Élelmiszermentő Központ Nonprofit Kft. has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign
The Food Rescue Center Nonprofit Kft. (ÉMK) has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the offers of the companies are expected until December 15, the food packages will be distributed among the members of the National Association for the Protection of the Interests of People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Supporters (ÉFOÉSZ), announced at a press conference in Budapest Márton Nobilis, State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy of the Ministry of Agár, on Friday.
He said: 57 million tons of food waste were generated in the European Union in 2022, which was about 127 kilograms per person, while the Hungarian data showed roughly half of this. Since the start of the Nébih Maradék sélen program in 2016, household food waste has decreased by 27 percent, but the 60 kilograms per person could still meet the annual food needs of around 430,000 people, he said.
In the program, they are expecting offers from supermarket chains and businesses, they want to deliver packages worth HUF 5-10 thousand, primarily containing durable food, to those in need, he said. With the Advent charity campaign, they are also trying to draw people’s attention to the reduction of food waste – emphasized the state secretary.
Zsolt Nyitrai, chief adviser to the prime minister, called the charity campaign a good example of cooperation between civilians, business associations and the state.
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