Tag "búza"

More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala

More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala county, the average yield is 15-20 percent lower than in the previous year, the county president of the National...

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Less wheat and rape were produced this year in Tolna

Last year, five percent less winter wheat was harvested in Tolna County, while rapeseed production decreased by 10 percent, compared to the 2016 average; Producers explain the loss in crop...

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A quarter of autumn wheat is already in the storages

A quarter of the nearly one million hectares of winter wheat in the country are already in the storehouses; This year’s average yield will be around 5.2 tonnes per hectare...

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Less wheat is expected this year, but its gluten content may improve

This year’s wheat production may be smaller than last year’s, but its gluten content will improve, according to a preliminary review of Gabona Control. According to a statement sent to...

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GOSZ expects low prices on the wheat market

Cereal producers may hope for a good-average crop this year, but still some precipitation is needed to reach this goal – Vancsura József, Chairman of the National Association of Cereal...

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The sowing area of maize and wheat decreases

Maize and wheat were sown on almost three thousand less hectares of land this year in Tolna County. The sowing area of the autumn wheat fell by nine thousand hectares,...

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The VSZT and the GOSZ test autumn wheat and maize in their experiments

The Seed Alliance Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (VSZT) and the National Association of Cereal Producers (GOSZ) are testing autumn wheat and maize in their experiments. The tests aim to...

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FAO: World food prices rose in February

FAO’s food price index increased in February for the seventh consecutive month, this time led by increasing wheat and maize prices. The FAO Food Price Index averaged 175.5 points in...

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Sunflower exports expanded, wheat exports fell

The export value of agricultural and food products reached 5887 million euros, while the value of imports amounted to 3764 million euros in the first three quarters of 2016, so...

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Wheat sown area hardly changed

According to the EU’s statistical office, winter wheat seeds were sown on 24.2 million hectares in the European Union last year, which is the same as in 2015. According to...

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Intersnack buys more and more flour every year

The salt sticks made of wheat grown in the Little Plain reach 45 countries. The Intersnack Hungary Kft. (Chio) buys wheat from foreign producers to make flour-based products. The growing...

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Agricultural production prices: +1.2 percent

In July 2016 agricultural production prices increased by 1.2 percent from the level of July 2015. This rise was driven by the price of vegetable products growing by 1.2 percent...

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Global wheat and rice harvests poised to set new record

Global food markets will likely remain “generally well balanced” in the year ahead, as prices for most internationally-traded agricultural commodities are relatively low and stable, FAO said today. The benign...

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FM: a record yield is expected

A record yield, or near-record harvest is expected in case of several crops this year, despite the adverse weather conditions – the Minister of Agriculture told at a press conference...

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Corn prices are low

A downward trend occured in the price of corn. Corn prices only reached 165 euros in Paris – Magro.hu told Privátbankár.hu. The exchange rate decreased by 5.5 percent overseas, while...

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Wheat harvest has been completed

Wheat harvest almost completed in the country. Due to bad weather, the farmers are still working on 1-2 percent of the area – the President of the National Association of...

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The annual wheat requirement is already in the warehouses

Already twice of Hungary's annual wheat requirement is in the warehouses – the deputy chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers told M1 news channel on Saturday. Petőházi Tamás...

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Increase in the price of wheat and corn at the commodity exchanges

The price of wheat and corn slipped back badly early summer. But a week ago the exchange rate began to rise – tozsdeforum.hu wrote. Vetter Péter, salesman of Solar Capital...

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The per hectare wheat yield is six and a half tonnes in Tolna County

Approaching to the half of the harvest, the per hectare winter wheat yield is six and a half tonnes in Tolna County, where winter barley and canola also have outstanding...

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Above average grain harvest is expected this year

According to the Minister of Agriculture, this year above than average cereal harvest can be expected in the country. Twenty-five percent of the wheat has been harvested, the average yield...

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Magro.hu: good wheat crop and low prices are expected

In addition to a good wheat crop, low crop prices are expected this year in Hungary. Five million tons of wheat will be transported to the granaries – according to...

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The wheat harvest begins next week

Farmers expect a good wheat harvest both in quantity and quality. The wheat harvest begins next week. However, the optimistic expectations is overshadowed by the low price levels: purchasers only...

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Wheat replaces Makói onion

Fewer and fewer onion is grown in Hungary. Rather wheat is produced in the Makó region, instead of garlic and onions – Népszabadság Online wrote. – While the cost of...

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The world wheat market is changing

The international agricultural market this year shows significant changes for reasons such as the strong dollar, the fall in oil prices and high yields – writes the Wall Street Journal...

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Syngenta is celebrating its 15th anniversary

Syngenta’s jubilee year is hallmarked by new sunflower and corn hybrids, promising better than ever yields, excellent wheat seeds, complex plant protection product portfolio, expanded Contivo ™ advisory system. The...

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Speculation and overproduction move the grain prices

Nearly 70 percent of world’s cereal production will be wheat and corn this year. Because of the previous high prices many people interested towards the grain section of the commodity...

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FM: the financial and income situation of agriculture improved substantially

Thanks to the favorable performance of agriculture and the efficient agricultural and rural development funds, the financial and income situation of agriculture improved substantially – Nagy István Parliamentary Minister of...

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FM: About 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year in Hungary

In Hungary, a total of approximately 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year, compared with the 16.3 million tonnes of last year – the Minister of State of the...

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Higher-than-expected wheat output in the European Union

French market analyst Tallage calculates with 147.5 million tons of wheat at EU level. In the second half of September the production price of milling quality wheat was HUF 48,900/ton...

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A decline in grain prices from August

A significant price decrease was observed in the past month in case of this year's domestic wheat and corn yields – and at all the other arable crops in general...

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