Tag "agrárium"

We also protect our country’s sovereignty in the field of food production

We will defend our sovereignty against Brussels, our country insists that it can continue to decide for itself what kind of technology it grows plants on its own territory –...

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Protecting the soil is equally important for everyone

The soil is one of our natural resources that we have to manage in a sustainable way, and it is necessary to pay more and more attention to its protection. To...

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The Hungarian agriculture and food industry is also successful in international markets

Let’s not forget that there is no harvest without sowing seeds, just as there is no strong and competitive Hungary without a strong countryside, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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We must manage the soil in a sustainable way

Plastics are indispensable not only in our everyday life, but also in agriculture. In addition to its many advantages during agricultural application, it is necessary to take into account its harmful...

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AM: more conscious management is the future of field crop production

In arable crop cultivation, it is important to differentiate the production structure, grow more specialized marketable varieties, it is necessary to manage input materials more consciously, and in less favorable...

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The agrarian salad law is before the parliament

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced that the amendments to the agricultural laws serve to increase the protection of agricultural lands, support irrigated farming and reduce administrative burdens. The head...

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Video materials help farmers on Nébih’s YouTube channel

Nébih tries to use as many tools as possible to help fill out the electronic management diary. In the coming weeks, several short videos on the topic will be uploaded...

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Extremes in the price of corn: uncertainty remains high

2023 will be a very memorable year for Hungarian farmers. In one year, the facts and hopes went through heaven and hell. The weather anomalies resulting from climate change and the...

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Important challenges await herbalists

The safety of the food chain must be guaranteed from its roots, i.e. from plant protection, therefore the professional up-to-dateness of plant doctors and plant protection engineers is not only...

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Chamber of Agriculture: next year, the rules of the new KAP on crop rotation will enter into force

The preparation of next year’s sowing plans requires even more care than before, after the rules of the new Common Agricultural Policy for crop rotation and the preservation of biological...

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8 percent more sunflower seed production is expected in the EU

Oil World expects a worldwide sunflower seed harvest of 56.7 million tons (+3 percent) in 2023/2024. financial year. The global output may be 0.5 million tons below the indicated consumption of...

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Support can be paid even after partial completion in the AÖP

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will introduce the band payment system to be used in case of partial fulfillment of the practices undertaken in the Agro-ecological Program (AÖP). In...

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If we help each other, success will not be left behind!

For more than a decade, thousands of Hungarian farmers from here and across the border have been helping needy families year after year as part of the Bread of Magyars...

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The Hungarian Bread Program awarded young agricultural professionals

Twelve young agricultural professionals from Transylvania, Subcarpathia and the mainland received support for their studies and farming as part of the Hungarian bread for the future scholarship program, thanks to...

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Digital agriculture specialists are trained in Csongrád

The technological changes affecting agriculture are taking place at an exponential rate, and our task is to adapt agricultural vocational training to this and make it attractive for young people. All...

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We train specialists in digital agriculture

The technological changes affecting agriculture are taking place at an exponential rate, and our task is to adapt agricultural vocational training to this and make it attractive for young people. All...

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Tense dilemmas in the regulation of European agriculture

Environmental sustainability is one of the most difficult topics of our time from a civilizational point of view. Although we deal a lot with the feasibility of sustainable development at the...

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Local products must play a prominent role

With local products, the transportation route of food can be reduced, and the producer, the processor and the consumer are not only physically “close” to each other, but a relationship...

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AM Deputy State Secretary: innovation is also key in the food industry

The role of innovation in the food industry is also becoming more and more important, encouraging it will be an important task in the next period, Hungarian manufacturers can apply...

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MATE supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad

The Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad as part of the cooperation agreement concluded by Hungary and Chad. The...

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The Hungarian farmers brought in the backwardness imposed on them by history

In ten years, Hungary and Hungarian farmers have almost made up for the backwardness that history imposed on them, and with further improvements in efficiency, domestic agriculture can be at...

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Mountain communities fear an increase in the winemakers’ burden due to the new waste management rules

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the joint introduction of the deposit return system (drs) and extended producer responsibility (epr) for products with a deposit fee will...

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Advance payments for some agricultural subsidies will start on October 16

On October 16, the advance payment of basic support, redistributive support and production-related subsidies will begin. According to EU rules, a maximum of 70% of the total support can be...

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The advance payment of direct subsidies begins

The advance payment of direct subsidies will start on Monday, together with partial payments, farmers will receive a total of HUF 277 billion by the end of the year –...

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There is a wide range of sustainable management practices

There are many farming practices that can be incorporated and applied in the production process, and that are also in line with sustainable efforts, which can be beneficial to domestic...

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The interest rate on the Agrár Széchenyi Card is decreasing

Based on the government decree published on Friday night, the interest rate on the Agrár Széchenyi Card Current Account will be reduced. In the case of current account credit lines of...

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We need lasting peace in agriculture

In recent years, agriculture has received intense attacks in Brussels, which offered a ceasefire to Hungarian and European agriculture three quarters of a year before the European Parliament elections. In...

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A good apple harvest is expected this year

Based on market information, a good apple harvest is expected this year, the amount of which could be 500-550 thousand tons, which is almost double the amount reached last year,...

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Digitization on the agenda of the agriculture ministers of the Turkish states

The most important goal of the Organization of Turkish States (TÁSZ) is the increase of agricultural productivity and the closest and most effective cooperation in the field of agriculture –...

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Reborn Hungarian agriculture

Hungarian agriculture is in a moment of rebirth, the most important message of which is that in order to maintain competitiveness, all players in the sector must change, regardless of...

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