Tag "Auchan"

Hair care in new dimensions

Last year the hair market grew by 18.3% in value compared to the previous year. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 Renewal inside and outside “The...

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As we are living our lives faster than we used to, sometimes we tend to organise our meals functionally: main meals are skipped or postponed, but our hunger remains. This...

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Szentkirályi recalled the non-carbonated water purchased from Auchan

The quality control laboratory of Szentkirályi indicated that a small amount of cleaning agent was added to the 1.5-liter non-carbonated Szentkirályi product during bottling. Therefore, Szentkirályi Hungary is asking consumers...

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There is no good time for Easter this year, but Auchan is hopeful

Easter has always been considered an indicator by traders, which reliably predicts the annual turnover. There are, of course, influencing factors other than the general economic environment, inflation and consumer...

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Auchan recalled pastries

Auchan recalled packaged panini due to the possible presence of a foreign substance – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) drew attention on Friday. According to their information, the...

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Before Easter, Auchan invites its regular customers to a special breakfast shopping experience

Last year, Auchan launched the VIP Shoppers’ Night to treat its Loyalty Card regular customers with a discounted shopping opportunity after closing time before the holidays. Now, on Saturday, in...

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You can now munch on Auchan

From April, Munch’s service will also be included in Auchan’s food rescue process. For now, they are starting with two stores, in Soroksár and in Savoya Park, you can pick...

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Last year, Auchan donated more than HUF 700 million

In 2023, Auchan Hungary provided more than HUF 700 million in support, including through food rescue, product and Trust Point donations, and the financing of various partner programs. In addition,...

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Equal opportunities at Auchan can be supported by facts

Equal opportunities play a fundamental role in Auchan’s corporate culture and HR policy. This applies not only on special days such as today’s Women’s Day, but throughout the year. With...

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Nébih: Auchan recalled gluten-free butter biscuits

Auchan has recalled and withdrawn its own brand of gluten-free butter biscuits called Petits Beurre, because its gluten content is above the limit, the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih)...

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At Auchan, the prices of 7,000 products have been reduced this year

Compared to last year, a discount store’s worth of products became cheaper in Auchan hypermarkets, regardless of promotions. The more than 7,000 goods include staple foods, milk and dairy products,...

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More than three thousand people decided in favor of a healthy diet

Over the past 8 months, more than 3,000 adults have joined the Miből Mennyit Egyek program, supported by the Auchan Foundation, to receive free, personalized nutrition advice on a weekly...

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Green Weeks at Auchan lasts until February 21

Auchan’s comprehensive sustainability strategy covers not only store operations, but also merchandise, packaging and customer attitudes. Until February 21st, the products whose production, composition, packaging or lack thereof point in...

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Auchan and Auchan Korzó increase the energy efficiency of their properties by installing solar panels

This year’s largest solar panel investment in the Retail sector will be realized when Auchan Hungary and Nhood Hungary, which manages Auchan Korzók, will install solar panels worth 20 million...

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Environmentally conscious in everyday life – step by step Green weeks at Auchan

Auchan’s comprehensive sustainability strategy covers not only store operations, but also merchandise, packaging and customer attitudes. From now on, for two weeks, those products whose production, composition, packaging, or the...

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This is how retail units prepare for Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many people are already planning where to get their holiday flowers. You can find flowers not only in flower shops, but also in the flower sections...

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Auchan has been offering its private label of electronic goods for ten years

Auchan hypermarkets sell private label technical goods, small and large household appliances, entertainment electronics, audio-visual and IT devices under the brand name Qilive, in addition to the products of major...

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Auchan, Carrefour, Intermarché team up to buy 288 Casino stores

The deal is finally done: three French retail groups team up to acquire 288 Casino stores for 1.35 billion euros. New in the endeavour is Carrefour, which takes over 26 stores. French map...

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Nearly 30,000 boxes of puzzles reached the needy with Auchan’s Christmas charity campaign

Auchan’s charity campaign ended at the end of December, as a result of which nearly 30,000 puzzle boxes were distributed to needy families, children, adults and the elderly. We were...

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Auchan will raise wages between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from January

Auchan will raise the salaries of manual workers in its stores between 12.5 and 21.3 percent from January 1, the company informed MTI on Wednesday. In store positions that do...

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Korán kezdik

Az ország 150 általános iskolájából közel 400 csapat indult el a Magyar Dietetikusok Országos Szövetségének Tudáspróbáján, ahol a hatodikos-hetedikes diákok az egészséges táplálkozásról szerzett ismereteikről adtak számot. A cikk a...

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You can also pay for New Year’s hot dogs at Auchan with a SZÉP card

At New Year’s Eve, interest in hot dogs and alcoholic beverages, especially champagne, increases every year. There will be no shortage of popular products in Auchan stores this year either,...

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Lidl, Vodafone, Auchan are this year’s winning order

For the first time this year, Trade magazine announced the Christmas TV commercials 2023 – Audience Award voting competition. From the 16 entries to the competition, the winning commercial was...

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You can even pay for the last purchases of the year with a SZÉP card at Auchan

Auchan stores will be open until noon on December 24, taking into account customer needs and habits. According to the usual Sunday schedule, depending on the store, they open at...

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Hungarian Product trademarks: the “Hungarian gives you more” campaign continues next year

Our magazine interviewed Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 – What are the most important achievements of 2023...

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Auchan customers collected 32 and a half tons of donations for the Hungarian Red Cross

The Hungarian Red Cross was able to collect a record amount of donations, almost double that of last year, in Auchan stores. During the first two weekends of Advent, Auchan...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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A technical department was opened in the Auchan department store in Törökbálint

In the Auchan department store in Törökbálint, own-brand technical goods and electronic products, which are available under the Qilive brand, are now available in a separate store. The online counter...

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Auchan stores will be open until noon on December 24

Auchan will keep its stores open until noon on December 24, taking into account customer needs and the usual opening hours at this time. As throughout the year, the supermarket...

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We look more and more closely at the price of bacon sugar and chocolate candy

According to Auchan experts, price is increasingly important when buying sweets for the holidays. There are typically fewer products in the consumer basket compared to last year, and instead of...

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