Tag "Gabonatermesztők Országos Szövetsége"

Despite the rainy weather, the Hungarian fields have a good harvest

Despite the warm weather and lack of rainfall this spring, according to the harvest results of Talentis Agro Zrt., the quantity and quality of autumn barley is acceptable. The holding...

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Harvesting has begun across the country

The harvest has started all over the country, thanks to the invigorating export, the warehouses are almost empty by now – said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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In alliance with agriculture: MBH Bank responds to the challenges of the market together with professional organizations

MBH Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, the National Association of Grain Growers, the Milk Trade Organization and Product Council, and the FruitVeb...

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Quality seed is the basis of successful crop production

Quality seed – quality crop. The National Chamber of Agriculture and the Inter-Trade Association and Product Council of the Seed Association draw attention to the importance of using metal-sealed seeds....

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The national corn variety experiment of GOSZ-VSZT-NAK has ended, and the results are available

In 2023, the performance of a total of 46 corn hybrids was examined in the post-registration corn variety experiment of the National Association of Grain Growers, the Interprofessional Organization and...

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It’s not worth saving on the metal-sealed seed!

The actors of the domestic seed sector expect a decrease in the use of metal-sealed seeds. The reason behind this is the deterioration of farmers’ liquidity situation, however, the National Chamber...

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This year, GOSZ-VSZT is also helping farmers with objective variety test results

The national post-registration trial of winter wheat and winter cabbage rape has come to an end. The organizers published the results of the objective survey in 2023 in summary publications for...

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Grain growers are confident in a good harvest

Hungarian grain growers are confident of a good harvest, their herds are developing nicely – said the president of the National Association of Grain Growers when asked by MTI. Tamás...

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The national corn post-registration variety trial took place at ten locations

For the sixteenth time in 2022, the National Association of Grain Growers, the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council, and the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics organized the national...

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Extraordinary conditions have developed in field crop production

Extraordinary conditions have arisen in Hungarian arable crop production due to this year’s severe drought and the economic difficulties caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war – emphasized Zsolt Feldman, the State...

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Cereal prices keep increasing

The increase in cereal prices in the world has still not stopped, and it seems that further increases are to be made in Hungary, said Tamás Petőházi, President of the...

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These two crops could be the biggest losers of this year’s drought

Last week’s rains did not eliminate the drought either, according to information received by the National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), rapeseed is in a very bad condition, wheat is...

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Corn hybrids were tested for the tenth time

A total of 28 corn hybrids were tested in the corn post-registration variety experiment of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board, and the National Association of Grain Producers....

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Less but better quality wheat than last year

Farmers expect the wheat harvest to be around 4.5 million tons – less than the usual quantity but better quality. Experts of the Grain Producer’s Association – Hungary (GOSZ) reported...

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The harvest begins

This year's harvest season has started with the winter barley harvest at the end of the week – hvg.hu wrote after Napi Gazdaság. Vancsura József, president of the National Association...

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The future of agriculture

Hungarian daily Világgazdaság organised a conference titled ‘Agriculture of the future – the future of agriculture’ on the most important issues in Hungarian agriculture. György Czerván, secretary of state at...

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