Tag "felmérés"

(HU) ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA: javult a gazdasági helyzet 2019-ben Magyarországon

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Survey Green Christmas is more and more important to us

According to the online survey of Jófogás, compared to last year, there are more people who no longer wrap Christmas gifts, due to environmental reasons, but one in ten people...

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Will the ‘green wave’ affect this year’s Christmas season?

NMS Hungary’s nationwide Hungarian panel study, done with 800 respondents, has been focusing on how Hungarian consumers intend to spend the Christmas period and whether the recently adopted environmentally conscious...

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Recycling obstacles: Nestlé Waters reveals nearly half of consumers say it’s easier to bin than recycle plastic

Nestlé Waters North America (NWNA) has unveiled its third annual comprehensive national study, This is How We Planet: America’s Perspective on Water, Packaging and Health. The bottled water manufacturer reveals...

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The guests spend only three thousand forints at one time in the restaurants

This year, Hungarian guests spend an average of 2,900 HUF on a restaurant meal. 72 percent of them are informed on the Internet before choosing a place, but 60 percent...

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Record growth in European smartphone sales in the tirrd quarter

The European smartphone market achieved the highest 8 percent third-quarter sales growth in its history – according to a survey by market research firm Canalys. With its eight percent growth,...

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Survey: Hungarian workers remains optimistic

Hungarian workers remain optimistic about the likelihood of re-employment and the stability of their current job; 79 percent of those surveyed believe their job position is secure for a minimum...

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Online shopping is likely to beat physical stores this Christmas in Germany

For the first time, the majority of German consumers plan to buy presents online this Christmas – reveals a new survey conducted by Deloitte. According to the study, 67 percent...

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Cybercriminals are attacking companies from unexpected directions

According to a global survey by HFS Research and EY 300, companies see the biggest security threat in entering foreign markets (73 percent) and introducing new technologies (66 percent). For...

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The strengthening of the digital economy could increase GDP by 4,000 billion HUF in 2023

The rapid introduction of new technologies in the digital economy (5G, IoT, MI, blockchain) would increase Hungarian GDP by 4,000 billion HUF by 2023, according to a survey by the...

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Negative turnaround on the housing market while the confidence in the business real estate sector is unbroken

In October of 2019, the GKI real estate indices for Budapest and Hungary stood at 7 and 8 points respectively. Budapest index decreased by 6 points, the national index went...

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Do you know how much food you waste? Now find out exactly per gram!

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nebih) awaits volunteers to find out if the amount of food wasted in Hungarian households has changed. The primary purpose of the November survey...

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E-commerce is growing fast

GfK has done a major online survey on the digital consumption habits of Hungarians in 2019. The answers given in the 1,500-respodent study have revealed that the number of regular...

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Consumers show interest in small neighbourhood shops

A survey by Miutcánk – done with 850 internet users in early October in connection with the #ibuyitlocally campaign – points out that the majority of consumers, 95 percent like...

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PwC: flexible work schedule is the most important for the Hungarian Y and Z generation

Flexible work, stability and basic pay are the most important workplace choice factors for future employees – PwC Hungary’s survey reveals. The deatails of the survey were sent MTI on...

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According to a survey, companies’ investment intentions stalled

Companies’ investment intentions have come to a halt, according to the latest K&H Growth Index. According to a study sent to MTI on Tuesday, companies’ investment intentions have declined following...

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What kind of workplace do Hungarians want today?

There is a general contradiction in recent national research, which shows that workplace expectations are in many cases determined by employees’ living conditions rather than by generational differences. According to...

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Students name EY world’s #1 most attractive professional services employer

EY has been named the #1 professional services employer for the fourth consecutive year in Universum’s 2019 “World’s Most Attractive Employers” annual ranking – moving up one place on 2018...

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Only about half of regular Internet users shop online, according to a survey

In Hungary, the number of online shoppers is low, only 33 percent of the adult population, 3.2 million people shop at least once a year from an online store, while...

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Magazine: Dimensions of consumer consciousness

In order to protect themselves, consumers don’t like to admit that marketing messages have a great impact on their shopping behaviour. Shoppers tend to describe themselves as conscious buyers, like someone...

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Magazine: Sustainability in business and everyday life

According to a recent online survey by Nielsen, consumers all over the world are the most concerned about air and water pollution. At a global level, 73 percent of consumers would...

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Eating habits will be assessed again

Hungarian eating habits will be assessed again as part of the European Population Health Survey – the head of department of the National Institute for Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) said....

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Nearly one and a half thousand restaurants have closed in Britiain in one year

More than 1,400 restaurants have closed in the UK in a single year – Origo wrote after the joint survey of Independent and UHY Hacker Young. All restaurants suffer from...

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Magazine: Nobody knows how far the 24th hour is

More and more companies, especially large firms with the necessary financial resources, realise that sustainability isn’t only important for their prestige, but it is also profitable in the long run. Many...

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GKI: online retail sales over 200 billion HUF in the first half of this year

According to a joint survey of GKI Digital and Árukereső.hu, the retail sales of this year increased by 16.4 percent, compared to the first half of last year. This year...

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According to a survey, 77 percent of Hungarian workers believe that their jobs are secure

77 percent of Hungarian workers believe their job position will be secure for at least five years, while 82 percent believe the company they will be operating within five years’...

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Oracle: One-third of the consumers are immediately distracted by a brand because of a bad experience

More than a third of consumers will immediately lose track of a brand when it comes to bad experiences – according to Oracle’s new survey. According to the survey, 88...

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More than two thirds of the Czechs are satisfied with their standard of living

More than two-thirds, 68 percent, of the Czech population are more or less satisfied with their current standard of living, according to a July poll released in Prague on Wednesday....

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A survey will begin on our wine consumption habits

The Borháló Borkereskedés (Wine Net Wine Shop) launches a comprehensive online survey on wine the purchasing and wine consumption habits of the Hungarian buyers called WE DRINK WINE TOGETHER 2019...

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73 percent of working youth expect a pay raise in the next year, according to a survey

73 percent of working youth expect a salary increase next year. Their majority, 54 percent of them expect a rise under inflation and 19 percent a rise above inflation -according...

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