Tag "gyümölcstermesztés"

Climate change is a major threat to apricots

Apricots are very popular among Hungarians, as it would be difficult to find a household where a bottle of jam, canned food, compote or a bottle of peach brandy is...

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European apple stocks are almost 7 percent higher than a year before

Thanks to the favorable harvest, there are almost 7 percent more apples in European reservoirs than a year ago, according to a news release published on Thursday by the FruitVeB...

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This year, 885 hectares of new apple orchards can be planted

In the plantation planting program, 885 hectares of new apple orchards can be planted in Hungary this year, the Minister of Agriculture declared in Nagykálló, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, on Thursday. Nagy...

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The Csengeri Apple Days have opened

It is no coincidence that nowhere else in Europe is there such a high level of support for the rural development program as in Hungary, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István...

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Poor plum yields may come in Germany

According to a recent forecast from the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the volume of domestic apple production this year will be around 937 thousand tons, which is 2 percent...

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The production of hard-shell fruits is declining

The representatives of the Hard-Shell Fruit Committee of FEPEX (the main associations of producers and distributors in Spain), confirmed that this year’s production will decrease by at least 15% compared...

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A food and nutrition supplementing plant is being built in Nagykálló, Szabolcs

The Kiskertészek Zöldség- és Gyümölcstermelői Kft. is building a food and nutrition supplement plant in Nagykálló, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, laying the foundation stone of the more than 437 million HUF EU-funded...

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Hungary is a major exporter of sour cherries

One third of the world’s sour cherries are produced by the EU, with nearly 80 percent produced by Poland, Hungary and Germany – magro.hu reports. Hungary is the world’s largest...

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The closed garden revitalization program will start again this year

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announces a closed garden revitalization program. The municipal governments and their consortias may apply for a non-refundable grant within the 2 billion HUF...

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The program to renew the closed gardens has been restarted

With the amount of two billion forints, this year, the Closed Garden Renewal Program will be re-launched – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said in Oszkó, Vas County. The program...

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Eurostat: Fruits are grown on nearly 36.3 thousand hectares in Hungary

In Hungary, fruit was produced on 36.3 thousand hectares in 2017. In the European Union (EU) fruit trees covered nearly 1.3 million hectares of land, two thirds of which were...

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OTP: fruit and vegetable production could be made more successful with development

According to the experts of OTP agro business, the strengthening of cooperation, the rationalization of subsidies and the development of infrastructure could make domestic fruit and vegetables more secure and...

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Europe-wide shortage of apricots

This year a shortage can occur of apricot throughout Europe – magyaridok.hu wrote. The Hungarian production is far below the usual level, but farmers in the most significant regions of...

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FruitVeb: it is expected that 700-750 thousand tons of apples to be grown this year

Hungarian producers expect to harvest 700-750 thousand tons of apples this year, which is 20-30 percent more than the previous year’s harvest – Domján Erika, managing director of the FruitVeb...

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Agricultural Chamber: pear yields will be 15 percent more this year

According to the preliminary data, pear yields will be 15 percent more ie 38 thousand tonnes this year. The quality seems to be good – the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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The European vegetable sector is in a huge crisis

According to the European Association of Vegetable and Fruits Producers (PROFEL), farmers have not experienced a similar crisis over the past 40 years. The drought continued in July, so yields...

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Agrarian Chamber: this year the apricot crop may not reach 10 thousand tons

Apricots are grown on about 5,000 hectares in Hungary, with 30,000 tons per year on average. This year, due to spring frosts, the volume of annual crops will significantly reduce,...

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Product council: the quality and quantity of the Érd cherry deteriorated due to weather conditions

Due to the weather, the quality and quantity of the Érd cherry declined – according to the FruitVeB Vegetables and Fruit Producing Interprofessional Organization and Product Board. In its report...

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Agricultural Chamber: the production value of horticulture can be doubled

The production value of the Hungarian horticultural industry is about 400 billion HUF annually, which can be increased by up to 800 billion HUF through modernization, rationalization of regulation and...

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Product Council: about 500-550 thousand tons of apple yield is expected this year

Due to the spring frosts, the lack of rain and the warm weather of the past one and a half months this year, only about 500-550 thousand tons of apple...

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Agricultural Chamber: plum yield will be about 62 thousand tons this year

Approximately 62,000 tons of plums are expected in Hungary this year, this is about half, third of the amount of the early 1990s – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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FruitVeB: Hungarian apple production is in a bad situation

The Hungarian apple production is in a bad situation, for example, there is a large annual fluctuation in yields, the proportion of industrial apples is large within the whole crop,...

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FM: the development of vegetable and fruit growing is an important task

The development of vegetable and fruit growing is an important task – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday in Bősárkány, Győr-Moson-Sopron County. Nagy...

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This year’s sour cherry yield can be around 60-65 thousand tons

This year’s sour cherry yield will be weaker than the average, about 60-65 thousand tons – the FruitVeB and ÉKASZ told MTI on Tuesday. According to the most recent summary...

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The largest fruit farmer in Békés County expects a good season

The largest fruit farmer in Békés County expects a good season, because winter frosts did not cause major frost damages in plantations – the managing director of the Hunapfel Kft....

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Apricot growers may close a successful season

The harvest of apricots is close to completion. Experts expect a good crop both in quantity and quality. The apricot-growing areas were not affected by the frosts at end of...

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The April cooling caused havoc in the orchards

Due to the past few weeks’ morning cool downs a massive damage have occurred in the orchards. Mostly strawberries have suffered in the frost. The bad weather at the end...

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FruitVeB: the current weather does not cause major problems for a while

The current relatively warm weather does not cause problem for a while in the cultivation of vegetables or orchards – the Chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation...

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Horticulture Subcommittee: Hungarian apricot production is in danger

The Hungarian apricot production is at risk in, because last year, several plantations significantly damaged. At the Gönci region the destruction rate of trees amounted to 30-40 percent, and this...

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FruitVeB: the current weather does not cause major problems

The current weather – relatively warm and rainy – still does not cause major problems in the cultivation of vegetables or orchards – the Chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and...

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