Tag "élelmiszerinfláció"

An influx of funds in Hungarian agriculture

Our magazine interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). – What do you think about the rapidly rising food prices? Are there factors that are likely...

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This is how consumer prices changed between November 2021 and November 2022

MTI published a telling table on the change in consumer prices, which also shows the 43.8 percent food inflation....

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Several specialists justified the extreme increase in domestic food prices

The deterioration of the forint may be the most important reason, but of course food inflation, which is also prominent in the European context, is multifactorial. “Based on long-term trends,...

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MNB: food caused the acceleration of inflation in October

In October, the annual inflation rose by 1.0 percentage points compared to the previous month to 21.1 percent, which was mainly caused by the acceleration of food inflation. Food contributed...

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Bulk shopping costs HUF 50,000-80,000 more per month

Food inflation is already at 35.2 percent in Hungary. According to a recent study, an average family spends HUF 50,000-80,000 more on shopping than it did a year ago. According...

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From November, an egg can cost HUF 150

Drought, war, weakening of the forint – inflation does not miss the egg. Recently, the price of eggs has risen by HUF 20 per week, so by November, the average...

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Inflation of food prices over 30% in August

Food prices in August 2022 exceeded by 15.6% on average the prices recorded in August 2021. In the past one year, food and consumer durables incurred the highest price increase...

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Food inflation: Rice under pressure, prices expected to boil over

Severe disruptions in global rice suppliers combined with a soaring demand for the grain could break the fragile balance between supply and demand, leading to price increases and, once again,...

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Euro Zone Inflation Confirmed At 9.1% As Energy, Food Prices Surge

Euro zone inflation hit another record high of 9.1% in August, EU statistics office Eurostat confirmed on Friday, driven by sharply higher energy and food prices, and was likely headed...

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Food Inflation is Holding Up – Consumers Find Increasingly Difficult to Cope With

Food inflation remains extremely high and consumers are feeling the pain. They are making changes to their restaurant engagement as well as their grocery purchases, according to the August IRI...

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UK Grocery Inflation Hit New High Of 12.4% In August, Says Kantar

Grocery inflation in the UK hit 12.4% in August, new data from Kantar has revealed, setting a new record for the British marketplace. In the 12 weeks to 4 September,...

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Food inflation around 30% in July

Data by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reveal: consumer prices elevated by 13.7% in July 2022, in comparison with July 2021. In one month prices became 2.3% higher on average....

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Changing world, changing consumers

According to a GfK study with approximately170 million households in 14 countries, FMCG volume sales will increase by 3% this year; expectation is that value sales will be 13% higher...

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Portugal To Extend Subsidy To Help Poorest With Food Inflation

Portugal will extend until September a subsidy of €60 a month to help the poorest families cope with food inflation, Prime Minister Antonio Costa has said. Speaking in parliament, Costa...

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