same period of the last year in Hungary. The total turnover amounted...

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GfK: The market of Hungarian technical products increased at the end of the year as well

The sales of long-term technical articles reached a 9.5 percent increase during the fourth quarter of 2014, compared to the same period of 2013. The total sales turnover in the...

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