Tag "ellenőrzés"

Nébih: national inspections on Christmas markets

Authorities across the country are conducting inspections at Advent and Christmas fairs because experience has shown that these are the places where most violations occur – Pleva György, director of...

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Magazine: Bridge building

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) and National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) Pest County directorate organised a conference together for the third time. On 29 May Dr Mihály Minya,...

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NAV started checks at Lake Balaton

The tax authority began to carry out comprehensive inspections on the shore of Lake Balaton, at the hosts, gift shops, market vendors and beaches. The National Tax and Customs Board...

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NAV is checking vegetable and fruit vendors

In several counties of the country, the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) has also ordered a series of tests for this week at local vegetable and fruit traders –...

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The blacklist for webshops is two years old

From January 2017, it is obligatory to include heavily mistaken online stores on the Consumer Protection’s website. According to the relevant Government Decree (No. 453/2016), if a serious mistake occurs...

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More than 175 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found in a minibus

More than 175 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found by the police in an Ukrainian minibus on Saturday in Vásárosnamény – the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters announced on the...

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The tested school tools met the requirements

The nationwide consumer protection study ordered by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) ended with a good result: the 40 different color pencils, watercolors and plastic kits all complied...

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The NAV started a comprehensive check-up at Lake Balaton

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) has started a comprehensive check-up campaign at the Lake Balaton on Monday. Hundreds of tax officers are participating in the action – the...

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More than 1300 kilograms of products were withdrawn from the market by Nébih

More than 1,300 kilograms of products were seized and withdrawn from circulation by the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) during investigations in commercial units in Kállósemjén and Nagykálló. According...

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The Nébih found administrative and hygienic problems in a hotel in Hajdú-Bihar county

The inspectors of Nébih found administrative, hygienic and food safety problems in the restaurant of a hotel in Hajdú-Bihar county. In addition 151 kilogrammes of outdated, non-traceable food products were...

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NÉBIH’s summer experiences

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) experienced many positive trends during their summer inspections, which took place between 1 July and 31 August. NÉBIH’s experts visited food manufacturers, retail units,...

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The NÉBIH checked fish fingers

Nébih performed quality and safety tests in case of a total of 30 quick-frozen, pre-cooked fish fingers. All products comply with the food safety aspects. The specialists of the office...

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NFM Minister of State: irregular product demonstrations can be repressed with tighter regulatory cooperation

With the help of more stringent official cooperation, irregular product demonstrations can be repressed. The government, in addition to the police and the tax authorities, also counts on the work...

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Autumn EKÁER inspections

From August the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) will perform a large number of inspections. Until 20 September finance guards will check weather lorries comply with the rules of the...

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The government office will carry out controls at major tourist sites

The government office of Budapest will carry out controls at frequented venues, especially in catering facilities, casual shops. According to the organization’s communication sent to the MTI on Wednesday, the...

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Tax traffipax from NAV

In the spring the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) performed 120 previously announced on the spot inspections. This so-called tax traffipax programme resulted in more receipts being issued by...

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Őstermelőket ellenőrzött a nagybani piacokon a Nébih

Csaknem 4 tonna zöldség és gyümölcs értékesítését tiltotta meg a Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal (Nébih) 2017 tavaszán a nagybani piacokon végzett ellenőrzései során, amelynek keretében 135 őstermelőt ellenőrzött – közölte a...

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The Nébih tested the durability of the dog collars

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has tested the durability of dog collars – the agency told MTI. The Office draws attention to the fact that livestock owners only...

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The catering facilities can expect the controls of the tax authority by night

The staff of the Tax Administration will check the catering facilities more times than average in Budapest and its vicinity between 10-30 July. Nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, and taxis will be...

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The Nébih suspended the operation of a bakery in Budapest

Due to severe food hygiene and food safety deficiencies, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) suspended the operation of a Budapest bakery with immediate effect – the agency told...

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Fazekas Sándor: there is order in the food market

There is order in the domestic food market. The processors and traders strive to adhere to food safety rules – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture, told M1 news channel on...

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NGM: every element of the ekáer will be modernized by the end of the year

By the end of the year, all elements of electronic road traffic control system (ekáer) will be electronically earmarked as planned – Molnár Tamás, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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Magazine: NÉBIH starts using an INTELligent solution

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) has started using a new data analytics system, which helps the authority to monitor the whole supply chain: the Intelligent Food Chain Safety...

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The NAV focuses on ruin pubs and downtown restaurants

The staff of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) monitors the ruin pubs, the Grand Central Market and downtown restaurants in Budapest. In addition a special attention will surround...

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FM: less hygienic problems at the Christmas fairs

Less hygienic problems were found by the professionals at the Christmas events during this year's current winter seasonal food chain controls – the Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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So far, 6.4 million HUF fines were imposed during the winter seasonal inspections

So far, 6.4 million HUF fines were imposed during the winter seasonal inspections in 62 cases, and more than 15 tons of food products were withdrawn from circulation – Zsigó...

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Purpose-checks from NAV before the holidays

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) checks the marketed products from imports to the shelves at the end of the year. The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) also...

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The NÉBIH preceded 9 billion HUF VAT evasions last year

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) preceded 9 billion HUF VAT evasions last year thanks to its inspections. The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) carried out almost three...

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Tax inspectors visited stores in 2000 cases on the basis of online cash register data

The National Tax and Customs Administration sent inspectors to the stores in 2000 cases in the past half year, after found the traffic of the stores suspicious on the basis...

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Expired food products were found by finance guards in Szeged

Large quantities of expired meat products, canned goods, dairy products and sweets, as well instruments used to re-package were found at the premises of a company in Szeged – the...

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