Tag "grillsajt"

Hajdú blueberry-jalapeños grilling cheese 240 g

Every year Kőröstej seeks to win the favour of consumers with new, special products and flavours. This year is no different: many will surely be delighted to taste blueberry-jalapeños Hajdú...

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Grilling cheese didn’t go up in smoke

The average price of grilling cheese is much higher (nearly twice as much) than the average cheese price, so it is no wonder that last year’s buying backlash hit the...

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Grill cheese seasoned with Kotányi spices

Constant development and striving for excellence have created Szarvasi Agrár Zrt.’s new GMO-free grill cheese products flavoured with Kotányi spice mixes. Besides the plain, basil, bear’s garlic and chilli variants,...

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Barbecue season on a low flame

In a little more than a year and half, meat prices got 1.5 times bigger, and while the VAT on raw meat is just 5%, there is still a 27%...

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Magazine: Will this year’s barbecue season go up in smoke?

Jens Hillebrand, managing director of Trade Group Europe Kft.: “During the pandemic there was an upturn in the grill product market, but we are pessimistic about this year’s season: growing...

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Magazine: Cheese can also be enjoyed hot

Cheese sales grew dynamically (by 6 percent in volume and 12 percent in value) last year. There were several reasons behind this trend – one of these is that the...

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Outdoor fun

What will this year’s barbecue season be like? Well, this time it not only depends on the weather, but also on the pandemic situation. Gábor Zab, domestic sales director of...

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New Mizo grill cheese

With the new Mizo grill cheese products it takes just a few minutes to prepare a delicious summer lunch or dinner. They can be bought in plain and herb versions....

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Magazine: Changes are around the corner in the cheese category

Spring was a turbulent period for the cheese category too: sales were flying high in March but they plunged in April. Mariann Nagy, sales development manager of Savencia Fromage &...

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In the land of the grill

Last summer was hot, so the barbecue season was successful, but nothing is sure about this season. Ágnes Kalácska, marketing and sales manager of Bonafarm Zrt. told our magazine that...

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Hajdú grilled cheese spiced with orange and black pepper

The orange-black pepper spice mix used in the product also contains a bit of ginger, so that the new, limited edition grill cheese offers an even hotter taste experience on...

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MIZO grill cheese

Mizo Grill Cheese is the new product in the Mizo range. It can form the firm basis of a quick lunch or dinner. Mizo Grill Cheese is tasty and it...

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SPAR is prepared for the barbecue season

As spring weather comes, there is a sharp increase in demand for barbecue products at SPAR. SPAR is also expanding the range of meat products, seasoned and matured meats, meat...

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Magazine: The barbecue grills are already sizzling

Although manufacturers do their best to offer alternatives for the autumn-winter period, barbecues have remained a spring-summer thing, so the category of grill products is very much seasonal and sales...

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Nielsen: Barbecue sausage is the hit product of the garden parties

The market for barbecue products is incresing significantly between May and August. The turnover of both grilled sausages and grilled cheese reached a double-digit growth in value between February 2017...

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New grill cheese in the Hajdú assortment

In May Kőröstej group’s Hajdú brand puts a new grill cheese product on the market. The new cheese is softer and lighter than any other product in the portfolio. Owner...

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The barbecue season brings billions of HUF in turnover

The barbecue season is a billion HUF business. The demand also grows towards related food and non-food products – origo wrote after Világgazdaság. The annual turnover of grilled sausages, spices...

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Hajdú launches a new grilling cheese line

The Kőröstej Group’s Hajdú brand introduces a new, lighter grilling cheese. The cheese introduced under the Levante style name can easily be tried by dieters because of its lightness. From...

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