Tag "Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság"

The EU authorizes the use of genetically modified corn as food and feed

The European Commission has authorized the use of two varieties of genetically modified corn as food and feed, the Brussels body announced on Tuesday. The commission’s authorization decision allows these...

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The EU authorizes the use of genetically modified corn as food and feed

The European Commission has authorized the use of two varieties of genetically modified corn as food and feed, the Brussels body announced on Tuesday. The commission’s authorization decision allows these...

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EFSA: can the use of smoke flavors involve health risks, can several products disappear?

Based on a recent report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Commission has decided to withdraw artificial smoke flavors from the market, as they may pose significant...

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Be careful when buying plants from abroad!

Did you like a plant during your holiday outside the European Union and would you like to take it home?Do not do it! We can bring not only a beautiful,...

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The Nébih confirmed a bird flu infection in a cat

As in several other countries, the highly pathogenic bird flu virus has been detected in mammals. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) identified the pathogen in a domestic cat...

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NAK is concerned about EU food safety in relation to imported products

While the European Commission requires its own producers to comply with the strictest food safety standards in the world, it allows salmonella-infected Ukrainian chicken meat to enter without restrictions. The...

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An immediate revision of EU regulations on imported products is necessary

While the European Commission requires its own producers to comply with the strictest food safety standards in the world, it allows salmonella-infected Ukrainian chicken meat to enter without restrictions. The...

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The sale of energy drinks to minors has been banned in Romania

In Romania, the House of Representatives voted with a large majority on Tuesday the draft law that prohibits the sale of energy drinks to minors. According to the law, it...

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Nébih: the distributor recalled turmeric powder due to unauthorized pesticide residues

Asian Home Kft. recalled the 100-gram Turmeric powder Haldi turmeric powder from the market due to unauthorized pesticide residues (chlorpyrifos), the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) pointed out in...

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Óvatosan kell kezelni a növényvédőszerek határértékeit

A zöldségekben, gyümölcsökben engedélyezett különböző gyom-, gomba- és rovarirtók maradványainak szabályos mennyisége aszerint kerül megállapításra, hogy mekkora adag jelent veszélyt az egészségre, amennyiben kizárólag az adott élelmiszerből, kizárólag az adott...

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EFSA: 5 tips to raise environmentally conscious and nature-loving adults

If environmental protection is also important to you, you surely know how many dangers our living world and the plants living in it face on a daily basis. If you...

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Elindult a #PlantHealth4Life kampány

Az Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság (EFSA), az Európai Bizottság (EB) és partnereik az Európai Unió (EU) tagállamaiban elindítják a #PlantHealth4Life kampányt, melynek célja, hogy a növényegészségügyre és annak mindennapi életünkkel való...

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Hungary joins the European campaign to stop African swine fever (#StopASF)

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is also supporting the fight against African swine fever (ASP) with a European-level campaign in 2023. Now in its fourth year, the #StopASF (#StopAfricanSwineFever...

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The 12-month internship program of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has opened

EFSA welcomes applications from young professionals with different scientific and professional backgrounds (scientist, IT, communication and legal, etc.) until May 15, who are open to try themselves in a challenging,...

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The European Food Safety Authority renews the membership of its scientific bodies and Scientific Committee

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will renew the membership of its scientific bodies (panels) and Scientific Committee in 2024. The relevant information was recently published on the EFSA website....

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In Italy, a regulation regulates the sale of foods containing insect meal

In Italy, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for the Protection of National Products regulate the labeling and sale of foods containing insect meal in...

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In Italy, a regulation regulates the sale of foods containing insect meal

In Italy, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for the Protection of National Products regulate the labeling and sale of foods containing insect meal in...

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Europeans now also allowed to eat cricket powder and small mealworms

The European Commission declares new insect products safe for consumption. So from Tuesday, powdered house crickets and the small mealworm will also be allowed in food. Back in February last...

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Farm 2 Fork Stratégia: EFSA tudmányos vélemény a sertéstartás állatjóléti körülményeiről

EFSA has published a scientific opinion on the welfare of pigs on farm, the first of several opinions on animal welfare to be delivered in the coming year in the context...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the support of the beekeeping sector is a public interest

Hungary supports the review of the special protection objectives for bees by the European Food Safety Authority, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said at the Luxembourg meeting of the Agriculture...

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