Tag "élelmiszerbiztonság"

Winter food chain control ended with more than 8 million forints fines

The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) imposed more than 8 million forints fines during the agency’s and the county government offices’ winter food chain control, but the vast majority...

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Nébih withdrew several oat-based products

In recent weeks, several oat-based products have been withdrawn by the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) because of their higher levels of DON mycotoxin than the upper limit of...

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Nébih did not find major problems in case of the examined lemons

Misleading label was found at one of the ten lemon items examined, and one products was labeled incompleted – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI. The Office...

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The seasonal food chain control has been launched

The traditional winter food chain check-up has begun, the action lasts unil the end of the year, and it focuses on almost all products that are linked to holidays, as...

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The consumer protection authority has not found problems in chocolate Santas

The consumer protection authority has started the nationwide checks before the holidays, so far the experience has shown that the composition of chocolate Santa Clauses corresponds to the name, fat...

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A confectionery factory was closed by Nébih in Budapest

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) closed a confectionery factory in Budapest due to severe food safety deficiencies. The authorities announced on Wednesday that the inspectors had encountered terrible...

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Auchan has introduced a blockchain-based food tracking program developed by Hungarian developers in five countries

Solutions based on blockchain technology play an increasingly important role in international food safety. This has a serious domestic implication as well. The use of blockchain technology in tracking is...

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New food safety programme from Walmart

Walmart launched its new, blockchain technology food safety programme, which had been developed by IBM and was tested in cooperation with several suppliers in the last 18 months. Walmart Food...

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Another box ticked

Last year the Ministry of Agriculture published decree 28/2017. (V. 30.) on the self-review systems to be operated by food industry enterprises, This system was set up to make sure...

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A survey was carried out on pesticides in fish ponds

A comprehensive survey was carried out on what pesticides and pharmaceutical residues are found in fish ponds in Hungary and acan be found in the meat of fish that are...

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Nébih found deficiencies in three out of twenty-two tested mayonnaise products

Twenty-two mayonnaises were examined by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), the controlled products were adequate for food safety, but marking deficiencies were found in case of three products,...

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Nébih withdrew Chinese food supplements from the market

Three Chinese dietary supplements were withdrawn from the market by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). The measure became necessary because of the drug content of the medicines ordered...

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The University of Debrecen will be a center for food safety competence

A scientific-business cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Debrecen (DE) and the representatives of the domestic enterprises on the development of in the system of food safety. Szilvássy...

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Nébih regards black foods as a risk factor

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has identified a group of so-called black foods as a new food safety risk factor – the agency announced on its website. The...

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Scientific and business cooperation against food counterfeiting

A blockchain-based solution developed in an international partnership is today the world’s most advanced, safest, and at the same time cheapest, food safety system. The process with significant Hungarian participation...

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The Nébih suspended the operation of a bakery in Pest county

Due to severe food safety problems, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) suspended the operation of a bakery in Pest County with immediate effect. According to information from the...

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Nébih: metal pieces were found in one of the chocolate goji berries product

According to the United Kingdom’s announcement, the metal pieces were found in one of the chocolate grizzled raw goji berries products of which shipments also came to Hungary. The manufacturer...

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Nébih withdrew dietary supplements

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) withdrew food supplements with non-authorized ingredients and drug, the organization told MTI on Thursday. According to the statement, the agency took a sample...

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Nébih: only a fraction of the notifications in the EU alert system concerned Hungarian products

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) published on its website, referring to the annual summaries of the European Commission that only 0.7 percent of the almost four thousand notifications...

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Nébih imposed a fine of over 25 million forints during the summer seasonal food chain control

During the summer seasonal food chain check, between 1 July and 20 August, the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) imposed more than 25 million forints in 303 cases –...

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More than a ton of unmarked vegetables and fruits have been found by the Tax Office’s staff in Makó

More than a ton of unknown origin vegetables and fruits have been found by tax officials after a trial purchase in a lorry in Makó – the National Tax and...

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The Nébih warns of a product with an unmarked milk protein

Lactoprotein was measured in the 500 grams Belgian Vegan Protein product (RASFF reference number: 2018.2351). The product is not labeled with milk protein, so it can cause complaints to sensitive...

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Nébih found only one serious mistake in the vanilla ice creams

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found marking deficiencies in boxed vanilla ice creams, but food control fines were imposed only in one case. According to a brochure published...

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The cocktail tomatoes have passed the tests

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) investigated one of the most popular ingredients of light salads, the cocktail tomatoes, in its latest Super Menta project – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Experts...

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The Nébih has taken measures against a Pastry-webshop

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih), has taken measures against a Pastry-webshop. The operator of the takeacake.hu website has admitted the shortcomings discovered during the procedure and terminated the...

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Blueberries are more and more popular

In order to prevent the deception of customers, Nébih controls the origin of blueberries offered for sale at domestic shops and markets – origo wrote. Nowadays, the demand for blueberries...

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The global food security company continues as Kersia

The French-based global player in food safety the Kersia Group continues its operations under a new name. The Kersia Group was created with the acquisition of large corporations such as...

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Nébih: Greenyard withdrew 29.1 thousand tons of quick-frozen vegetables

The Greenyard withdrew about 29.1 thousand tons of quick-frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables produced between June 2016 and June 2018 and were sold in Hungary. There is a danger...

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The Nébih is satisfied with the quality of the canned beers

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) did not find any errors or marking errors during the laboratory and official control of the canned beers. According to the Office’s announcement...

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Nébih allowed a dairy plant to re-operate

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has allowed the operation of a dairy plant in Hajdú-Bihar County after the company replaced the technical and food hygienic deficiencies – the...

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