Tag "Destatis"

German asparagus is not affected by the weather, but consumers are buying less of it

According to the crop estimate of the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, the volume of the German asparagus crop in 2022 was 113,000 tons, which is the smallest amount in...

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German inflation slowed in June

Inflation slowed down in Germany in June in an annual comparison, the German Federal Statistical Office announced on Wednesday as final data. According to Destatis data, the rise in consumer...

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German retail sales declined in real terms on an annual basis

Retail sales in Germany were mixed in May, growing more than expected on a monthly basis, but declining more than expected on an annual basis. The German Federal Statistical Office...

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German inflation slowed in June

In Germany, instead of the expected rise, inflation slowed in June year-on-year, according to the German federal statistical office Destatis. According to preliminary data from Destatis published on Wednesday, the...

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Eastern EU Member States are hit hardest by rising food prices

The eastern member states of the European Union are hit hardest by rising food prices, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said in an analysis on Wednesday.   According to...

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The German economy has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels

Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) was 0.9 percent lower in the first quarter of this year than in the fourth quarter before the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis)...

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The highest inflation rate of the past 40 years measured in April in Germany

In Germany, consumer prices rose 7.4 percent year-on-year in April, the highest inflation rate in 40 years; an increase of 7.3 percent was recorded in March. According to the final...

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Inflation in Germany continued to rise

Forty-one years ago, inflation in Germany rose to its highest level, at 7.4 percent, according to a preliminary report by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) based on preliminary data, which...

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German retail sales grew less than expected

In February, retail sales in Germany grew less than in the previous month and market expectations, both on a monthly and annual basis, according to a report released on Thursday...

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Inflation in Germany could reach 7.3 percent in March

According to preliminary data from the German Federal Statistical Office, inflation in Germany could be 7.3 percent in March, the highest since the fall of 1981, the second Gulf War....

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The performance of the German economy deteriorated less than expected in the fourth quarter

In the fourth quarter of last year, Germany’s gross domestic product fell less than expected on a quarterly basis, according to a report released on Friday by the German Federal...

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German Producer Price Inflation Accelerates In January

Germany’s producer prices rose for a second month in a row and at a faster pace in January, figures from Destatis showed Friday. Producer prices increased 0.9 percent year-on-year after...

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The lowest inflation of the past four months occured in Germany in January

After a nearly thirty-year high in December, inflation in Germany fell to a four-month low in January, the German federal statistics office Destatis announced on Friday. The final value of...

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German retail sales decreased

Last December, retail sales in Germany fell much more than expected due to the reintroduction of restrictive measures, according to a report by the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, on...

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Every fourth job was lost in German gastronomy

One in four jobs was lost in the German gastronomic sector compared to before the crisis, mainly in the low-paid categories, and replacement training also deteriorated, according to a report...

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German retail sales declined more than expected

Retail sales in Germany fell more than expected in October year-on-year. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Wednesday that, with calendar and seasonal adjustment, retail sales fell 2.9...

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Inflation is on nearly thirty-year highs in Germany in November

According to preliminary data, inflation in Germany rose further in November, according to a report by the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, published on Monday. In November, according to preliminary...

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German inflation in October is on a nearly three decades peak

Inflation in Germany rose to a 28-year high in October, according to a preliminary data report by the German federal statistical office Destatis. The annual rate of increase in consumer...

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Inflation at nearly 30-year highs in in Germany

Consumer prices also rose in Germany in September, reaching their highest level since December 1993. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Wednesday that consumer prices rose 4.1 percent...

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Producer prices in Germany increased significantly in August

In August 2021, the index of producer prices for industrial products increased by 12.0% compared with August 2020. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office this was the highest increase...

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Consumer prices rose sharply in Germany in August

Consumer prices continued to rise sharply in Germany in August, according to a final series of data released by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on Friday. During the review, no...

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Inflation reached a 13-year high in August in Germany

In Germany, the highest consumer price increase since July 2008 was measured in August this year. According to preliminary data from Destatis released on Monday, consumer prices rose 3.9 percent...

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Manufacturing in June 2021: new orders up 4.1% on the previous month

Compared with February 2020, which was the month before restrictions were imposed due to the corona pandemic in Germany, new orders in June 2021 were 11.2% higher in seasonally and...

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German GDP decreased by 3.4 percent

Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell 3.4 percent in the first quarter from a year before and 1.8 percent from the previous three months, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced...

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In March, producer prices for vegetable products increased and producer prices for meat products decreased in Germany

Producer prices for plant-based food products rose in March due to high demand, while meat prices fell in Germany, according to a report released on Monday by Destatis, the federal...

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Destatis has improved its fourth quarter German GDP growth estimate

Destatis has improved its fourth-quarter GDP growth data for Germany from its first estimate in the second estimate released by the German federal statistical office Destatis on Wednesday. In the...

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Retail sales in Germany declined more than expected in December

Retail sales in Germany fell much more than expected in December as a result of the austerity measures, due to pandemic. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Monday...

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The highest inflation occurred in July in the euro area four months ago

According to preliminary data, the highest inflation in the euro area for the last four months was in July, according to a report published on Wednesday by the European Union’s...

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Retail sales in Germany were mixed in June

On an annual basis, retail sales in Germany declined in a month-on-month comparision in June. The German federal statistical office Destatis annpunced on Friday that retail sales in Germany fell...

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Inflation in Germany hit a three-and-a-half-year low in May

In May, three and a half years ago, the lowest inflation occurred in Germany, according to a report released on Tuesday by the federal statistical office Destatis. According to the...

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