Tag "élelmiszeripar"

The Hungarian agriculture and food industry is based on healthy GMO-free plants

Agricultural production, the food industry and nutrition science go hand in hand, the developments, challenges and expectations of each segment influence each other, said Dr. Beáta Olga Felkai, Deputy State...

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Challenges ahead in 2024 for the Hungarian food industry

2024 is shaping up to be another challenging year for Hungary’s food industry, according to András Benkő, Director of Commerce and Marketing at Kaiser Food. He noted that low consumer...

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Agricultural vocational training provides young people with a predictable vision of the future

Today, agricultural technical colleges and vocational schools offer a predictable life path, 21st century. in the conditions of the 21st century they provide century-old knowledge. Young people can become masters...

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The sector of animal breeders is facing a huge opportunity

European agriculture and farmers are suffering enormous damage, and animal husbandry is also under intense attacks, Brussels’ communication discredits farmers and deceives consumers. Meanwhile, Hungarian livestock breeders and livestock keepers...

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A new chapter in the development of Hungarian agriculture: HUF 475 billion in the name of sustainability and innovation

In accordance with the strategic plan of Hungary’s KAP (Common Agricultural Policy), new calls for tenders have appeared, which are intended to promote the modernization and sustainable development of the...

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KSH: industrial production increased by 1.8 percent in February, the largest increase in the production of food, beverages and tobacco products

In February 2024, the volume of industrial production exceeded the previous year by 1.8 percent. Adjusted for the working day effect, production rose by 1.4 percent, the Central Statistics Office...

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Starting this summer, domestic food industry entrepreneurs can apply for HUF 200 billion in non-refundable subsidies

The economic government allocates resources worth HUF 480 billion for food industry developments within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) Strategic Plan.In many respects, the related tenders published...

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The loan stock of agriculture increased, that of the food industry decreased

Based on the data of the Ministry of Agriculture, the credit portfolio of the agricultural sectors increased by 3.5 percent in the case of agriculture compared to the same period...

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Gergely Fábián: integrated, data-based development in the food industry improves competitiveness and security of supply

In the food industry, the competitiveness of the sector can be increased with the integrated, data-based development of the product path, which also contributes to security of supply and sustainability,...

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Digitization contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the food industry

Technological development and the rise of IT tools can revolutionize the food industry, creating opportunities in the field of transparency, efficiency and safety, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the...

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Agriculture can meet the challenges through the farming community

With the persistence, knowledge and efforts of the Hungarian farming community, the Hungarian agriculture and food industry can meet the challenges before it and find the answers that can ensure...

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The food industry can rely on the agricultural vocational training system

In order to operate and maintain the innovative agriculture and food industry, well-trained specialists are needed, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced on Monday, at the Soós István Winery Technikum...

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The food industry can rely on the agricultural vocational training system

In order to operate and maintain the innovative agriculture and food industry, well-trained specialists are needed – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Monday at the Soós István Winery...

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Key tasks await agricultural graduates

Overall, our country is abundantly self-sufficient in vegetables and fruit thanks to the strength of the profession, for its future preservation and strengthening, the training of good professionals is essential...

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A Geo Terroir research group was established at the University of Szeged

The Geo Terroir research group, which helps the development of domestic agriculture, food industry and tourism, was established at the University of Szeged with the cooperation of experts from several...

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Agricultural cooperation with Mongolia is entering a new level

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy signed a letter of intent to strengthen agricultural and food industry relations, meeting with Javkhlan Bold, Minister of Finance of Mongolia, at the Ministry of...

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Subsidies and opportunities in agriculture

The new support system will continue to help farmers adapt to the changed market and production conditions – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, at...

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Subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also guaranteed in 2024

Subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also guaranteed in 2024; the government is contributing to the development of the agricultural economy with complex agrarian policy measures that strengthen financial and income...

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Péter Szijjártó: the Hungarian-Iranian agricultural cooperation agreement opens up new opportunities

The new agricultural cooperation agreement concluded between Hungary and Iran opens up new trade opportunities in the agricultural and food industry, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced...

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We protect the interests of farmers by all means

The government sees farmers as strategic partners and will protect their interests by all means, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared on Monday in Kalocsán at a forum organized as...

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The Hungarian agricultural and food industry can expect a calmer year in 2024

After the often unpredictable environment of recent years, the Hungarian agricultural and food industry can expect a calmer year in 2024, the price of fertilizer, feed and energy has decreased,...

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MBH: Hungarian agriculture can expect a calmer year than last year

The agriculture and the food industry can expect a calmer year this year than in 2023, mainly the prospects of livestock keepers have improved, a more balanced period in agriculture...

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The Hungarian meat industry faces a great opportunity

In addition to plant growers, animal breeders must also be put in a position, because in the Hungarian food industry, the greatest profit can be achieved with highly processed and...

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Minister of Agriculture: Brussels has once again left Eastern European farmers alone

Brussels has once again failed Eastern European farmers, as it plans to extend the autonomous trade liberalization measure granted to Ukraine until June 2025 without proposing any solution to the...

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István Nagy: European agricultural production and trade must be protected

European agricultural production and trade must be protected, the extension of the autonomous trade liberalization measure (ATM regulation) is unacceptable, the Minister of Agriculture wrote on his social media page...

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Márton Nobilis: the food industry is an important strategic sector

The food industry is an important strategic sector, which also determines the sovereignty of a country – said Márton Nobilis, the State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade...

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NGM: State Secretary Gergely Fábián received a delegation of Italian agricultural and food industry associations

Gergely Fábián, the State Secretary responsible for industrial policy and technology of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), received the representatives of the Italian agricultural and food industry associations Coldiretti...

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AM: We protect the traditional rural lifestyle

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy also discussed the banning of artificial meat and the protection of traditional rural values in his office with Ettore Prandini, the president of the Italian...

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Our country continues to strengthen its agricultural relations with China

We are committed to the further strengthening of the agricultural and trade cooperation between China and Hungary, and it would be an important milestone if China accepted regionalization both with...

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Agricultural diplomacy negotiations during the Green Week in Berlin

Within the framework of the 88th Berlin Green Week and the World Agriculture and Food Forum, which was organized as part of it and took place with the participation of...

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