Tag "hamburger"

Horse Jaw – Picture of the Day

The hamburger of the day reminded us of Erich Kästner’s horse on roller skates from May 35, but maybe even that wasn’t so good....

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Annual sales of 300,000 hamburgers ensure the survival of 700 gray cattle

Its ancestors may have arrived in the Carpathian basin with the conquering Hungarians, and it nearly died out in the 1960s. Kenyeres Birtok, which owns more than 15 percent of...

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The biggest burger of all time is coming from McDonald’s

McDonald’s has announced that they will soon launch a bigger-than-ever hamburger, which will first be tested in only a few selected countries. According to Ian Borden, the company’s chief financial...

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Hamburger can cause memory loss

Fast food can cause long-term memory loss in teenagers, according to new research. According to research from the University of Southern California, regular consumption of high-fat and high-sugar fast food...

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K&H: three thousand forints is not enough for two hamburgers today, two years ago it was three

“Child inflation” slowed further, but it is still 8 percent on an annual basis. The price of the product basket, compiled based on children’s consumption habits, increased by that much....

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National research on the big firsts of our lives was commissioned by the Hungarian McDonald’s

According to more than two-thirds of Hungarians, first love is the most memorable life event – a nationwide survey revealed. The importance of human relationships is obvious: in addition to...

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For my birthday! – Video of the day

The 35th birthday montage film of the Hungarian McDonald’s was made by György Pálfi from hundreds of video recordings and photos of guests and employees, and the music was composed...

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Robotic burger grilling – Video of the day

The Japanese company Aniai has mechanized the baking process of making hamburgers – it’s good to see! Click on the picture for the video!...

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McDonald’s is closing a successful quarter

McDonald’s quarterly results beat expectations, and the fast-food chain increased its profits and turnover, while expanding its product range and keeping prices low at a time of high inflation are...

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The live hamburger – Video of the day

Well, there is such a thing…...

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Beef burger branding – Video of the day

In our opinion, blogging is a smarter (and cheaper in the long run) branding of a food truck’s hamburger than any logoed packaging material. And even more internet-like!...

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K&H: the price of cocoa snails and hamburgers has skyrocketed

The sharp rise in prices of everyday products used by children continues – according to the K&H children’s inflation basket. The basket, which includes children’s shoes, yogurt, orange juice and...

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Food order: pizza and hamburgers are the most popular

Most of us think of pizza in the morning, noon and evening when it comes to hot food home delivery, and we mostly ordered baked goods, milk and water from...

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The hamburger of Hungary is coming up!

On a late summer, early fall day, groups of friends and families who like hamburgers, quality meat, and outdoor grilling can take part in a real social experience and outdoor...

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Burger King Austria now Asks Customers, ‘Regular or With Meat?’

Burger King Austria is continuing the chain’s introduction of plant-based menu items around the world with a new campaign to promote the burgers, which will be positioned as “the new normal” on...

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New book by Péntek Csaba available soon

“We all want to live in a healthier, more peaceful and more sustainable world. For this, we are looking for various methods, although one of the simplest solutions is on...

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(HU) Sajtot lövellő hamburger – A nap videója

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(HU) Burger és zsemle, mint két kicsi lego – A nap képe

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(HU) Ha otthon csinálsz hamburgert, az a legegyszerűbb legyen!

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Cinematic Burger – Video of the day


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Magazine: Highway food

In the last 4-5 years changing consumer needs resulted in a higher quality of food and services in roadside restaurants. Our magazine has recently discussed how the operators of major...

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A twelve thousand calorie hamburger is served at a British pub

A ten-story, 12,000-calorie burger is served in a pub in Durham, England – The Guardian British Daily wrote. Photo: infostart.hu The Big Ben Number 10 meal, which costs 28.95 pounds...

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McDonald’s buys lettuce from Balástya

Becsey vegetable farm in Balástya is selling lettuce to McDonald’s restaurants in Hungary and other European countries. They produce more than 1,000 tons of lettuce a year and have been...

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McDonald’s offers new contracts for its employees

McDonald’s offers 115,000 UK workers on controversial zero-hours contracts the option of moving to fixed contracts with a minimum number of guaranteed hours every week – the Guardian wrote. The...

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Zing to become a franchise network – the Hungarian burger chain would expand in Central Europe

The popular Hungarian burger chain, the Zing to be a franchise network. The Hungarian burger chain would expand in Central Europe. The owners of the We love Beef Kft. –...

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Hamburger made of plants

In a few months, burgers made of plants will roll out at a New York City restaurant. They’re still picking which restaurant, an Impossible Foods employee said, though the company...

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