Tag "élelmiszerpazarlás"

FAO food report

Last year the world’s countries set a schedule for sustainable development in the next 15 years and agreed to end famine by 2030. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the...

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British households throw 34 thousand tons of beef in the trash each year

According to a research 260 million pounds worth raw and cooked beef items go to waste each year in Britain ie 34,000 tonnes of beef every year – the Guardian...

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Denmark's first ever food surplus supermarket has opened its doors

The store in Copenhagen called Wefood will sell products 30 – 50 percent cheaper than normal supermarkets. Wefood is hoping to help reduce the 700,000 tonnes of food waste Denmark...

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The stores that throw out food to be fined in France

France has become the first nation in the world that will ban supermarkets if wasting food – according to a new law this month. From now, the large grocery stores...

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We produce nearly 2 million tonnes of food surplus each year

In Hungary, we throw away nearly 2 million tonnes of food each year. The Food Bank aims to save the food surplus and deliver it to people in need. The...

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SPAR: stop wasting food!

SPAR has launched a billboard campaign in 10 of its stores in Budapest in connection with the European Waste Reduction Week. The SPAR would like to show customers to choose...

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Tesco: not a bite can be wasted

As a co-organizer Tesco took part at the “Food waste in 2015: from theory to practice” conference in Prague. The issue of food waste is a worldwide social discussion, and...

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Food waste to be tracked

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) set up a working group in order to reduce the annual loss of around 200 billion HUF that comes from food waste – Kürthy...

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The British waste the most food in Europe

Britain wastes more food than any other country in Europe, with UK households throwing away 6 kilogrammes of food a week. 12 billion pounds worth food a year. For every...

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42 percent of the Hungarian families throw out food regularly

42 percent of the Hungarian families regularly throw out food, in 8 out of 10 cases due to change in quality, in one-fifth of the cases, due to the expiration...

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Hungarian Food Bank Association: 100 kilos of food is thrown out per household per year

In Hungary an average of 100 kilogrammes of food is thrown out each year per household – the president of the Hungarian Food Bank Association told M1 news channel on...

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Each year, 1.8 million tons of food products are thrown out in Hungary

In Hungary 1.8 million tons of food products are thrown out each year, of which only 2,000 tons are gathered to feed the needy – Cseh Balázs, President of the...

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Budapest also organized the Chance to the Food day

After London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and other large cities, the Chance to the Food day was organized in Budapest. At the event 5,000 meals were cooked in a huge cauldron...

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Every year one million tons of food products are thrown out in Austria

Every year one million tons of food products are thrown into the trash in Austria – according to a study presented on Monday in Linz. The study was made by...

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A campaign to consume ugly fruits and vegetables

A campaign specifically encourages the customers to consume ugly fruits and vegetables. The campaign is becoming more and more popular in many countries – the agrarszektro.hu wrote. The initiative aims...

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