Tag "Brazília"

Poultry stop due to the salmonella meat scandal

Due to the salmonella meat scandal, the European Union forbade to enter the EU market to 20 Brazilian meat processing companies – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The measure will enter into force...

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The Brazilian meat scandal continues

Seven Brazilian meat and poultry companies can be removed from the list of authorized EU suppliers in the near future due to the meat scandal in South America. The Brazilian...

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Cocoa forests from pastures in Amazonia

International environmental organizations and the Amazonia Fund of the Brazilian State help the local livestock farmers to plant cocoa plantations on the depleted pastures that were created by destroying of...

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Risky poultry import poses a food safety risk

The free-trade agreement between the European Union and the South American MERCOSUR countries could not be established until the recent Brazilian meat scandal was investigated by the authorities – Erdős...

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FM: The Hungarian food exports to Brazil are expanding

Twenty-one beef and pork processing companies and dairy farms have acquired export licenses to Brazil, and six other Hungarian companies can send more products to Brazil. According to a statement...

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Brazil food scandal: the NAK urges strict trade regulations

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) expects strict trade regulations, due to the Brazil food scandal; therefore urges the development of a strict criteria sysrem to provide the safety of EU...

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FM: meat from Brazil is inspected at the Hungarian border posts

Bognár Lajos Chief veterinarian ordered the increased testing of meat products coming from Brazil, after the Brazilian authorities have revealed serious irregularities at the largest meat processing companies of the...

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A huge scandal has shaken the already shaken economy of Brazil

Brazil, the world’s biggest beef and chicken exporter, with clients in some 150 countries, is scrambling to stop the fallout from police allegations of corruption and unsanitary practices in the...

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Brazil is importing coffee

Brazil’s government has authorised the country’s first-ever imports of robusta coffee, at the request of the instant coffee industry, and it should soon start taking delivery of limited amounts from...

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Brazil weather may increase coffee prices

Because of the weather in Brazil the price of morning drinks can increase significantly: coffee and orange juice prices may increase soon, in addition the price of sugar is also...

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Miracle in Brazil

The first months of 2016 produced an unexpected sales growth for retailers in Brazil. Sales were up 1.2 percent in February – the biggest growth since July 2013. There has...

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Beer consumption fell 10 percent in Brazil

Beer consumption dropped drastically in the economic crisis affected Brazil – the origo wrote. Unemployment is the reason why most people would look to the bottom of the cup in...

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Coffee prices are increasing on the Hungarian market

The world market coffee prices are on the lowest levels of the past two years, due to favorable harvest prospects in Brazil, but due to the supply that is lagging...

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