Tag "állattenyésztés"

The global food security company continues as Kersia

The French-based global player in food safety the Kersia Group continues its operations under a new name. The Kersia Group was created with the acquisition of large corporations such as...

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Consultation in the pig sector

Although the price of domestic pork has declined, the process can not yet be associated with cases of African swine fever in wild boar flocks – the Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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We could have twice as many cattle if we could graze it

In 20 years, the herds of cattle grew eightfold in Hungary, thanks to the long-standing favorable market situation and the significant targeted subsidies – Wagenhoffer Zsombor, Managing Director of the...

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The Transit Group strengthens on the waterfowl market

The Szabó family interested in the Poultry sector in Debrecen’s Tranzit Group does not leave the poultry sector, but in the form of a joint venture, made a professional cooperation...

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Beef exports increased

While the dairy herd stagnates, beef cattle has a renaissance in Hungary – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The wide range of subsidies, a market free of greater crisis and relatively low investment...

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The new report from the EP favors the Hungarian Sheep and Goat Farmers

The new report of the European Parliament adopted on Thursday is favorable for the Hungarian sheep and goat farmers. It contains almost all of the Hungarian proposals – Erdős Norbert,...

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The number of sheep has risen

The Association of Hungarian Livestock Farmers has published the sheep and goat sector status report – agrarszektor.hu wrote. As it is written, the number of sheep farms and sheeps increased...

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Mangalica Festival in Debrecen

The mangalica festival has begun for the ninth time on the main square of Debrecen, the Kossuth square in front of the Reformed Great Church. Tóth Péter, president of the...

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Lamb exports may decrease due to the early Easter and the change in Italian demand

Lamb exports may be 10-15 percent less this year, (compared to 2017, when lamb exports amounted to 120 thousand) because the weight of the lambs were low, due to the...

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Modern pig slaughter and processing plant from three billion HUF in Sárrétudvari

In its category it will be the most modern cutting and processing plant in Central Europe – the Minister of State responsible for Agricultural Rural Development announced at the foundation...

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The EP has voted on the sheep and goat sector report

The Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the European Parliament (EP) has voted for the sheep and goat sector report containing Hungarian proposals as well. According to Erdős Norbert, Fidesz...

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KSH: the cattle population has grown, the number of pigs has decreased

Over the past year, cattle grew by 18,000, the sheep stock with 6,000, while the number of pigs decreased by 37,000 pigs and the humber of hens by 183,000 –...

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Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is

Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is, ami az agrártárca által az elmúlt években bevezetett intézkedéseknek köszönhető, így például a sertésstratégia és az állatjóléti, tenyésztésszervezési támogatások egyaránt hozzájárultak...

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China is building giant animal farms

Big pig farms are planned to be set up in China – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The development ideas fit the plans of the Chinese government for the agricultural development of the...

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The Romanian Government gives free piglets to the mangalica breeders

A minimum of two, up to ten free piglets will be given by the Romanian government to those livestock farmers who under certain conditions undertake the fattening of Bázna mangalica...

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KSH: agriculture closed an average year in 2017

Compared to last year’s record high yields, the output of Hungarian agricultural decreased by 6.1 percent. The performance of plant production decreased by 8.6 percent and livestock production by 3.2...

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FM: The sheep population is growing

The sheep population is growing in Hungary year after year, and more and more people deal with sheep breeding – Czerván György Minister of State of the Minister of Agriculture...

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The Prime Minister’s Office supported the poultry holders with nearly 23 billion HUF

Within the framework of the Rural Development Program, the Prime Minister’s Office supported the modernization of 207 poultry farms with 22.6 billion forints. The Prime Minister’s Office reported that there...

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Fazekas: livestock farmers have a major role in agriculture’s upturn

Livestock farmers have a major role to play in the agricultural sector – Minister of Agriculture Fazekas Sándor said on Friday in Kaposvár at the opening ceremony of Hungarian Horse...

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Avian flu: state aid is provided to the most affected poultry processing plants

The poultry processing plants that are affected by the avian influenza the most can expect state aid – according to a government decision that provides the extension of state intervention...

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The prospects of the international beef market are favorable

The world’s beef trade continues to grow and the prospects for the international market are favorable, which is a good opportunity for the Hungarian cattle industry, the Minister of State...

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Cattle is fed with sweets

Mount Gambier lies almost halfway between the cities of Melbourne and Adelaide, Australia It’s the biggest town around for more than 200 miles but has a population of fewer than...

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Cattle increased, pig and sheep stocks dropped

The number of pigs increased by 22,000 last year, while the number of pigs decreased by 219,000 and the number of sheep decreased by 36,000, according to the Central Statistical...

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It is not easy to release pig and poultry GMOs

The replacement of genetically modified (GMO) soybeans in cattle breeding can be relatively easily solved, but in the case of pigs and poultry, the Germans and Austrians who are far...

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The World Organisation for Animal Health declared Romania as a swine-fever free country

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) declared Romania as a swine-fever free country. The official certificate – that was voted at the 85th session of the OIE General Assembly...

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FM: The sheep and goat sector performed well in recent years

The sheep and goat sector performed well in recent years and its production increased by 11 percent in volume between 2010 and 2015, rising by almost 50 percent at current...

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Crisis in the ostrich industry in Hungary

The ostrich industry in Hungary is in trouble. Demand declined significantly, sales prices decreased, the profit is mainly goes to the Slovak, Romanian, Italian and Czech processors, so fewer and...

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Messze még a 6 millió sertés

Az állattartó telepek hatékonyságnövelő támogatására, az agrárképzés fejlesztésére és testre szabott finanszírozási megoldásokra van szükség ahhoz, hogy el lehessen érni Magyarországon a sertésstratégiában kitűzött 6 millió darabos állatlétszámot – írja...

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The Italiagro Kft. recruits farmers to breed dairy buffaloes

The Mezőtúr-based Italiagro Kft. recruits farmers to breed dairy buffaloes with whom the company would sign a long-term partnership agreement. Takács Zoltán, advisor to the company told MTI that they...

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3.2 million poultry had to be destroyed due to the bird flu

The avian influenza in Hungary infected 233 livestock farms so far. 3.2 million poultry had to be destroyed – Bognár Lajos Chief veterinarian told at a professional forum – according...

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