Tag "élelmiszeripar"

KSH: industrial production fell by 9.5 percent in August

In August 2024, the volume of industrial production was 9.5 percent, or 4.1 percent less than a year earlier, adjusted for the working day effect. The significant difference compared to...

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Difficult years in the Hungarian food industry: Éder Tamás on the downturn

In the past three years, the performance of the Hungarian food industry has been extremely volatile, which was reinforced by market challenges and the changing regulatory environment. At the CIB...

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AM: the basis of successful agriculture is a sustainable food industry

Agriculture has always had a strong culture in Hungary, and today successful agricultural countries can be those where the food industry is also successful – said Márton Nobilis at the...

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The basis of successful agriculture is a sustainable food industry

Hungary has always had a strong culture of agriculture, and today successful agricultural countries can be those where the food industry is also successful – said Márton Nobilis at the...

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MBH Bank: the income of agriculture can increase by up to HUF 160 billion per year through investment applications

From 2026-2027, the agricultural industry’s income could increase by up to HUF 160 billion per year through the investments made in the framework of the rural development tenders that have...

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KSH: Sales prices of the food industry decreased by 0.6 percent

In August 2024, industrial producer prices were on average 3.0 percent higher than a year earlier. Domestic sales prices increased by 1.2 percent and export sales by 4.0 percent, the...

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The proportion of non-performing loans in agriculture decreased

In agriculture, the ratio of non-performing loans (NPL rate) decreased in almost all sub-sectors compared to the same period of the previous year. The NPL rate of enterprises active in...

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Slowly we can make plans again

In May Trade magazin organised its BusinessMeetup&Dinner, where Szilvia Krizsó interviewed Péter Noszek, the CEO of Nestlé Hungária. Péter Noszek has worked at Nestlé for 33 years. He has been...

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Two hundred billion forints are available for agricultural and food industry developments

From September 17, businesses can apply for two new calls for a total of HUF 200 billion: HUF 150 billion is available for supporting the complex development of processing plants,...

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The effects of climate change are much more severe than we previously thought

This year’s summer and autumn broke heat records one after the other, and we all feel their harmful effects on our own skin. While in Hungary the drought has resulted...

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KSH: industrial production fell by 1.3 percent in July

In July 2024, the volume of industrial production was 1.3 percent lower than a year earlier, adjusted for the working day effect, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Friday...

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KSH: industrial producer prices in July increased by 2.5 percent compared to a year earlier and by 0.7 percent compared to the previous month

In July, industrial producer prices were on average 2.5 percent higher than a year earlier. The prices of domestic sales increased by 1.4 percent and those of export sales by...

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The stable development of the Hungarian food industry is shown by the increasing confidence and sales revenue

In the past period, the employment and sales revenue of the food industry also showed a significant increase, the latter exceeding HUF 6,500 billion. Dr. Felkai pointed out that the...

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The sow area in Hungary has doubled

We need a common European strategy that can reduce and, in the long term, even eliminate our existing dependence on imports for protein feed, so we need to further increase...

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The “Professional Taster” career orientation program weeks were a great success

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) considers the promotion of agricultural professions, informing young people choosing careers and their parents, and promoting enrollment in agricultural vocational training institutions to...

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The food industry faces serious challenges

The past few years have brought a busy period for the Hungarian food industry, which continues to show a heterogeneous picture in terms of ownership, company size, technology and management...

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AM: focus is on the food industry

The food industry is of particular importance in the Hungarian economy, which has faced many challenges in recent years, but has nevertheless been able to adapt and develop continuously –...

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Food and beverage innovation plunges nearly 50% since 2007: Mintel

The market research firm said about a quarter of items introduced between January and May of 2024 were genuinely new products. Innovation has declined the most in food and drink...

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KSH: industrial production fell by 5.2 percent in May

In May, the volume of industrial production fell by 5.2 percent, or 4.9 percent, adjusted for the working day effect, from a year earlier, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) confirmed...

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Microplastics and nutrition: The hidden dangers

In recent years, the presence and effects of microplastics have increasingly come to the fore, especially in terms of nutrition and health. Annual global plastic production exceeds 460 million tons,...

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The most important agricultural foreign trade partner is Germany

The value of exports of agricultural and food industry products was 3,570 million euros, and the value of imports was 2,428 million euros in the first quarter of 2024, the...

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KSH: Sales prices in the food industry were 5.1 percent lower than a year ago

In May 2024, industrial producer prices were on average 0.2 percent lower compared to a year earlier. Domestic sales prices decreased by 3.9 percent, export sales increased by 1.7 percent....

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The new call for tenders for developing domestic horticultural production has been published

A new call for tenders has been published with a budget of HUF 50 billion to support the creation and modernization of horticultural greenhouses, cold storages, and vegetable storage facilities,...

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Tamás Éder: “Tackling extra burdens is the most important task in the next period”

In the food industry the need to improve efficiency is becoming more and more important, but reducing the EPR fee is also a priority. Tamás Éder, president of the Federation...

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Cherry growers expect a smaller than average harvest

The cherry season is in full swing, but due to the extreme spring weather, a smaller harvest than the average of previous years is expected. However, lower yields are not...

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István Széchenyi University has signed a strategic agreement with a Czech agricultural company

István Széchenyi University has entered into a strategic agreement with Prague-based Agrofert, one of Central Europe’s leading agribusinesses, the university announced to MTI on Thursday. Within the framework of the...

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István Nagy: the starting point of Hungarian agriculture is quality production

In the ever-stronger international competition, the starting point of Hungarian agriculture can be the increase of added value and the level of processing, the production of high-quality food, said István...

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AM: calls for tenders to support investments in processing plants have been published

The government regards the food industry as a strategic sector, so the sector can count on special support opportunities in the coming years as well. Within the framework of the...

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Hungarian agricultural companies have taken steps towards Africa

Three Hungarian agricultural companies, which specialize in the production of meat and milk, animal feed and egg products, were able to present themselves at several locations in Africa.They were able...

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KSH: industrial production increased by 6.4 percent in April

In April, the volume of industrial production exceeded the previous year by 6.4 percent, while, after adjusting for the effect of working days, it fell short by 2.4 percent, the...

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