Tag "Algida"

They make believe – Picture of the day

Algida’s ad (Wall’s agency) believes in the fight against global warming – its extraordinary creativity consists in illustrating its position with the company’s own products. That he does all this...

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Magazine: Dancing on ice – with new moves

In 2020 both the pandemic and the relatively chilly early summer worked against the ice cream market. Companies needed to take steps if they wanted to increase sales even in...

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New icecreams by Algida

A new family of 17 ice creams is being introduced by Algida, and from April the novelties will be available on the Hungarian market throughout the country. Algida Smile’s wide...

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Unilever supports the fight against coronavirus all over the world

Unilever is to donate €100mln worth of soap, sanitiser, bleach and food to help battle the coronavirus pandemic. Part of the programme will be a €50mln soap and sanitiser donation to...

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Magazine: Working hard to get the attention of retailers and shoppers

Those manufacturers are in a more difficult situation than the makers of gluten- and lactose-free and low-carb products, who have decided to make products which are free from other things....

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