Tag "Eurostat"

Peer-to-peer retail’s influence on the FMCG sector

Digital peer-to-peer (P2P) retail is conquering Europe at an ever-increasing speed – reported Eurostat. Consumers more and more frequently use services that make the selling and buying of products or services...

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Eurostat: the Union’s tourism continued to grow in 2017

The number of guest nights spent in hotels in European Union member states continued to grow in 2017, exceeding 3.2 billion, which is an increase of 5.1 percent compared to...

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Eurozone and EU inflation accelerated in November

In line with the expectations in November, the annual increase in consumer prices in the euro area was 1.5 percentage points higher than the preliminary data and 0.1 percentage points...

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Hungarians are banking online below average

More than half of Europe’s adult population (51 percent) have used netbanks in 2017. Since 2007, this ratio has doubled – portfolio.hu quoted Eurostat’s data. There are places where 90...

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Retail sales in the euro area grew stronger than expected

Retail sales increased in the euro area, greater than expected in November. The European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) announced on Monday that according to the seasonally adjusted data retail sales...

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The number of business trips fell sharply in the EU

The number of business trips decreased to nearly half between 2007 and 2015 in the European Union – Eurostat’s survey was published on Tuesday. According to the data of the...

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Inflation stagnated in the euro area in July

As expected, annual inflation stagnated in July in the euro area. According to preliminary data released by the European Union’s Statistical Office (Eurostat) on Monday, in July, according to preliminary...

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The unemployment rate of the euro area is down

The number of unemployed and the unemployment rate fell to its eight year nadir in June in the euro area, which shows that Europe’s economic recovery is intensifying further. The...

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(HU) GKI: Kik a vesztesek? – Jövedelemarányok változása Magyarországon 2010 óta

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The rate of inflation has declined in the euro area

According to the preliminary data, the rate of inflation has fallen in the euro area in May, according to Eurostat, the statistical office of the Union. Consumer prices rose by...

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Inflation increased in the euro area and in the EU in February

Euro area’s annual inflation became 2.0 percent in February 2017, up from the 1.8 percent in January. In February 2016 the rate was -0.2 percent. European Union annual inflation was...

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Inflation accelerated in the euro area

Euro-area inflation accelerated to the fastest pace since January 2013, providing fresh arguments to those calling for an exit from the European Central Bank’s monetary stimulus program. Consumer prices rose...

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Slower growth in the EU and in the euro area

Compared to the flash estimate, the economies of the euro area and the European Union grew slower in the fourth quarter of last year – according to the second estimate...

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Retail sales declined in the euro area in September

In September, retail sales decreased both in the euro zone and the EU, compared to the previous month, but increased in an annual comparison – the European Union's statistical office,...

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Nearly half of the Hungarian population does not get quality food regularly

Nearly half of the Hungarian population can not afford to regularly eat quality food, according to the latest Eurostat data. On the ocassion of the World Food Day held on...

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Retail sales decreased in the EU

Eurostat announced that retail trade volume in June in the Eurozone was unchanged from the previous month, while sales decreased by 0.2 percent in the whole European Union. In a...

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Euro-zone external trade surplus increased in May

The Euro-zone accumulated surplus of 24.6 billion euros in May in trade with the rest of the world. It is more than 34 percent higher than the 18.3 billion euros...

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Retail sales grew in Europe

In May, retail sales increased by 0.4 percent, compared to the previous month in the euro zone and in the European Union – the European Union's statistical office, the Eurostat...

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Double differences in food prices in EU countries

Last year, more than twice differences were measured in average food prices in the European Union. Foods and drinks were the cheapest in Poland, while the most expensive in Denmark...

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Consumer prices continued to fall in the EU

Consumer prices continued to fall in the EU in April in an annual comparison inthe European Union (EU28) and in the euro zone after the stagnation of March. According to...

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NAK also opposes the EU’s Russian export ban

NAK president Balázs Győrffy wrote a letter to Jean-Paul Juncker, the president of the European Commission, asking him to lift the ban on product export to Russia, which has been...

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Employment increased in the European Union

Last year employment increased in the European Union and rose to a record level among women and people over the age of 55, from the peak measured in 2005 –...

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Retail sales rose in the euro zone in February

The European Union's statistics office Eurostat said retail sales in the 19 countries sharing the euro rose 0.2 percent month-on-month for a 2.4 percent year-on-year gain. Eurostat data showed retail...

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Eurostat: The number of overnight stays broke a record in the European Union

In 2015, the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments in the European Union (EU) is expected to have reached a new record level of around 2.8 billion nights,...

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GDP growth slowed in the euro area

The growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) decreased in the euro area, while in the EU did not change in in the third quarter, compared with the previous three...

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Consumer prices rose in the euro zone and stagnated in the EU

According to the data, the EU’s harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) in the euro area was 0.1 percent in October after the 0.1 percent decline of September in an...

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Foreign trade surplus of the euro zone increased in September

According to the first estimate released by Eurostat, the European Union’s (EU) statistical office, eurozone’s trade surplus increased in September. The surplus in goods trade was 20.5 billion euros (22...

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Euro-zone’s retail sales stagnated

Retail sales remained unchanged in August, compared to the previous month in the euro zone and in the European Union – the European Union's statistical office, the Eurostat announced. In...

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Eurostat: for 2080 almost one third of the EU's population of will be over 65

The European Union (EU) population is steadily aging. While in 2014, 18.5 percent of the total population was over 65, by 2080 this proportion is expected to reach 30 percent...

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A decrease occured in the sales of the Euro Zone and the EU in June

Retail sales in the eurozone fell more sharply than expected in June, a fresh sign that the currency area's economic recovery remains too weak to quickly bring down very high...

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