Tag "felújítás"
The extended Palatinus Bath was inaugurated in Budapest
Date: 2017-07-13 10:35:04
On Thursday, the renovated and extended Palatinus Bath was opened in Budapest, which, after its transformation, is waiting for the visitors all year round. Tarlós István, Mayor of Budapest, said...
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SPAR spent half a billion HUF on renovating two supermarkets in Budapest
Date: 2017-07-06 11:27:16
Two SPAR Supermarkets in the capital have been renewed. For the modernization of the shops under Rózsa utca 18 and Váci út 138, the food chain has invested more than...
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Félmilliárd forintból újítják fel a komlói vásárcsarnokot és piacteret
Date: 2017-06-30 11:07:18
Félmilliárd forintból újítják fel a komlói vásárcsarnokot és piacteret, amelynek eredményeképpen több és színvonalasabb elárusítóhely jön létre – közölte a mecseki város önkormányzata az MTI-vel. A Terület- és településfejlesztési operatív...
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The renovation works of Hilton have completed
Date: 2016-12-15 10:26:54
The renovation of the reception of the Hilton Budapest hotel is finished with a more than 600 million HUF investment – the Danubius Hotels Zrt. the hotel’s operator told MTI....
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The SPAR modernized seven supermarkets
Date: 2016-12-05 11:25:56
The complete renovation of three SPAR supermarkets in Budapest and four rural SPAR supermarkets was completed in November. For the renovation of the new supermarkets, the Austrian family company spent...
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As a result of joint collaboration the Development Neurology Department of the Szent Margit Hospital was renewed
Date: 2016-10-20 11:00:51
The Development Neurology Department of the Szent Margit Hospital was renewed as a result of joint collaboration and donation. At the nationally unique department, performing complex screening for newborn, premature...
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The 25 year old SPAR develops its stores from 1.6 billion HUF
Date: 2016-09-08 11:39:28
The SPAR spends a total of almost 1.6 billion HUF on the modernization of seven of its stores. After a complete renovation the renewed stores are awaiting their guests in...
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Three SPAR supermarkets were renewed in Budapest
Date: 2016-06-30 11:30:45
SPAR handed over three renewed SPAR supermarkets in Budapest in June. The company spent more than HUF 5.4 billion HUF to increase customer satisfaction, to widening the product range and...
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The Danubius is looking for an investor for the renovation of the Hotel Gellért
Date: 2016-02-24 10:30:26
The Danubius Hotels Group is looking for an investment partner for the renovation of the Hotel Gellért in Budapest. The multi-billion HUF investments may take 1.5-2 years. Deák Imre, CEO...
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Danubius Hotels continue the renewal the hotels
Date: 2016-02-03 10:25:00
The Danubius Hotels spent 3.5 billion HUF on the renewal of the group’s hotels in Hungary last year. The investments will continue this year, from nearly 7 billion HUF –...
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Renewed SPAR in Salgótarján
Date: 2015-10-15 11:20:48
Within a month three renovated SPAR stores were handed over in Hungary on Thursday. After the modernization of two units in Budapest, a unit in Salgótarján was renewed this time....
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Paris’s iconic department store la Samaritaine to be extended
Date: 2015-06-19 11:02:49
The La Samaritaine, which is one of Paris’s iconic landmarks, is to be reborn following an ambitious makeover project. The famous department store, first opened in 1870, is situated between...
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Renewed Reál Prémium store in the Lurdy House
Date: 2015-05-29 11:40:29
The Reál Hungária Élelmiszer Kft. ceremoniously handed over its renovated premium category food store on May 29 in the Lurdy House in Budapest. Within the renovation a new bakery was...
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Hungary's largest dm store was re-opened after a complete renovation
Date: 2015-03-03 11:18:54
The dm store situated at the introductory section of the M1 / M7 motorways is awaiting the guests from 27 February, after a complete renovation. The store is the largest...
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