Tag "élelmiszeripar"

Food and beverage innovation plunges nearly 50% since 2007: Mintel

The market research firm said about a quarter of items introduced between January and May of 2024 were genuinely new products. Innovation has declined the most in food and drink...

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KSH: industrial production fell by 5.2 percent in May

In May, the volume of industrial production fell by 5.2 percent, or 4.9 percent, adjusted for the working day effect, from a year earlier, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) confirmed...

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Microplastics and nutrition: The hidden dangers

In recent years, the presence and effects of microplastics have increasingly come to the fore, especially in terms of nutrition and health. Annual global plastic production exceeds 460 million tons,...

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The most important agricultural foreign trade partner is Germany

The value of exports of agricultural and food industry products was 3,570 million euros, and the value of imports was 2,428 million euros in the first quarter of 2024, the...

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KSH: Sales prices in the food industry were 5.1 percent lower than a year ago

In May 2024, industrial producer prices were on average 0.2 percent lower compared to a year earlier. Domestic sales prices decreased by 3.9 percent, export sales increased by 1.7 percent....

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The new call for tenders for developing domestic horticultural production has been published

A new call for tenders has been published with a budget of HUF 50 billion to support the creation and modernization of horticultural greenhouses, cold storages, and vegetable storage facilities,...

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Tamás Éder: “Tackling extra burdens is the most important task in the next period”

In the food industry the need to improve efficiency is becoming more and more important, but reducing the EPR fee is also a priority. Tamás Éder, president of the Federation...

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Cherry growers expect a smaller than average harvest

The cherry season is in full swing, but due to the extreme spring weather, a smaller harvest than the average of previous years is expected. However, lower yields are not...

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István Széchenyi University has signed a strategic agreement with a Czech agricultural company

István Széchenyi University has entered into a strategic agreement with Prague-based Agrofert, one of Central Europe’s leading agribusinesses, the university announced to MTI on Thursday. Within the framework of the...

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István Nagy: the starting point of Hungarian agriculture is quality production

In the ever-stronger international competition, the starting point of Hungarian agriculture can be the increase of added value and the level of processing, the production of high-quality food, said István...

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AM: calls for tenders to support investments in processing plants have been published

The government regards the food industry as a strategic sector, so the sector can count on special support opportunities in the coming years as well. Within the framework of the...

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Hungarian agricultural companies have taken steps towards Africa

Three Hungarian agricultural companies, which specialize in the production of meat and milk, animal feed and egg products, were able to present themselves at several locations in Africa.They were able...

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KSH: industrial production increased by 6.4 percent in April

In April, the volume of industrial production exceeded the previous year by 6.4 percent, while, after adjusting for the effect of working days, it fell short by 2.4 percent, the...

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Chamber of Agriculture: they are looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of agriculture

Young developers, startups and researchers are looking for solutions to the challenges of agriculture and the food industry within the framework of the TechLab agricultural startup program of the National...

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The export of frozen green peas increased by 20 percent in 2023

According to KSH data, green peas were harvested in Hungary in 2023, in a 6.9 percent larger area, 14 percent more (94 thousand tons) than in 2022. According to the...

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KSH: the production of food, beverages and tobacco products expanded compared to a year earlier

In April 2024, the volume of industrial production exceeded a year earlier by 6.4 percent, while adjusted for the working day effect it was 2.4 percent lower than a year...

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KSH: the food industry slowed down the industry’s decline the most

The volume of Hungary’s gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2024 exceeded the same period of the previous year by 1.1 percent according to raw data, and by...

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The irrigation plant of Talentis Agro Zrt., built with 1.7 billion forints, was handed over

The government will give farmers all the help they need to adapt to the challenges of climate change and to increase the cultivation of crops with greater added value –...

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An efficient, innovative and competitive dairy industry is needed

The time has come to develop the domestic dairy industry, we need investments that improve efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the sector’s players. The goal is to regain the domestic...

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Hungarian milk production has reached the forefront of Europe

Domestic milk production reached the forefront of Europe by renewing the technological background;based on sales and employment, the dairy industry is one of the largest and increasingly important sectors of...

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The gross production value of the bread and fresh bakery sector increased the most in 2023

44 percent of the enterprises designated for data collection complied with their obligation to provide data. At the time of data collection, these food industry enterprises indicated the achievement of...

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Sales prices in the food industry were 5.9 percent lower than last April

In April of this year, industrial producer prices were on average 2.0 percent lower compared to a year earlier. Domestic sales prices fell by 5.0 percent, export sales by 0.4...

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Dr Beáta Olga Felkai: “One of the Hungarian presidency’s priority topics will be the fight against food loss and waste”

Dr Beáta Olga Felkai, deputy state secretary for food chain supervision and trade policy at the Ministry of Agriculture has given us an insight into the challenges, government responses and...

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Competitive businesses help developing micro-regions

Hungarian agriculture has gone through a spectacular development since 2010, and the companies exhibiting at Kiskun Expo are a clear proof of this, showing the strength and competitiveness of the...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the Hungarian food industry is developing based on good European examples

After the decline following the regime change, the domestic food industry must be strengthened again. The government will allocate 750 billion forints of the approximately 1,500 billion forints in tender...

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From EU self-sufficient poultry products, there is no need for imports of dubious origin

In recent years, the situation of the poultry sector has been complicated by many challenges, various epidemics, declining demand due to wartime inflation, and cheap but poor-quality products that do...

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KSH: industrial production decreased by 10.4 percent

In March 2024, the volume of industrial production was 10.4%, which, adjusted for the effect of working days, was 2.8% less than a year earlier, the Central Statistics Office (KSH)...

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A priority goal is to strengthen the competitiveness of Hungarian agriculture

The growing trust between the actors of the banking sector and agriculture, and the performance of agriculture, has resulted in farmers being considered one of the best customer groups for...

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Development in agriculture is unbroken

The poultry sector is the most competitive and also the most concentrated livestock sector in our country. It contributes to the improvement of the foreign trade balance, since poultry accounts...

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Illés Boglárka: the government supports the strengthening of self-sufficiency in the food industry

The crises of recent years have shown that self-sufficiency is extremely important, especially in the fields of agriculture and the food industry, which is why the government continues to give...

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