Tag "előrejelzés"

Colliers’ commercial real estate investment volume in Central and Eastern Europe rose 6 percent last year

Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, last year the volume of commercial real estate investment reached 11.07 billion euros in the Central and Eastern European region, an increase of...

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The MNB raised its inflation forecast for this year to 7.5-9.8 percent

The central bank has raised its inflation forecast to 7.5-9.8 percent this year and lowered its GDP expectation to 2.5-4.5 percent, according to key figures in its latest Inflation Report...

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The IfW Institute for Economic Research predicts a decline in world trade turnover

A significant decline in world trade is forecast by a trade indicator published on Monday by the IfW Institute for Economic Research in Kiel, based on updated data from a...

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Analysts: after last year’s surprisingly strong GDP growth outlooks are increasingly uncertain

After the surprisingly good full-year and fourth-quarter performance of the Hungarian economy last year, analysts told MTI that the outlook for this year was increasingly uncertain due to the Russian-Ukrainian...

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According to Equilor, the economy could grow by 4.5 percent this year

In the first half of the year, domestic consumption will push up economic growth, after which external demand may have a positive effect on the data with the recovery of...

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The IMF has worsened this year’s, but improved next year’s global economic growth forecast

The global economy is growing 0.5 percentage points slower than expected last October, by 4.4 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) revised World Economic Outlook (WEO)...

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Takarékbank revised its growth forecast for last year and this year downwards

Macroeconomic analysts at Takarékbank and the Magyar Bankholding have downgraded their GDP forecast for 2021 to 6.9 percent from 8 percent and this year’s growth forecast to 6 percent from...

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Raiffeisen: Hungarian economy could expand by 4.5 percent this year

The recovery of the economy may continue, this year the growth rate may exceed 4 percent in Europe and up to 4.5 percent in Hungary, the bank’s analysts said at...

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The World Bank has improved its forecast for the Hungarian economy

The government is working to maintain its lead in relaunching the Hungarian economy and to keep the Hungarian economy on a dynamic growth path even in a slowing global economic...

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The ifo economic research institute indicates a delay in German GDP growth

The latest forecast of German economic growth is indicated by the ifo economic research institute of the University of Munich. The ifo economic research institute indicates a delay in the...

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Kopint-Tárki revised its GDP growth forecast for this year downwards

Kopint-Tárki has revised its GDP growth forecast for this year down to 6.1 percent from 6.8 percent indicated in the autumn, CEO Palócz Éva announced at the online presentation of...

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The MNB has raised its inflation forecast for this year to 5.1 percent

The central bank has raised its inflation forecast for this year to 5.1 percent and lowered its GDP expectation to 6.3 – 6.5 percent, according to key figures in its...

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Fitch: supply bottlenecks are slowing global wealth growth

Global supply performance is likely to grow more slowly this year due to seemingly persistent bottlenecks in supply-side supplier networks, Fitch Ratings said in a recent revised quarterly global forecast...

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According to the OECD, the global economy will slow down in the next two years, including in Hungary

The OECD expects global economic growth to slow in the next two years compared to this year, with higher and more persistent inflation in the economic outlook being the biggest...

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EU forecast: Hungary’s economic growth will remain strong in 2022

Hungary’s economic growth will remain strong at 5.4 percent in 2022 thanks to fiscal stimulus measures, but is expected to slow to 3.2 percent in 2023 as policy support gradually...

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The IMF continues to expect euro area GDP growth to accelerate

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has confirmed its October 12 forecast that economic growth in the eurozone will be higher than estimated on 6 April. According to the IMF’s European...

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The IMF has confirmed Hungary’s GDP growth and inflation forecast

Hungary could achieve the third highest economic growth in the European Union this year, according to the October revised report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented on Wednesday. In...

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Kopint-Tárki expects much higher GDP growth, compared to its previous forecast

Kopint-Tárki expects a much higher GDP growth of 6.8 percent this year, instead of the 5-5.5 percent indicated in the summer, CEO Palócz Éva presented the research institute’s latest economic...

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Takarékbank has raised its GDP growth forecast for this year to 8 percent

Due to better-than-expected second-quarter GDP data, Takarékbank has raised its growth forecast from 7.7 percent to 8.0 percent this year and left it at 7.0 percent next year, the financial...

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Pénzügykutató expects 6.5 percent economic growth by 2021

Pénzügykutató Zrt. expects economic growth to be more moderate than 7.6 percent in the first half of the year, only due to the higher base. On average for this year,...

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IfW has lowered its German GDP growth forecast for this year

The Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW), an economic research institute, has lowered its GDP growth forecast for Germany. According to a forecast published on the institute’s website on Thursday, researchers expect...

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Equilor: this year’s economic growth could be 6.5 percent

According to the latest analysis of Equilor Befektetési Zrt., GDP can be expected to grow by 6.5 percent this year as a whole, which may be followed by 4.5 percent...

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The Századvég Economic Research of the End of the Century revised its growth forecast upwards

In its latest forecast, the Századvég Economic Research has revised its expectations for economic growth upwards this year: it forecasts 7.8 percent GDP growth this year and 5.5 percent by...

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The highest inflation of the past thirty years is expected in Germany this year

The experts of the ifo economic research institute of the University of Munich expect the highest inflation of the past thirty years. According to a report published on the research...

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The Czech Ministry of Finance has improved the Czech economic forecast

The Czech Ministry of Finance has improved its Czech economic forecast. According to a new forecast released on Tuesday, gross domestic product (GDP) in the Czech Republic will rise 3.2...

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Coface: could grow faster this year than previously expected in the global economy

The global economy could grow by 5.6 percent this year, up from the previously expected 5.1 percent, according to the latest forecast from credit insurer Coface. In the communication sent...

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Avocado is growing in popularity

In ten years, avocado will be more popular than pineapple, papaya or mango – agroinform.hu wrote. According to the Agricultural Outlook 2021-2030 of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...

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The IMF has not changed its global economic growth forecast

After declining by 3.2 percent in 2020, global economic growth could grow by 6 percent this year, according to the latest forecast, which is in line with the IMF’s World...

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Analysts expect U.S. economic growth to slow

U.S. economic growth is likely to peak in the spring, and while the pace will remain strong for the rest of the year and next year, it will gradually slow,...

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ADB has worsened this year’s growth forecast for developing Asian countries

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has slightly worsened its forecast for economic growth in emerging Asia-Pacific economies this year as another wave of the coronavirus pandemic has slowed recovery in...

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