Tag "Gazdasági Versenyhivatal"

GVH: the online Price Monitor will be one year old on Monday

On July 1, it will be one year since the online price monitoring system operated by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) went live, the platform was created by the competition...

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The competition law rules may be seriously tightened

Since mid-March, a remarkable draft law has been circulating in the parliament, which, if passed, could bring about significant changes in the lives of businesses. The government would seriously rewrite...

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Changing consumption habits, changing consumer protection rules

In 2024 the Consumer Protection Act is amended in several points, as consumers need even more protection due to the digitalisation in all areas of sales, transforming consumption habits and...

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The first Hungarian competition law came into force 100 years ago

A century ago, in 1924, Article V of the 1923 Law on Unfair Competition entered into force. On the occasion of the jubilee anniversary, the Economic Competition Authority and the...

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GVH proposes a multilevel sustainability labelling system

Green advertising messages are often unclear and confusing, and a significant proportion of consumers aren’t aware of the exact content and meaning of certain claims and labels – these are...

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Price Monitor now reports the daily prices in 78 product categories

In mid-January, the online Price Monitor system operated by the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) was extended to another 16 product categories. This means that consumers can now compare the daily...

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Norbert Schobert’s company is liquidated

Pursuant to a court order that entered into force a few days ago, liquidation proceedings have begun against Free Group Zrt., the legal successor of Update, whose leader was Norbert...

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Future in the present

For the third time in November, METRO Gastro Academy was the host of the Plant-Powered Perspectives business conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 This year...

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Consumer protection news: what to expect in 2024?

The past period has brought many legislative changes, especially in the area of consumer protection. Zoltán Marosi, co-head of DLA Piper Hungary’s competition law group, gathered the main legislative developments...

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Novelties and maximum fines in the practice of the GVH

As of September 1, 2023, the maximum amount of the fine that can be imposed by the GVH has increased – it was said, among other things, at the business...

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Árfigyelő expects high traffic during the Advent season

Families can save money and time during Christmas bulk shopping by using the online Price Monitor – warns the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) in its announcement on Friday. From the...

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TikTok is regulated by the Economic Competition Authority in order to protect children

The commitment imposed by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) for TikTok may also have a global impact. As a result of an investigation by the Hungarian national competition authority, the...

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Black Friday is upon us – GVH helps businesses learn the right pricing practices

With a new podcast episode, the Economic Competition Authority helps businesses apply appropriate pricing practices. The podcast episode is part of the information campaign of the national competition authority, in...

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GVH president: The Price Monitor protects families

Csaba Balázs Rigó, president of the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), gave a presentation on vulnerable consumer groups at the professional conference of the Consumer Protection Research Group of the Budapest...

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GVH would initiate price competition and protect accommodation providers and consumers in the online accommodation booking market

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) has concluded its accelerated sector investigation on the domestic online accommodation agency and accommodation market. In its draft report, the national competition authority formulated several...

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GM: since the launch of the online price monitor, the average price of the monitored food products has decreased by an average of 6.5 percent

The price monitoring system created as a result of the professional cooperation of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Economic Competition Authority has been supporting the fight against inflation...

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This is how you can use the map store filter function of Price Monitor – GVH also helps with video

Customers can set their favorite stores in advance on the Price Watch page, and they can also do this visually with a map filter. In this way, they can even...

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GVH: the system is continuously developed based on customer suggestions

Less than a month after the popular shopping list function, the online price monitoring system got another important function, in which customers can pre-set their favorite stores on the site,...

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New digital market regulation reaches next phase

The European Union has taken another big step towards implementing the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which entered into force last November. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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They closed a loophole in the Price Monitor

he Economic Competition Office (GVH) and the working group that created the system are constantly developing the online Price Monitor. Thanks to this, retailers who have reduced the price of...

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Here is the shopping list! The new function is now available in the Price Monitor

The online Price Monitor operated by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) has been expanded with a multi-functional, freely compiled and shareable shopping list – this was announced by Balázs Csaba...

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Sustainability with reservations

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. The Hungarian Food Bank Association has been helping people in need for 18 years “For the first time, this year...

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NAK: The ratio of domestic products in stores must be maintained

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy initiated a wide-ranging professional consultation with the food retail players operating in our country. The purpose of the meeting was to ensure that, despite cheap...

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Márton Nagy: the government has halved food inflation compared to its peak

According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the government is increasingly reducing inflation, and in July 2023 the rate of inflation has already dropped to 17.6...

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The GVH is investigating the excessive pricing practices of importers

Within the framework of a complaint procedure, the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) is investigating the excessive pricing of certain foods produced abroad. The competition authority’s experts analyze market behavior related...

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GVH president: since its launch, more than 650,000 people have visited the online price monitoring site

Since its launch on the first of July, more than 650,000 visitors have visited the website of the online price monitor – said the president of the Economic Competition Authority...

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After the approval of the GVH, Mol took over the Szarvasi Biogas Plant

After the approval of the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), the Mol group took over the Szarvasi Biogázüzem. In May, the company concluded an agreement with BayWa AG on the purchase of...

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Shops adrift at the sea of costs

2022 was a difficult year for stores. Amidst the depressing inflation, families kept cutting back their spending month by month in the second half of the year, in terms of...

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GVH: the court approved the competition authority fine imposed on the distributors of Brightwhite tooth whitening

The Metropolitan Court confirmed last year’s decision of the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), in which it imposed a HUF 22 million fine on two companies in the case of Brighwhite,...

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The online price monitoring database is in test mode

The online price monitoring database will be launched on the first of July. On Tuesday, the working group established by the Economic Competition Authority, the Ministry of Economic Development and...

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