Tag "gabona"

The grain also serves a beneficial purpose

In 2018, more than 5,000 farmers donated in Csongrád County under the Bread of the Hungarians Program. A total of 9,000 kilogrammes of flour could be used for charitable purposes,...

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A granary is being built in Békés County

The Bucsa-based Indiancorn Kft. is building a grain cleaner and seed storage facility on the outskirts of the city for more than one hundred million forints – beol.hu wrote. Thanks...

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Higher yields are expected in Zala County this year

More favorable yields are expected in Zala County this year. According to the estimates of crop yields more wheat, barley and triticale will be produced than last year – the...

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There is plenty of Hungarian grain for export

Similarly to last year, five million tons of wheat production is expected in Hungary this year, and not only the supply of the country is secured, but there is also...

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More and more grain is stored due to the low prices

Due to the persistently low cereal prices, the growers do not want to sell, this is why the storage time and inventories are increasing steadily – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Farmers can...

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Rail Cargo Hungaria is ready to transport grain exports

Rail Cargo Hungaria (RHC) is prepared for the rail transport of Hungarian grain exports, and the company estimates that this year, approximately 825 thousand tons of grain will be exported...

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Nagy István: the grain production chain is ahead of serious decisions

The Hungarian grain production chain is ahead of serious decisions to improve competitiveness – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the at the Gabonaverticum – Competitiveness in Hungary and...

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Magosz: 30 percent of the grain can be the lost due to the drought

Due to drought, 30 percent of the cereal grains could be wasted – Jakab István, president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) told M1 news channel on Wednesday. The...

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Cereal growers: due to the weekend rain one can already sow in Transdanubia

It is already possible to sow in Transdanubia due to the weekend rainfall, but the lack of rainfall in the Great Plain hinders spring field work – the Chairman of...

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Producer prices increased further

In November last year, agricultural producer prices increased by 4.4 percent compared to a year before. The price of plant products increased by 9.1 percent, while the price of live...

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This year 5 percent less grain was produced

This year, 6.9 million tons of grain was produced on a 1.3 percent more area, compared to the previous year, which is a 5.0 percent decline. The volatile weather had...

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The decline of cereals is slowing down

Grain is still dominant in Hungary’s production structure – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the publication of the main crop area of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. The...

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Less grains to be harvested in the Czech Republic this year than last year

About 7.5 percent less, 6.345 million tons of grain to be harvested in the Czech Republic this year. The forecast of the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday that the...

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Drought reduced German grain yields

The German Raiffeisen Alliance summed up the harvest results and lowered the expected yields of maize again – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Germans have not reached such bad results since 1994. This...

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Cereal growers: Hungarian exports can grow due to the drought in Europe

The increased Polish and German market interest in free cereal stocks due to heat loss and drought loss can increase the Hungarian cereal exports – the chairman of the National...

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FAO: world food prices increased

In February, FAO’s food price index increased by 1.1 percent. The five basic food price indices monitored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) grew to...

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A flour-sensitive industry

According to Zsófia Pótsa, general secretary of the Hungarian Grain and Seed Association (MGTKSZ), the Hungarian milling industry processes less than 1.2 million tons of wheat a year. Just in comparison:...

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Harvesting is coming to an end soon

This year’s harvest is about to end. Slightly more than 10 million tons of autumn crops were harvested this year, compared to last year’s 12.3 million tons – the Minister...

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International demand for high-quality Hungarian cereal crops

At the moment the average purchasing price is HUF 42,000-43,000/ton. Secretary of state Dr István Nagy revealed that there is great demand for GMO-free, high-quality Hungarian wheat in Europe. Nestlé is an...

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FAO: Global cereal output heading for a new record, lifting consumption and stocks

Global food prices dipped in August, mainly as the prospect of bumper cereal harvests pushed up expectations for larger grain inventories. The FAO Food Price Index declined 1.3 percent from...

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The good quality Hungarian grain is popular abroad

In terms of quantity and quality, the Hungarian wheat harvest was good this year – it was revealed at the press conference closing this year’s harvest. Grain cereals will abundantly...

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Good quality cereal crops are expected

Almost one million hectares of winter wheat is already in the granaries. A slightly larger and better than average quality grain crops are expected – according to the Minister of...

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Grain growers: the harvest of autumn wheat has been completed

The harvest of winter wheat in the country was completed according to the plans – the chairman of the National Association of Grain-Growers (GOSZ) told MTI on Monday. Vancsura József...

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The yield of cereals is poor in Slovakia

Yields weaker than in previous years are expected in Slovakia for cereals this year – was revealed by the preliminary data published by the Feed Manufacturers Federation on Thursday. In...

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Grain growers: there is a large difference in crop yields at mid-harvest

There are large differences in cereal yields at half-time of the harvest; The quality of the crops is good, but the volume may fall short of last year – the...

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Milk’s price climbed back

In April 2017 agricultural production prices increased by 4.1 percent from the level of April 2016 – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). This rise was the result of the...

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A record volume of grain was exported by Ukraine in the past one year

Ukraine exported 43.8 million tons of grain between July 2016 and June 2017, the largest volume ever since the country became independent in 1991 – the press release of the...

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There is less wheat, but the supply is guaranteed

Because of the damage caused by the extreme weather, 10 to 20 percent less grain will be harvested. About 4 million tonnes of wheat can be expected after last year’s...

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The Grain Alliance has a new chairman

Kiss Péter, managing director of the ADM Agrár Kft. has replaced the former chairman, Lakatos Zoltán in the executive chair – the secretary-general of the Hungarian Grain Processors’ Association (Gabonszövetség)...

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