Tag "állatállomány"

The KSH starts an agricultural census

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) started the agricultural census of more than 22,000 individual farms across the country on Wednesday. Farmers can answer the questions online until May 23, and...

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A census is started on the state of agriculture

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) will start an agricultural census on May 15 in order to assess the situation of Hungarian agriculture by July 15 and get an idea of...

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Support for the prevention of certain animal diseases is available again

From January 1, 2023, the support program for the prevention and control of certain animal diseases, financed from the national budget and helping the livestock sectors, will be available again...

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The picture of the Hungarian livestock is mixed

The numbers are very variable in Europe, if we take into account the consumption, sales and slaughter statistics of different types of meat – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Sales figures give cause...

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More hens, less pigs

The number of pigs in Hungary decreased by about 20,000 compared to a year ago, and by nearly 32,000 compared to December last year. The number of hens increased by...

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Vion scores high on animal welfare management and transparency

Dutch-headquartered meat processing giant has risen to level 2 on the international Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW). This ranking list analyzes the 150 largest food companies in the...

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KSH: the number of cattle and pigs increased, the number of sheeps dropped

Over the past year, the number of cattle increased by 15,000, while pig stocks by 50,000, however, the number of sheep decreased by 14,000 and the number of hens by...

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KSH: the cattle population has grown, the number of pigs has decreased

Over the past year, cattle grew by 18,000, the sheep stock with 6,000, while the number of pigs decreased by 37,000 pigs and the humber of hens by 183,000 –...

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Cattle increased, pig and sheep stocks dropped

The number of pigs increased by 22,000 last year, while the number of pigs decreased by 219,000 and the number of sheep decreased by 36,000, according to the Central Statistical...

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KSH: the cattle stock increased in the second half of 2016

The growth of the cattle population that is lasting since 2010 has continued. In the six months until 1 December, the number of cattle increased by 6 thousand. The pig...

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The cattle population has continued to grow

The cattle population has continued to grow and the number of sheep increased as well in a year, while pig and chicken stocks fell, and the number of poultry remained...

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The number of dairy cattle is increasing

In the second half of 2015 the growth of the cattle population and the number of dairy cattle both increased significantly – Magyar Idők wrote. According to the report of...

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Hungarian livestock in numbers

The cattle population’s growth that lasts since 2010 has continued. The number of pigs and sheep in the last six months remained virtually unchanged. According to the flash report of...

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Increase in the size of Hungary’s livestock population

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), Hungary’s pig stock grew by 64,000 to 3.1 million. By 1 June 2015 the size of the cattle population increased by...

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KSH: the cattle and pig population continued to grow

The expansion of the cattle stocks has continued. The cattle population amounted to 818 thousand on 1 June 2015, while the number of pigs increased by 64 thousand to 3.1...

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