Tag "élelmiszeripar"

Budai Gyula: Hungary interested in relieving the Russian embargo

Hungary interested in relieving the Russian embargo, in partial releases of the embargo involving agricultural products – Budai Gyula said on Wednesday in Szentes. Budai Gyula Ministerial Commissioner told at...

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The fruit and vegetable processing gives 8-10 percent of Hungarian food production

The fruit and vegetable processing industry gives 8-10 percent of Hungarian food production. 55-65 percent of the fruit and vegetable consumption is processed products – Cseh László, president of the...

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Hungarian participation at the SIAL

Hungarian presence is very pronounced with 25 Hungarian exhibitors at the SIAL international food exhibition in Montréal – Fazekas Sándor told MTI on Thursday. The prestigious international food fair was...

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Tutti growth: the 30 year old company is celebrating with a 30% export expansion

This year, the 30-year-old Tutti Élelmiszeripari Kft. reached a 30 percent export growth in the past three years and strengthens the camp of exporters with an over than one billion...

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The Mafia has infiltrated the food industry

The Mafia has infiltrated to the Italian agriculture and food industry. the mafia’s last year's revenue from the Italian agriculture and food industry was more than 16 billion euros –...

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Agricultural trade surplus was over three thousand million euros

Horticulture is a strong, stable branch of the Hungarian agriculture. Horticulture gave about one-sixth of the annual agricultural output last year – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said at the...

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FM: the national economy can also produce a reduction in VAT for other food industries

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) hopes that the national economy will produce a reduction in VAT for the products of other food industries. Feldman Zsolt Minister of State of the...

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Meat products have been developed in Törökszentmiklós that are suited to healthy diet

The Natural Meat Kft. developed frozen meat products that are adequate with healthy nutrition – the company told MTI. Through the development, such shaped, breaded, fabricated or semi-cooked, frozen poultry...

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Nielsen: medical products and food TV ads to get the most views

The TV spots of pharmaceutical compositions and food products, beauty products and TV ads of trade reached the most TV viewers of 18-49-year-old in February this year. The Nielsen Audience...

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The Verpelét-based Asiafood restarted production

The Verpelét-based Asiafood Kft. has restarted production with an about one billion HUF EU and government support. The company's executives inaugurated the frozen pasta manufacturing plant on Thursday. At the...

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Sweet Industry: The Future three times

The Hungarian confectionery industry is starting to recover, but it is still far away to regain its former glory. However, the confectionery industry must solve a lot of new tasks...

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The series of technical consultation for the food industry is completed

The series of discussions between the food industry sector and the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) is completed. At the events held in February possible development directions were reviewed, from raw...

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Governmental meetings with the food industry

The officials of the Ministry of Agriculture negotiated with the determining food industry sectors separately. The aim of the ministry is to facilitate the implementation of the food strategy with...

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Inter-branch organizations urge ban on dumping priced milk imports

The organizations of the milk sector urge immediate ban on the dumping priced milk and milk products import – agrárszektor.hu wrote. Instead of this, the government would easen this crisis...

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The food industry will also join to dual training

The Food Science Faculty of the Szent István University (SZIE) launches a dual training with eight food companies in the 2016/2017 academic year. The program can be regarded as a...

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Application for Food Industrial development funds to be launched on 25 February

In order to the more thorough preparations, and taking the interests of the farmers into account, the Prime Minister's Office modified the “Mezőgazdasági termékek értéknövelése és erőforrás-hatékonyságának elősegítése a feldolgozásban”...

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The strong Swiss franc worsens the result of Nestlé

The Swiss food giant’s after-tax profit decreased by 39 percent to 9.1 billion Swiss francs last year – the figyelo.hu wrote. According to the communication of the Company the decline...

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Poultry meat prices decreased

Not only pork, but also the poultry meat prices decreased early this year, due to the declining demand – the origo.hu wrote. According to the report of the Agricultural Economics...

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FM: Russia is a major agricultural partner for Hungary

Russia is a key partner of Hungary in the field of agriculture and the food industry, despite the fact that the trade embargo makes the relationship between the two country...

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Magazine: Optimistic start of the year in agriculture

The majority of farmers would be satisfied this year if agriculture’s output – at least in crop yield – would reach the same level as two years ago. So far...

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VAT on milk may be reduced

A five-point package of proposals is being created to support dairy farmers – Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told Magyar Nemzet. The ministry will propose...

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The deadline of the food industrial support tender has been extended

The deadline of the food industrial support tender has been extended, so the first round of requests can be sent online between 25 February and 25 April – the Minister...

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Czerván: the Russian embargo re- organized the markets

The Russian embargo on food re- organized the markets. The European exports to Asian countries moved towards Japan, China, Hong Kong and South Korea – Czerván György, Minister of State...

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Retail sales grew rapidly last year in the Czech Republic

Last year, retail sales rose by 5.9 percent in the Czech Republic. Sales growth was so high as in 2008 – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Thursday in Prague....

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Hungary offset the Russian embargo with new markets

Hungary successfully offset the Russian embargo on the Hungarian agricultural and food products by exploring new markets – Budai Gyula, Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign...

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MVH: the versatile use of EU funds for rural development

Local governments, nonprofit organizations and even churches are eligible to apply for EU rural development funds in a wide variety of sectors such as the food industry, irrigation development and...

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Agricultural Ministerial Forum in Berlin about the urban population’s supply

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told MTI that GM-free food should be give to people all over the world. How can you supply the world’s growing urban population with food...

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There is a demand for processed food products in Hungary

There is a demand for processed food products in Hungary as well as abroad – Kis Miklós Zsolt Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office told M1 news channel....

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Food industrial applications from mid-February

The food industrial applications can be submitted from 15 February. The supports aim to facilitate improvements in an amount of 151 billion HUF – Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State...

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The Orkla bought Hamé

The Norwegian firm Orkla has signed a purchase contract for food maker Hamé for 175 million euros. The transaction will be evaluated by Czech antitrust office ÚOHS, Orkla already owns...

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