Tag "agrárminisztérium"

Anywhere, anytime, poultry.

The domestic poultry sector is the largest and continuously developing sector of Hungarian animal husbandry, and its importance is outstanding in terms of supplying domestic consumers and exports. The domestic sector...

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Fishermen receive special attention and support

In accordance with the legal requirements, MOHOSZ handed over its 2022 public duty performance report to the Minister of Agriculture. István Nagy stated that the document clearly shows the organization’s significant...

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Dr Beáta Felkai: The main goal is providing Hungarians with safe and good quality food

Dr Beáta Felkai, deputy state secretary of food chain supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture gave an interview to our magazine. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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The results of the tender supporting civil organizations in the agricultural sector are available

In the past period, there has been a significant increase in the number of publications and events that promote agriculture, as well as the number of building relationships that ensure...

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The sour cherry season is in

The quality of domestic cherries is outstanding, and Hungary is still one of the most decisive actors in the European Union in the cultivation of which, Minister of Agriculture István...

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Mohács has also been put on the map of Hungarian fish farming and consumption

Thanks to the domestic fish farmers and consumers, the “Szilvásvárad trout”, the “Akasztói sikiponty” or the “Balaton fish” are already on the imaginary map of Hungary, where, based on local...

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The cherry is ripe, the Agricultural Marketing Center has launched the promotion of seasonal fruits

Although the cold spring weather delayed the ripening of the fruits a little, the flavors of summer arrived irrevocably. That is why the Agricultural Marketing Center has timed the start of...

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The inspection of the beach buffets ended with positive experiences

The beach buffet inspections carried out during this year’s extended summer seasonal food chain inspection concluded with positive results, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) stated in its announcement on Tuesday....

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Seasonal food chain checks around Lake Balaton have started

Every year, Nébih coordinates three seasonal food chain inspections, stated Balatonlellén, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the food industry and trade policy. Dr. Márton Nobilis...

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István Nagy: the government’s focus is on preserving the rural way of life

István Nagy emphasized in his speech at the producers’ and artisans’ fair held on Búza tér: it is possible to build on traditional ways of life. Today, the market is...

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Harvesting is going on, the quantity and the yield are falling short of expectations

Harvesting is already underway on 1.8 million hectares; this year’s harvest promises to be better than last year’s extremely tragic year, but it falls short of expectations in terms of quantity...

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Students from eleven countries received diplomas within the joint scholarship program of the Hungarian government and FAO

On July 6, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture held its traditional event, the farewell party for the graduating scholarship holders. Students from Jordan, Georgia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Nigeria, the...

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Government policy: let’s improve the situation of domestic innovation in the food industry

According to the latest report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), nearly 800 million people suffer from hunger on a daily basis, and more than...

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AM State Secretary: the Ministry of Agriculture provides assistance to fish farmers

The government will provide HUF 3.1 billion in support to Hungarian fish producers until the end of this year – the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM)...

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Dual education is the future of agricultural education

The creation of the Branch Training Center of the Kisaföldi Agricultural Vocational Training Center is a milestone both in the life of the schools and in terms of the development...

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Crisis support for Hungarian fish farmers

The recent rise in feed prices, the additional costs caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war and last year’s drought had such a serious impact on Hungarian fish production that the Ministry...

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Legal drone plant protection is on track: new obstacles have been cleared

The personal conditions related to legal drone plant protection can now be fully met. Nébih published the list of crop protection drone pilots on its website. The current situation and the...

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The project launched to create the ePincekönyv has been completed

The project launched on the order of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) to create the ePincekönyv has been completed – said the Deputy Secretary of State responsible for the agricultural...

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Energy independence is also important for agriculture

Anikó Juhász, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for agriculture, during his professional visit to Olawa in Poland, spoke about the changes and crises affecting agriculture, that all these highlighted that...

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Safety of supply is the biggest priority

Promising results This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Dr Beáta Felkai, deputy state secretary of food chain supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture gave an interview...

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The summer food chain inspection begins on Friday

The traditional summer food chain inspection will begin on Friday and last until August 11, said the Secretary of State responsible for food industry and trade policy of the Ministry...

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The renewed summer seasonal food chain control is starting

The national seasonal food chain inspection will begin on June 16. Dr. ordering the summer muster. Márton Nobilis, the state secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy, pointed...

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The market builds community

It is important to preserve our Hungarian culture in Hungary, and going to the market is also an integral part of Hungarian culture – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, the State...

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The payment of subsidies to butcher shops has started

The Ministry of Agriculture, which entrusted the Herman Ottó Institute with the payment of the subsidy, has started. The success of the tender announced in February is proven by the...

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Sustainability efforts can only be achieved through joint action

Sustainability is a horizontal issue, in connection with which all relevant actors must do their best to make effective progress – stressed Dr. Beáta Felkai, Deputy Secretary of State responsible...

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Hungarian Tomato Day returns to Mórahalom in June

On 2 June, once again Mórahalom hosts the Hungarian Tomato Day. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. At the free trade event experts discuss the most...

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The food industry is a national strategic sector

We managed to put inflation, which had risen high due to the war and sanctions, onto a downward path, and we aimed for a further strong decrease, said Dr. Márton...

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Feel free to eat local fruits

The responsible and conscious decision in all areas is to consume seasonal, i.e., domestic fruit harvested at the time of natural ripening, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The head...

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Another two thousand beekeepers will receive support in the bee animal welfare program

The “Bee Animal Welfare Support” tender published within the framework of the Rural Development Program will provide assistance to almost two thousand beekeepers in the amount of HUF 2.7 billion,...

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János Frittmann became the president of the National Council of Mountain Communities

The National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT) held a festive inaugural meeting and elected János Frittmann as its chairman – the HNT informed MTI on Wednesday. According to the statement...

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