Tag "akvakultúra"

Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and the FAO continues to expand

Dr. Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy State Secretary, received Anping Ye, Director of South-South and Trilateral Cooperation (SSTC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), at the Ministry...

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Farmers must be put at the center of EU agricultural policy

A competitive, crisis-proof, sustainable, farmer-friendly and knowledge-based future EU agricultural policy is needed, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Cesare Onestini, Director General of Agriculture, Fisheries, Social...

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The European Commission extends the license for state aid to agricultural and fishing producers

The European Commission will extend by six months the temporary measures that allow the governments of EU member states to pay state aid to agricultural and fishing producers affected by...

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The model farm in Kenya, built with the financing of the Ministry of Agriculture, was handed over

The model farm in Kenya funded by the Ministry of Agriculture will help strengthen food security in Africa, Minister István Nagy said at the project’s presentation on Friday. During the...

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Our agricultural cooperation with Uganda can be further strengthened

The conclusion of an agricultural cooperation agreement can further strengthen our country’s agricultural relations with Uganda and pave the way for investors in the African country, said Minister István Nagy,...

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This is where most of the fish comes to the Union

In 2021, the European Union collectively caught and farmed over 1.1 million tonnes of aquatic species. However, Norway alone has outperformed all 27 EU member states combined. Aquaculture, the controlled...

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Quality aquaculture is an important pillar of rural development

The development of domestic aquaculture also brings with it the development of local hospitality and gastronomy, it contributes greatly to the maintenance of ecosystems, and thus to the European greening...

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Crisis support for Hungarian fish farmers

About HUF 3.1 billion is available to compensate for the difference in feed price growth and to maintain the competitiveness of the fish farming sector. In the application submission period...

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Just for the carp On

August 31, 2023, the international carp conference was held in Szarvas for the sixth time, in which AKI employees also participated. The purpose of the conference was to strengthen the...

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AM: focus on innovation opportunities in the Hungarian aquaculture sector

Charlina Vitcheva, Director General of the Directorate-General for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (DG MARE), visited Hungary on 21-23 June 2022 at the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture to learn...

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AM: The new national aquaculture strategic plan will be adopted soon

The new National Aquaculture Strategic Plan, which aims to develop small-scale fisheries, will be adopted soon, the Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said at the 46th....

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Ministry of Agriculture: the age of investment is coming in domestic aquaculture

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) is working to further increase the annual fish consumption per capita, therefore it pays special attention to the quality issues and recognition of Hungarian fish...

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AM: Romania is a significant partner of our agricultural and foreign trade

Romania is Hungary’s second most important agricultural-foreign trade partner, and cooperation with our agricultural and environmental partners is lively and good, which is why it is important for us to...

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Ups and downs in the Hungarian aquaculture sector

Fish farming is an important segment of Hungarian agriculture, where production is eco-friendly, characterised by low energy used and high product quality. Ferenc Lévai, spokesperson of the Hungarian Aquaculture and...

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The range of Hungarian products protected by EU protection has expanded with the Akasztói carp

It is a serious recognition for the Hungarian aquaculture sector that, as the second Hungarian freshwater fish after the Szilvásvárad trout, the geographical indication of the Akasztói Carp also received...

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AM is preparing a strategy to define aquaculture

Both in the European Union and in Hungary, strategic documents, legislation and programs are being prepared, which will determine the development of Hungarian aquaculture for the next ten years, –...

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FAO highlights the great potential of genetic improvements in aquaculture for better food security

Wider, appropriate and long-term application of genetic improvement in aquaculture, with a focus on selective breeding, will help boost food production to meet a projected increase in demand for fish...

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Is the planet approaching “peak fish”? Not so fast, study says

Global fish production will continue to expand over the next decade even though the amount of fish being captured in the wild has levelled off and aquaculture’s previously explosive growth...

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FAO: Empowering farmers through innovation is key for sustainable development

It is fundamental to support smallholder and family farmers by enhancing their access to innovation for sustainable food systems and to foster sustainable development, FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said today....

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Intensive fish farming has a stable future

Ferenc Lévai, CEO of Aranyponty Zrt. informed that cultivating fish in lakes is less profitable than other forms of farming, the rate is about 4-5 percent. The mains reason behind...

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Minister of Agriculture: the Hungarian aquaculture industry has a huge opportunity

The rules for the distribution of EU fisheries subsidies after 2020, adopted by the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, represent a huge opportunity for the Hungarian aquaculture industry – Nagy István,...

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Solar panels at the Varsád fish farm

Czikkhalas Halastavai Kft. invests HUF 80 million – from which 50 percent comes from the Hungarian Fisheries Operational Programme (MAHOP) – in modernising the company’s fish farm in Varsád. As...

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Magazine: Fish market

Compared with Europe and the rest of the world, Hungarians eat little fish and seafood, but it is good news that consumption is growing. The majority of fish produced in...

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Things you did not know about the world’s fish production

Since the 1990s, the number of wild fish caught has remained virtually unchanged, while fish consumption is constantly growing – agrarszektor.hu wrote. This can only be achieved with the increase...

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Hungarian success: one-fifth of aquaculture resources will be for freshwater fish

The budget of the fisheries policy is expected to decrease with four percent in the new fiscal cycle, but the support level for freshwater fish production will increase. Erdős Norbert...

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The aquaculture industry was developed from nearly 1.5 billion forints

The consortium led by the Kiskunlacház-based ÖKO 2000 Kft. implemented almost half a billion forints development in the aquaculture sector of the Hungarian fisheries sector. As the result of the...

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