Tag "Copa-Cogeca"

The agricultural council must show the main directions of the agricultural policy after 2027

The aim of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union is for the Council of Agriculture Ministers to show the main directions of the common agricultural...

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The barley is already in the granaries

This year, due to the dry and warm weather, the harvest of fall-sown field crops started about two weeks earlier than usual, and it continues continuously even in the heat:...

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The Agricultural Economics Institute is at the service of Hungarian farmers and agriculture

Every sector and, within that, every policy, every ministry needs an institution with a knowledge base like the Agricultural Economics Institute, which cultivates all elements of knowledge at a high...

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NAK joined the call sent to the EU by EU agricultural interest representatives

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has joined the Copa-Cogeca open letter, in which the EU’s agricultural producers and cooperatives are asking the president of the European Commission to...

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The agricultural chambers of six countries jointly call on Brussels: end the impossibility of European farmers!

In addition to the Hungarian National Chamber of Agriculture, the agricultural chambers of five other countries strongly warn the decision-makers of the European Union not to destroy Europe’s agriculture. The...

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MAGOSZ and NAK negotiated with the largest Italian agricultural interest representation

The leadership of Coldiretti, the largest Italian agricultural interest representation, was received by István Jakab, president of MAGOSZ, and Balázs Győrffy, president of the National Chamber of Agriculture. According to Ettore...

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István Nagy: agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed in 2024

Agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed for 2024, the budget will add HUF 650 billion to the rural development resources, said the Minister of Agriculture at his annual press conference in...

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Is the European meat tax coming? We summarize in four points why we should not fall for this simplistic narrative

The anti-meat narrative has gained strength again in Brussels. Recently, one of the chief scientific advisers of the European Commission spoke about his support for the introduction of a European...

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Szigorítást sürget a NAK a növényi eredetű termékek elnevezésére vonatkozóan

Az európai mezőgazdasági termelőket összefogó Copa-Cogeca állásfoglalást adott ki a növényi alapú hús- és tejimitátumokkal kapcsolatban. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. A növényi alapú fehérjetermékek (hús- és...

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Meat and dairy imitations of plant origin: stricter EU regulation is needed

Plant-based products imitating animal-derived foods must be significantly different in name from those of animal origin. In their description and advertisements, they cannot refer to the untruth that their nutritional content...

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NAK: The EU-Mercosur trade agreement is outdated and harmful

The trade agreement to be concluded with the Mercosur states could have serious consequences for the agriculture of the European Union – pointed out the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy...

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Stricter EU regulation is needed because of imitation meat and dairy products of plant origin

Plant-based products imitating animal-derived foods must be significantly different in name from those of animal origin. In their description and advertisements, they cannot refer to the untruth that their nutritional...

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(HU) A NAK kiadványai eloszlatják az állattenyésztés-ellenes rosszindulatú tévhiteket

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies is unacceptable

The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies in the Common Agricultural Policy is unacceptable for Hungary – Györffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture told at the presidency meeting...

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The European Week of Bees: The humankind will starve without bees

If the bees become extinct,it will be the end of the human race – Szanyi Tibor, the MEP of MSZP told in Brussels as the host of the conference organized...

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