Tag "Budapesti Nagybani Piac"

Hungary is a net exporter of both frozen and fresh cherries

According to KSH data, Hungary’s cherry crop ranged between 60.5 and 83.5 thousand tons between 2018 and 2022. According to KSH data, the cherry crop in 2023 decreased by 18...

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Market processes of the most important product lines in 2023

The AKI PÁIR latest publication presents the market processes of the most important domestic product lines in 2023 primarily through price trends, of which we have now highlighted two: cereals and...

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AKI: seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year

Seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, most of the vegetables did not become more expensive based on wholesale market prices – read the latest report of the Agricultural...

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This year’s strawberry crop prospects are good

According to KSH data, 5,000 to 5,500 tons of strawberries were harvested annually in Hungary in recent years. This season started earlier than usual, experts expected good harvest prospects. According...

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Asparagus exports increased both in quantity and value

According to KSH data, 5.0–6.7 thousand tons of asparagus were harvested from 1.2–1.5 thousand hectares in Hungary in recent years. According to experts, due to the sudden warming, asparagus picking...

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The foreign trade balance of fresh spinach was negative in 2023

In Hungary, spinach is one of the earliest outdoor vegetables. According to KSH data, the spinach harvest was 12.1 thousand tons in 2022, which was 32 percent higher than the average...

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Vegetables on the grill – or as a side dish

The barbecue season kicks off with the arrival of really good weather, when a wide range of fresh Hungarian peppers and tomatoes become available. This article is available for reading...

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Raw milk’s price stays put

According to AKI PÁIR, the producer price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 164.3/kg in February 2024. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 With a...

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Cheaper eggs at Easter than last year

According to data by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), Hungary bought 1% more shell eggs (32.7 thousand tonnes), including nearly 17% more fresh eggs (17.8 thousand tonnes) from the international...

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It produced more spring onions, but fewer leeks

According to KSH data, Hungary produced 2.67 thousand tons of new onions (green onions) in 2022, which is 35 percent more than the previous year. Domestic spring onions are offered...

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Money taps are to be turned on in horticulture

For the ninth time, on 29 February horticulturist met to discuss the latest issues affecting the sector at the Zsendülés conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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More and cheaper pork in the world market

According to a USDA analysis published in January, US pork production in the 1st quarter of 2024 could increase by 1.4% compared to January-March 2023. This article is available for reading...

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Lettuce exports increased by more than 50 percent in 2023

According to the KSH data, the area and quantity of lettuce harvested in Hungary has decreased continuously in recent years, but according to the KSH data, an increase was observed...

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As spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Domestic lettuce and spring onions are available on the market almost all year round, but larger quantities are available in early spring, when imported goods are replaced by domestic produce...

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The price of horseradish rose by 4 percent and that of beets by 27 percent

According to KSH data, 8.8-11.1 thousand tons of horseradish were produced in Hungary in recent years on 1100-1400 hectares, the average yield was between 6.7-8.9 thousand tons/hectare. According to KSH data,...

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Exports of shelled nuts and nut guts also fell

According to KSH data, the walnut harvest in 2022 was 6.45 thousand tons, 8 percent more than a year earlier. According to experts, the harvest in 2023 was weaker than average....

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The production of pears decreased in the EU and increased in Hungary

According to data from the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA), the European Union (including the United Kingdom) produced 1.7 million tons of pears in 2023, which is 13 percent...

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The wholesale price of lemons decreased by 5 percent

According to the forecast of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the EU lemon harvest may increase by 16 percent to 1.68 million tons in 2023/2024. in the economic year...

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Wheat and corn prices down by more than half in one year

According to AKI PÁIR data, the producer price of milling wheat in Hungary – excluding VAT and transport costs – was HUF 65,300/tonne in the second week of November (-53%...

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Egy év alatt ötödével csökkent a nyers tej ára

Az AKI PÁIR adatai szerint Magyarországon a nyers tej országos termelői átlagára 153,57 forint/kilogramm volt 2023 szeptemberében. A fehérjetartalom 0,06 százalékpontos és a zsírtartalom 0,03 százalékpontos javulása, valamint az alapár stagnálása...

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The producer price of paprika increased by 18-21 percent

According to KSH data, 84.07 thousand tons of peppers were harvested in Hungary from 1.35 thousand hectares in 2022. Hungary is a net exporter of green peppers. According to KSH...

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The production volume of industrial tomatoes may increase by 38 percent this year

According to the October forecast of the World Federation of Tomato Processors (WPTC), the amount of industrial tomatoes in Hungary may increase by 38 percent to 110,000 tons in 2023...

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In an increasingly smaller area, fewer and fewer potatoes are grown

According to KSH data, the area under cultivation and the amount of potatoes produced show a decreasing trend: in 2022, 17 percent less potatoes (199.2 thousand tons) were produced than...

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The production area and yield of garlic is also decreasing

According to KSH data, the cultivation area and yield of garlic shows a decreasing trend: the yield was between 5.2 and 7.9 thousand tons in the last five years, in...

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Imports of red onions decreased by 24 percent

According to KSH data, the amount of red onion has ranged between 39 and 54 thousand tons in the last five years. In 2022, it produced 2 percent more red onions...

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Szárnyaló szárnyasárak

Az AKI PÁIR adatai szerint Magyarországon a vágócsirke élősúlyos termelői ára 27%-kal 502,76 forint/kilogrammra, a vágópulykáé 32,9%-kal 695,74 forint/kilogrammra emelkedett 2023 első harmincnégy hetében 2022 azonos időszakához képest. A cikk...

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Mérséklődik a nyers tej ára

Az AKI PÁIR adatai szerint Magyarországon a nyers tej országos termelői átlagára 161,96 forint/kilogramm volt 2023 júniusában. A fehérjetartalom 0,1%-pontos, a zsírtartalom 0,05%-pontos romlása, valamint az alapár 4%-os csökkenése mellett...

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Watermelon production area and production volume also increased

According to KSH data, 101.3 thousand tons of watermelons were harvested from 2.49 thousand hectares of production area in Hungary in 2022, which was 18 percent less than the amount...

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We have to pay slightly more for peaches than last year

According to Eurostat data, the peach and nectarine harvest increased to 21.8 thousand tons (+90 percent) in 2022. According to the publication of the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet Informative report on summer agricultural...

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The raspberry growing area has been continuously decreasing since the turn of the millennium

According to KSH data, raspberries were grown on 1,500 hectares in Hungary at the turn of the millennium, and since then the cultivated area has been continuously decreasing. Eurostat data...

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