Tag "EPR"

Innovation Day for the fourth time this year

This year’s Innovation Day event and the awards ceremony of the Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2024 competition was organised at Hungexpo on 16 May. This article is...

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A greeting card for customers? You may also be affected by the EPR fee!

One of the biggest challenges of today is protecting the environment and reducing its pollution as strongly as possible, especially with regard to the environmental burden caused by the huge...

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Válaszúton a csomagolóipar

A hazai csomagolási piacnak napjainkban egyszerre több kihívásnak is meg kell felelnie. A szegmensben az egyszerűbb tömegtermékeknél erősebb visszaesés érzékelhető. A gyenge kereslet részben a negatív gazdasági környezet, részben pedig...

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Nagy Miklós: „A jelenleg hatályos EPR-díjak számos ellentmondást hordoznak”

Forró hangulatot teremtett a hazai csomagolóiparban a nyár közepén bevezetett EPR-rendszer, az érintettek a mai napig nem ocsúdtak fel abból a sokkból, amit a változások, azokon belül is leginkább a...

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Tejet iszunk, de desszertre már nincs pénz

A tejágazatban korábban megkezdődött trendek, amelyek egyértelműen a prémium és magasabb hozzáadott értékű tejtermékek népszerűségére mutattak, az elmúlt egy-két év gazdasági hatásainak eredményeként megfordulni látszanak. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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DRS, EPR, GTIN, PPWR meg a szesz

A szeszesital-iparban érintett hazai gyártó és kereskedő vállalkozások aktuális problémáiról Nagy Andrással, a gyártókat, alapanyaggyártókat és importőröket tömörítő Magyar Szeszipari Szövetség és Terméktanács igazgatójával beszélgettünk. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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Nehéz talpon maradni

A tartósítóipar évi becsült 220 Mrd forintot meghaladó árbevétele körülbelül 8-10%-át jelenti a teljes élelmiszeriparnak. Az elmúlt évtized a nyereségesség lassú, de egyértelmű trendszerű javulását mutatta, olyan törésekkel, mint a...

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Hullámzó eredmények, tornyosuló elvárások

Az ásványvíz-, gyümölcslé- és üdítőital-ágazat évente mintegy 300 milliárd forint termelési értéket állít elő. A három szegmensben az elmúlt időszakban nagy gondot okozott a nyersanyagok, a csomagolóanyagok, az energia, valamint...

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Nationwide return system for drinks packaging is ready to launch

Soon a nationwide return scheme for single-use beverage containers will be launched, and is expected to result in the return of approximately 3 billion cans, PET and glass bottles per...

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More questions than answers in the packaging sector

On 30 November 2022, the European Commission published a draft regulation on packaging and packaging waste, the so-called PPWR Regulation. The legislative process is ongoing and expected to enter into...

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According to a study, three quarters of the population will return every bottle with a deposit fee

On the whole, Hungarians welcome the introduction of the new bottle redemption system, three quarters of the population will try to redeem all bottles with a deposit fee – according...

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Food may become more expensive if the fees to be paid for packaging increase next year

By the end of November, the Government must announce the amount of fees valid for 2024 to be paid by manufacturers to the concession company for food packaging. When the...

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New regulations affect wine producers

Wine producers must adapt to new rules. Within the framework of the extended producer responsibility system, a simplified administrative and lower flat-rate fee will be introduced for the wine industry, new...

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„Ezt nem gondoltam volna” – Moldova György után szabadon

A 2002 és 2004 közötti időszak nagy reményekkel volt tele. Új tavaszt vártunk: öt évvel NATO-tagságunk elnyerése után azt, hogy 2004. május elsején felcsendüljön az Örömóda, és a tűzijáték feletti...

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Sustainability with reservations

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. The Hungarian Food Bank Association has been helping people in need for 18 years “For the first time, this year...

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HNT: the new waste management regulations cannot increase the burden on grape and wine producers

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the economic and bureaucratic burdens of grape and wine production should not be increased, the organization therefore welcomes the fact that,...

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The latest EPR regulations have arrived, which affects everyone!

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The EPR system has come into effect, but manufacturers and distributors still don’t know what to do

The EPR system will come into effect on July 1st, but most manufacturers and distributors are still only guessing about what they have to do, what effect this will have...

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More and more people are asking for a salary increase due to inflation, but almost a quarter of companies are considering downsizing

In about half of Hungarian companies, employees demand extraordinary wage increases, however, in the current situation, many companies are already having trouble avoiding layoffs, according to Intrum’s European Pay Report....

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The currently known rules of the extended producer responsibility system would change significantly

On June 19, 2023, a proposal to amend the regulations of the extended producer responsibility system (EPR) was published on the website of the Ministry of Energy, which would fundamentally...

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GVH: it may be illegal to pass on the manufacturer’s waste management fees to customers

From the point of view of competition law, the co-ordinated passing on of the waste recycling fees charged to the manufacturer and, in the case of foreign production, the distributor,...

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Food prices continue to rise due to the EPR

Food prices could increase by up to 4 percent due to the introduction of extended producer responsibility and the new industry burden for packaging materials. Starting from July 1st, in...

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CSAOSZ: here is the evaluation of the level of the EPR fee items, in the light of the items of the environmental protection product fee

In the 81st issue of the Magyar Közlöny, published on June 2, 2023, the ministerial decree determining the fees for extended producer responsibility was released with a two-day delay compared...

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The transformation of the waste management system in July may significantly increase food prices

In recent years, in order to remedy the environmental protection problems related to the packaging of products, such as food, and to increase the efficiency of recycling, the so-called extended...

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One-way traffic!

Laws and regulations On 22 February 2023 the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) organised a mainly legislation-themed conference in the Holiday Inn Hotel in Budaörs. 2023 and...

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BDO: The extended producer responsibility system brings new burdens and new tasks

The government decree on the detailed rules for the operation of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) system (Government Decree 80/2023. (III. 14.)) has been published, according to which, from July...

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(HU) Intrum: Gátolják a magyar cégek növekedését a nemfizető ügyfelek és a hiteltartozások

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