Tag "agrárpolitika"

Results and developments in the new era of Hungarian agriculture

The Orbán government reversed the degradation of the countryside and agriculture after joining the EU. Plant closures, bankruptcies and abandoned factories characterized the period of the left-wing government, not the...

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Administration has become a political issue in agriculture

Administrative issues such as the amendment of strategic plans or the various annual performance reports and unit costs have such a direct impact on the lives of agricultural producers that...

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The EU’s common agricultural policy must focus on farmers A

ccording to Hungary’s point of view, the European Union’s common agricultural policy (CAP) should focus on farmers, the minister of agriculture said on Tuesday in Budapest, at a press conference...

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A strong European agriculture is in the interest of all of us

Strong European agriculture is a strategic issue not only for farmers, but for all EU citizens, which the European Commission must help with by all means. This is what the...

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The EU would reform the common agricultural policy

The EU presented an agricultural expert report on Wednesday, which aims to reform the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) in order to better align EU subsidies with the socio-economic needs...

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V4 agricultural chambers: a change of direction is needed in EU agricultural policy

The agricultural policy of the EU must change radically, otherwise the agriculture of the union will be in a hopeless situation – the agricultural chambers of the V4 countries emphasize...

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István Nagy: the starting point of Hungarian agriculture is quality production

In the ever-stronger international competition, the starting point of Hungarian agriculture can be the increase of added value and the level of processing, the production of high-quality food, said István...

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New agricultural investment decisions worth HUF 10.8 billion were made

In the past few days, the Ministry of Agriculture made support decisions worth 10.84 billion forints in relation to 171 more requests in connection with the calls announced within the...

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Farmers must be put at the center of EU agricultural policy

A competitive, crisis-proof, sustainable, farmer-friendly and knowledge-based future EU agricultural policy is needed, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Cesare Onestini, Director General of Agriculture, Fisheries, Social...

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European agriculture must be farmer-oriented

Competitiveness, crisis management, sustainability and the knowledge-based economy will be on the agenda of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union starting July 1, with the...

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The Agricultural Economics Institute is at the service of Hungarian farmers and agriculture

Every sector and, within that, every policy, every ministry needs an institution with a knowledge base like the Agricultural Economics Institute, which cultivates all elements of knowledge at a high...

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AM State Secretary: a competitive, crisis-proof and farmer-friendly EU agricultural policy is needed

European farmers need a competitive, crisis-resistant and farmer-friendly EU agricultural policy, and Hungary will represent these aspects during its EU presidency, the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development...

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The EP approved the review of the EU’s common agricultural policy

The revision of the common agricultural policy (CAP) was approved at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the aim of which is to reduce the administrative burden...

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Agricultural organizations won EU support for attitude formation

The Hungarian Association of Young Farmers (AGRYA) and the Slovak Farmers’ Civil Association received EU support of 60,000 euros (more than HUF 20 million) to shape the attitudes of farmers,...

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We protect the interests of farmers by all means

The government sees farmers as strategic partners and will protect their interests by all means, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared on Monday in Kalocsán at a forum organized as...

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Rome was surrounded by tractors of farmers demonstrating against the European agricultural policy

Protesting farmers from all over the country surrounded the Italian capital with tractors, occupying the main roads leading to Rome at several points on Monday. You can see a row...

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István Nagy: agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed in 2024

Agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed for 2024, the budget will add HUF 650 billion to the rural development resources, said the Minister of Agriculture at his annual press conference in...

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The relationship with Hungarian farmers abroad is getting closer and closer

The Carpathian Basin Unity Forum is a celebration that shows what a huge driving force the regional cooperation proposed by the Hungarians represents. The government also pays attention to national unity...

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The strengthening of the countryside makes the whole of Hungary richer

In order to create a livable countryside and pass it on to future generations, we must work together. Our common values and our Christian faith are the bond that forges us...

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Hungarian participation in the “Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange” event in Brussels

AKI participated in the “Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange” (SoIKE) event organized by the European Commission and held in Brussels on October 27, 2023, within the framework of the...

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It is our shared responsibility to protect our land and water resources

Sustainable management of land and water resources is essential for achieving global food security, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared at the meeting of the European Committee on Agriculture of...

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National champions in the food industry

Hungary’s success comes from the operation of successful Hungarian enterprises and companies, therefore there will be national champions in the food industry who will also hold their own on the...

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Chain-based thinking is important in the development of the food industry

The most important goal of the food industry in the coming years is for people to have access to even more safe, high-quality Hungarian food – stated Dr. Beáta Felkai,...

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Farmers can use three times more resources for investments

We are committed to continuously increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and the food industry and to protecting the environment – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the farmers’ forum...

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Increasing competitiveness and promoting generational change are also important goals

The government’s goal is to support the competitiveness of producers in accordance with the conditions of the expected EU greening agricultural policy – said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible...

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AM State Secretary: competitiveness and greening are the goals of the government’s agricultural policy

The government’s goal is to support the competitiveness of producers in accordance with the conditions of the expected EU greening agricultural policy – said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible...

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Farmers can count on a predictable agricultural support system this year as well

Hungarian farmers are facing another difficult year, but they can trust the predictable agricultural support system this year as well – said the Minister of Agriculture at his press conference...

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Propagation vegetable cultivation needs continuous development

Continuous improvements are needed in order to strengthen the competitiveness of vegetable cultivation, the Minister of Agriculture stated on Tuesday in Szegvár. István Nagy said at the handover of two...

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The adoption of the Hungarian strategic plan of the Common Agricultural Policy represents a historic opportunity

István Nagy emphasized that a favorable agreement was reached on EU agricultural and rural development subsidies for Hungary in the period until 2027. The European Commission considered sustainability to be...

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This is the opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture on the cooperation of farmers in the Carpathian Basin

In the coming years, the role of modern agriculture and the food industry will be increasingly appreciated. The cooperation of the regions, the sharing of professional experiences and good practices...

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