Tag "GKI konjunktúraindex"

In June, the GKI economic index rose slightly

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutátó – with the support of the EU – the business sector became more optimistic in June, but the prospects of the population...

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The economic index of GKI decreased in April

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in April, both the business world and the population reported somewhat less favorable prospects...

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In March, the GKI economic index rose by 3 points

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in March, the business world and the population reported slightly more favorable prospects...

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In February, the economic index of GKI decreased by 3 points

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in February, business expectations changed only within the margin of error, but the...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index stagnated in October

In October consumer expectations improved markedly, while business prospects deteriorated a little, according to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research, with the support of the EU. This article is...

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In November, the GKI economic index rose slightly

In November, consumers are somewhat more pessimistic and the business world somewhat more optimistic about the near future than they were in October, according to the results of a survey...

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Felfelé kúszott augusztusban a GKI konjunktúraindex

Augusztusban az elmúlt öt hónap legmagasabb értékét érte el a GKI konjunktúraindex, melyet a GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. készített el az EU támogatásával. A felmérésből kiderült, hogy a magyar üzleti és lakossági várakozások...

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Dr. Törőcsik Mária: Megatrendek testközelben

A Trade magazin 2023-ban is megrendezte Business Dinner rendezvényét. A délutáni szakmai programban kapott helyet dr. Törőcsik Mária közgazdásznak, a PTE Marketing és Turizmus Intézete egyetemi tanárának expozéja, aki az...

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After the plunge in April, the GKI economic sentiment index climbed a little in May

Although the GKI economic sentiment index rose in May compared to April, it couldn’t reach the level of March. Business expectations remained worse than in March, despite an improvement in...

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(HU) GKI: Júniusban év eleji szintre esett vissza a GKI konjunktúraindexe

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Let’s be positive: maybe the nadir is behind us

In January GKI’s economic sentiment index has been increasing for three months, even if the growth was very little. With the exception of building and construction, every sector became more...

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Lower demand is now a bigger problem in certain sectors than labour shortage

In October GKI’s economic sentiment index has been decreasing for six months, but this time the plunge of the consumer confidence index wasn’t the main reason: the big drop in...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index hardly changed in September

August was the fourth consecutive month when business and consumer expectations were worsening. This trend continued for consumer expectations in September, but business expectations improved a little. GKI Economic Research’s...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index decreased in July, but at a slower pace

GKI’s economic sentiment index dropped to a more than one year low in July. A survey conducted by GKI Economic Research has found that business expectations dropped 8 points since...

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Magazine: Slower growth, faster inflation, Eastern closure

On 29 March GKI published its latest forecast, which doesn’t predict the escalation of the war in Ukraine but doesn’t rule it out either. There can be serious disturbances in...

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Big drop in GKI’s consumer confidence index in November

GKI’s economic sentiment index went down a little in November. In the business world every sector became a bit more optimistic, especially retail trade: the index went above the pre-pandemic...

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In April GKI’s business confidence index neared the pre-recession level

GKI’s business confidence index got close to the last March level in April 2021 There has never been this big a surge from one month to another as this April....

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GKI’s economic sentiment index started the year with a noticable increase

KI’s economic sentiment index rose markedly in January. Although it reached its highest level since the start of the pandemic, it offset only just over half of its April fall....

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GKI’s economic sentiment index did not reach its level of the beginning of this summer in November

GKI’s economic sentiment index fell sharply in November, falling below its level in early summer. According to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research Co. with the support of the...

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GKI forecasts a 7-percent GDP drop for 2020

After the 6.1 percent decrease in the GDP in the first half of 2020, for the second half of the year, GKI forecasts an 8 percent decline in the gross...

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GKI’s consumer confidence index worsened a little in August

After taking a plunge in April, GKI’s consumer confidence index kept growing, although at a slower pace. In this period the index climbed back 60 percent from the April drop....

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Although pessimism declined further in June, it remained very strong

Although the GKI economic sentiment index rose by a larger extent in June than in May, it elimi-nated only a smaller half (44 percent) of its April fall. According to...

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GKI economic sentiment index hardly declined in the first half of March

Surprisingly, the GKI economic sentiment index dropped hardly in March, business expecta-tions worsened slightly, and consumer ones remained unchanged. This is obviously due to the fact that the survey, conducted...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index hits nadir in February

In February the GKI economic sentiment index stayed at the January level, so it was at its lowest point in the last 40 months. Business expectations worsened a little, while...

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Negative turnaround on the housing market while the confidence in the business real estate sector is unbroken

In October of 2019, the GKI real estate indices for Budapest and Hungary stood at 7 and 8 points respectively. Budapest index decreased by 6 points, the national index went...

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GKI’s business confidence index fell in September

The GKI economic sentiment index fell to its two-and-a-half-year low in September, within which business expectations plummeted to their lowest level in the past three years. However, consumer expectations improved...

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After seven months of deterioration, business expectations improved in august

The GKI economic sentiment index rose in August compared to its low of almost two and a half years in July. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI (www.gki.hu)...

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Cheerful statistics, gloomy expectations

According to April-May data, the growth rate of the Hungarian economy started to slow down in the second quarter compared to the record high dynamism of the first quarter. However,...

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(HU) GKI: Hetedik hónapja romlanak az üzleti várakozások

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GKI: Business expectations fell sharply in June

After reaching its two-year low in April and an improvement in May, the GKI economic sentiment index fell to its level of early summer 2017. The deterioration in business expectations...

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