Tag "fogyasztói magatartás"

AI and social media have revolutionized shopping habits

As technology advances, consumer behavior has also changed significantly, with artificial intelligence (AI) and social platforms playing an increasingly important role in making purchasing decisions. According to a recent report...

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Are we buying more consciously? Demand for Hungarian flavors is unabated

Kifli.hu works with hundreds of Hungarian producers to offer a wider range of quality and sustainable Hungarian food. The demand for products from small Hungarian producers is constantly growing in...

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Bank360: Hungarians’ wealth hits record high, they are taking more and more money abroad

The population saved 6,800 billion forints last year, the cash stock has grown to over 7,000 billion, a new high, and an increasing part of bank deposits is now abroad...

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A third of young people would like to leave their parents’ house as soon as possible

Four out of ten young people still live with their parents, and the majority of them are postponing moving to an independent residential property – this is what the K&H...

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Changing shopping habits: tricks, trends and disappearing specialty stores

The retail market is undergoing a continuous transformation. Shopping habits are changing, while stores are trying to attract consumers with various strategies. Today’s market is characterized by stores that offer...

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Retail is growing stronger: where and how much do Hungarians earn and spend?

Hungarian retail is gradually strengthening, but according to the data, there are still significant differences in earnings and spending between the country’s regions. In the first nine months of 2024,...

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Hungarian Consumption Expected to Recover by 2025

The Hungarian economy has experienced a challenging period over the past few quarters, characterized by declining household consumption and investment. However, according to a recent report by the Equilibrium Institute,...

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Bank360: Hungarian households are at the forefront of Europe in borrowing

The latest data confirm that Hungarians are buying cautiously, but they are taking out loans at a crazy pace compared to before. With this growth, we are at the forefront...

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It is misleading to base economic development only on consumption

The one-sided use of consumption indicators, which are often used to measure economic development, can be misleading, especially if sustainability aspects are ignored, the Index article points out. Eurostat’s indicator...

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NGM analysis: Hungarians spend abroad and on online marketplaces

In the first half of 2024, the consumption habits of the Hungarian population underwent significant changes, which were primarily shaped by the inflationary crisis and the war environment. Despite the...

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The financial wealth of Hungarian households rose to a record high level

The financial assets of Hungarian households reached HUF 105,000 billion in the second quarter of this year based on preliminary data from the MNB. This amount is a new record,...

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The Hungarians’ vision of the future is not very optimistic

The vast majority of middle-aged Hungarians expect that their state pension will be low, so they have to work for a living while they can. In this situation, the best...

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K&H: the young people have finally crossed the HUF 200,000 mark

The personal income of young people rose to a record level in the second quarter: the monthly net amount exceeded HUF 200,000, according to the K&H youth index, which has...

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Growing retail, falling SMEs: what can companies do?

A KSH adatai szerint az év első öt hónapjában javult a fogyasztás. Bár még mindig nem éri el a 2021-es év átlagát, májusban már 3,6 százalékkal nőtt a kiskereskedelmi forgalom[1]...

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Digital natives drive shift in consumer behaviour

The Asian market is witnessing a transformation in the retail sector, driven by the rise of digital natives and the adoption of new technology, according to Hugo Texier, Partner Consumer...

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K&H: how did middle-aged people’s incomes develop?

The development of incomes in the 30-59 age group shows a mixed picture. Based on the K&H secure future survey, 52 percent of the respondents reported an increase, almost 35...

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Beáta Olga Felkai: the population has turned to cheaper food, but this will change

Beáta Olga Felkai, the Deputy Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture, highlighted the substantial changes in consumer habits due to high inflation. In 2022 and 2023, many Hungarians...

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This is what annoys people the most while shopping

Grocery shopping is often a simple and routine activity, but certain behaviors can significantly affect the shopping experience and disturb others. A survey conducted by Treadmill Reviews revealed the behaviors...

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Carefree consumers? Considerable differences in the middle-aged camp

Although inflation receded, the income of middle-aged people did not increase significantly, so the proportion of those who see their financial situation as good or poor did not change significantly....

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This is what the youngest customer group spends on

Two-thirds of the 14-18-year-olds receive an average of HUF 22,000 in pocket money per month. Girls spend more on clothes and gifts, boys spend more on online games and electronic...

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There is no good time for Easter this year, but Auchan is hopeful

Easter has always been considered an indicator by traders, which reliably predicts the annual turnover. There are, of course, influencing factors other than the general economic environment, inflation and consumer...

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We try to save the most on online subscriptions and streaming services

Most European consumers are confident about their financial situation, but many, especially younger age groups, find it difficult to save and keep track of monthly expenses. Most consumers try to...

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Announcement of the Public Benefit Association of Conscious Buyers

The overwhelming majority of consumers both here and in Europe want stricter rules to protect animals kept for food production, and expect EU decision-makers to finally act – according to...

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Századvég: Hungarian consumers prefer Hungarian goods

87 percent of domestic consumers prefer Hungarian goods, and this is encouraging for Hungarian businesses – Századvég Konjunktúrakutató Zrt. informed MTI on Wednesday based on its survey. It was explained...

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Last year, Hungarians spent more than HUF 400 billion on shopping abroad

Hungarians spent nearly 400 billion forints abroad on short foreign trips, primarily for shopping, according to recent data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH). Despite a significant decline in...

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KSH: gross average earnings were HUF 655,600 in December 2023, 16.4 percent higher than a year earlier

In December 2023, the gross average salary of those employed full-time was HUF 655,600, and the net average salary calculated with allowances in mind was HUF 451,300. The gross average...

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Egg consumption has fallen in Hungary

In the last month of the last year, consumption habits in Hungary showed many interesting and special changes. In addition to the significant decrease in egg consumption and the skyrocketing...

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The majority of Hungarians do not gain weight during the holidays

The holidays are coming, and most households put a menu on the holiday table. Many people are already predicting how much excess weight they will end December with. However, according...

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Viewpoint: four out of five Hungarians prepare gifts for Christmas

79 percent of Hungarians are preparing for Christmas with gifts this year as well – according to a telephone poll conducted by the Nézőpint Institute, the results of which were...

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Prices above the consumer stimulus threshold: This is how consumer habits have changed

The increase in food prices in many product groups has reached the stimulus threshold after which consumers change their shopping habits. It is an interesting fact that, in addition to...

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