Tag "agrárium"

Potatoes became the determining factor of food

The foundations of our agriculture are now stable, as the well-thought-out and consistent measures of the past 13 years have made it clear that the government views Hungarian agriculture as...

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Anywhere, anytime, poultry.

The domestic poultry sector is the largest and continuously developing sector of Hungarian animal husbandry, and its importance is outstanding in terms of supplying domestic consumers and exports. The domestic sector...

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Food self-sufficiency is a strategic issue

In the shadow of the war, food self-sufficiency is a strategic issue – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the round table discussion of the 32nd Bálványosi Summer Free...

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The most important challenges facing the food industry in the Carpathian Basin

Currently, the food industry is one of the most important parts of agriculture, which could mean the future – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible...

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The results of the tender supporting civil organizations in the agricultural sector are available

In the past period, there has been a significant increase in the number of publications and events that promote agriculture, as well as the number of building relationships that ensure...

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Ukraine’s grain export revenue fell in the market year that ended at the end of June

Despite the fact that Ukraine exported more grain in the market year that ended at the end of June than a year earlier, its income from exports was $1.4 billion...

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The new land regulations help the generational change

The change of generations and the strengthening of local economies will be helped by the new land regulations, which will make it easier for those starting to farm to acquire...

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Notification of stubble conservation

Due to the questions received in connection with the HMKÁ 6 regulation regarding the minimum soil cover included in the conditionality and due to the uncertainty experienced, the Hungarian State...

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The use of the Electronic Business Diary has been expanded with new functions

In order to simplify the administrative obligations of farmers, the electronic Farming Diary (eGN) was launched at the beginning of 2023. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) integrates the data...

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The Black Sea grain agreement must be extended

The Black Sea grain agreement, which expires on July 18, must be extended and expanded, so that Ukrainian agricultural products can once again reach the southern European member states, Africa...

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Information about the Agro-ecological Program

In the 2023 subsidy year, the biggest innovation in the system of direct subsidies was the Agro-ecology Program (AÖP) with a budget of 202 million euros, for which farmers submitted...

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Harvesting is going on, the quantity and the yield are falling short of expectations

Harvesting is already underway on 1.8 million hectares; this year’s harvest promises to be better than last year’s extremely tragic year, but it falls short of expectations in terms of quantity...

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Agricultural relations with Malaysia are getting a new impetus

Hungarian and Malaysian relations should be strengthened at the commercial, plant breeding, educational and scientific levels as well – said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who consulted with Datuk Seri...

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Szijjártó: the government is launching another HUF 6.5 billion support program in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hungary will launch another HUF 6.5 billion support program in Bosnia-Herzegovina from August 1st, within the framework of which producers can buy Hungarian agricultural equipment, Minister of Foreign Affairs and...

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Austro-Hungarian agricultural relations must be further strengthened

The cooperation between Hungary and Austria regarding agricultural digitization, plant breeding and agricultural damage mitigation practices needs to be further strengthened – stated Minister István Nagy, who held talks with...

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Balázs Győrffy: “Agriculture is a sector of special strategic importance”

Our magazine interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. – What was 2022 like for Hungarian...

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Hungary fought for support for Hungarian farmers

It was possible to protect the interests of farmers, as the European Commission is supporting Hungarian producers with almost 16 million euros in order to deal with the market difficulties...

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Energy independence is also important for agriculture

Anikó Juhász, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for agriculture, during his professional visit to Olawa in Poland, spoke about the changes and crises affecting agriculture, that all these highlighted that...

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Agricultural organizations ask the European Parliament for consistency

The European Parliament adopted the report on the long-term resilience of European food security and agriculture, approaching it on a professional basis. COPA-COGECA, the umbrella organization representing the interests of...

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János Áder: modern agriculture also offers attractive opportunities for young people

Hungary can stand out in agriculture with products of premium category or with added value, which make the future attractive for young people with state-of-the-art technologies – says János Lázár,...

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The market builds community

It is important to preserve our Hungarian culture in Hungary, and going to the market is also an integral part of Hungarian culture – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, the State...

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Red berries: cooling, refreshing flavors for warm summer days

On this year’s Fruit and Vegetable Day, the focus is on red berries, which include many summer fruits: currants, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, and their different types. Berries are generally...

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The period for submitting a single application has been successfully completed

Farmers submitted almost 165,000 uniform applications for the 52 agricultural support titles announced on the basis of the new EU rules, requesting support for approximately 5 million hectares of land,...

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The technological modernization of agriculture is the basis for further development

The development of Hungarian agriculture is well illustrated by the fact that the added value per hectare increased by 77.1 percent between 2010 and 2022 – emphasized the Parliamentary State...

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We managed to protect the interests of Hungarian farmers in Brussels as well

Thanks to the joint action of the five EU member states bordering Ukraine, the European Commission has extended the ban on the import of certain agricultural products from Ukraine to...

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AM: We treat the support of the National Council of Mountain Communities as a priority

The domestic grape and wine sector is of particular importance, it is the flagship of Hungarian agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Council of Mountain Communities have an...

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A record amount is available for the development of agriculture

In connection with the payment of subsidies awarded in the Rural Development Program, the Hungarian budget provides 750 billion forints this year, of which 386 billion forints have already been...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports new investments worth more than HUF 171 billion

Thanks to the 80% national additional funding, the government has supported agricultural and food industry investments worth HUF 1,300 billion from 2021, in addition to this, another 400 projects will...

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Agricultural risk management consultations in France

At the end of May, Anikó Juhász, the Deputy State Secretary responsible for agriculture, held talks in Paris on the topic of agricultural risk management. The deputy state secretary first...

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NAK prepared a comprehensive publication on the challenges and development opportunities of domestic agriculture

In recent months, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has evaluated the sector’s situation and development opportunities in a broad perspective and in detail, taking global factors into account,...

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