Tag "aszály"

The Romanian honey crop was literally destroyed by the drought

This year’s honey harvest in Romania will fall well short of the average of previous years, it will not exceed 12-13 thousand tons – Romanian media quoted Ioan Fetea, president...

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Without collecting rainwater, we will not be able to cope with drought in the future

According to the climate researcher, the current devastating drought and 20 persistently hot days are just the beginning, it is hard to imagine what will await us when the temperature...

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Spanish garlic producers must expect significant losses

Due to the dry weather, the Spanish garlic crop, which accounts for a significant part of the European turnover, decreased by approximately 20%. It will be a difficult season for...

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The grapes went well with the table in many ways

The year 2022 is a serious challenge for agriculture due to the drought. However, domestic grape growers also reported positive effects. This year’s heat waves and the decreasing amount of...

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The drought is getting worse, but according to the OVF, water needs still be met

The drought is expected to intensify, but national water needs can still be met. In 10 of the twelve water directorates, preparedness to protect against water shortages is in effect,...

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The drought also affects the price of olive oil

The Minister of Agriculture of Spain, the world’s largest exporter of olive oil, warned that this year’s olive harvest could be in trouble. “If there is no more rain or...

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Canola and silver linden honeyed well, but the drought caused serious problems

Hungary has produced a quantity of acacia honey that has not been seen in ten years, but sunflower honey has to be canceled due to the drought – we learn...

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Grapes are more drought tolerant than corn

The heavy rain that came with the cold front a few days ago only slightly alleviated the problems caused by the drought. In Tokaj-Hegyalja, for example, ten times this amount...

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Despite the drought, a good sugar beet yield is expected in France

France’s largest sugar industry group, Tereos, has announced that it currently expects this year’s sugar beet yield to be above the five-year average despite the lack of rainfall. The largest...

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Spanish farmers fear that olive oil production could drop by a third

Farmers in southern Spain fear that this year’s extreme drought and successive heat waves could cut olive oil production in the world’s biggest producer by nearly a third in the...

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Research: the drought situation in Europe demands an immediate solution

The drought situation demands an urgent solution to the serious situation of European agriculture and the reconstruction of soil moisture – ELTE researchers warn. ELTE’s announcement on Wednesday stated that...

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Here’s another piece of evidence: The ice damage mitigation system has nothing to do with drought

On July 30, a marked cold front passed over our country. Due to the threat of hail, the National Meteorological Service issued an alert for almost the entire country, and...

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BIOFACH lessons 2.: In Hungary, drought is the main problem in addition to the energy crisis

The main theme of the 33rd BIOFACH International Bio-Food and Bio-Goods Trade Fair held in Nuremberg this time was climate change, and at the forum organized by ÖMKi, experts mainly...

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The Drought Emergency Task Force proposed a five-point action plan

As we wrote about earlier, a separate operative group will deal with the emergency due to the drought. Hungary is hit by a historic drought. The government and the Ministry...

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Experts: the number of severe drought years in Hungary may continue to increase until the end of the century

In a large area, this year is expected to be the most severe drought in the last 50 years in Hungary, and the number of severe drought years may continue...

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Bees are starving: there is not enough nectar and pollen due to the drought

The months-long drought is causing serious problems not only for people living in agriculture, but also for beekeepers. In drought, the flowers barely produce nectar and pollen, so the bees...

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A separate section will deal with the drought emergency

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced that the government is forming a drought emergency operational team in order to take government measures to deal with the extraordinary drought situation and...

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The drought continues

The drought continues, the most important thing is the provision of drinking water, but the planned irrigation schedules are being prepared one by one with the involvement of agricultural users...

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Ministry of Agriculture: farmers can be exempted from their obligations if they suffer drought damage

Hungary is being hit by a drought on a historic scale, Hungarian farmers are helped by several previously created legal regulations in such a situation, the Ministry of Agriculture told...

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A scheduled irrigation schedule is established by the National Directorate General of Water

In order to deal with the drought situation, the National Water Directorate General (OVF) is creating a scheduled irrigation schedule in addition to technical interventions, and in order to eradicate...

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“While we panic, the animals die” – the drought causes many problems

Due to the drought, there is hardly any fodder in the eastern part of the country, even though the stocks must be replenished in these weeks, which would be fed...

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SZTE researchers have developed a procedure for measuring and predicting drought

Researchers of the Department of Geoinformatics, Natural and Environmental Geography of the University of Szeged (SZTE) have developed a nationally used procedure for measuring and forecasting drought – the public...

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EU research center: almost half of the EU territory is threatened by drought

46 percent of the territory of the EU, mainly the southwestern parts of Europe, is threatened by drought – drew attention to the report published by the Joint Research Center...

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(HU) A magyar állattartók is lépésre kényszerülnek

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Irrigation will become more and more necessary

In Hungary, farmers used an average of 1,393 m3 of water per hectare in 2021, 23 percent more than in 2020, if they irrigated their land – agrarszektor.hu reports. There...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Hungary asks Brussels to lift mowing restrictions

Due to the drought situation, the Ministry of Agriculture is turning to the European Commission for the sake of the participants in the agri-environmental management program – Minister of Agriculture...

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The drought is causing serious damage in Békés County

In Békés County, the drought is wreaking havoc on field crops. In the Orosháza and Fábiánsebestyén regions, the corn and sunflower stocks are in a worrying state, there are places...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the summer harvest began sooner

Harvesting has also started nationwide, and the extremely warm weather requires special attention from farmers, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István in his statement. The head of the ministry pointed...

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Severe feed shortages could occur in Spain

Spain is forced to face a serious loss of grain this year, writes agrarszektor.hu. According to preliminary estimates, the crop will fall by about 20 to 40 percent due to...

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Drought is still not easing in most parts of the country

Due to the uneven distribution of precipitation, the soil in the country is dry in many places, and national, soaking rain still does not come, so the drought will not...

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