Tag "éghajlatváltozás"

FAO: New tools for reporting on world’s forest resources launched

FAO has launched today a new online platform for reporting on the status and trends of the world’s forest resources. The platform enables countries to increase the efficiency of their...

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FM: an actionable green policy is needed

An actionable green policy is needed, including development such as the KlimAdat project, which serves to map the effects of climate change in Hungary – the Minister of State of...

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FAO: Global tea consumption and production driven by robust demand in China and India

Emelkedni fog globálisan a teafogyasztás és –termelés a következő évtizedben a fejlődő országok erős kereslete miatt. Ez új munkalehetőségeket teremt a vidéken élők számára és javítja az élelmezésbiztonságot a teatermelő...

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The draft of the revised climate change strategy is complete

The draft of the second national climate change strategy for the 2017-2030 period providing outlook up to 2050 is ready. According to the document published on the government’s website by...

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FAO Report: dry areas of the Earth should be handled with special attention

Special attention should be paid to the dry areas of the world, because climate change will further strengthen the negative effects of droughts, desertification and land degradation – the report...

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The effects of climate change could be reduced by decreasing food waste

Reducing food waste around the world would help curb emissions of planet-warming gases, lessening some of the impacts of climate change such as more extreme weather and rising seas, scientists...

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May we run out of coffee? – WWF’s report on the effects of climate change on food

Consumers will feel the harsh impacts of climate change not only in the climate around them but also in their supermarkets where the availability and/or cost of agricultural commodities like...

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