Tag "áfa"

Solutions to soaring food prices: opposition proposals to reduce VAT and special taxes

In recent months, the debate over the drastic increase in food prices has intensified again, to which several opposition parties have responded with strong proposals. Momentum, DK and the Tisza...

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VAT on gluten-free breads reduced in Spain

Following a ruling by the Supreme Court in Spain, the Ministry of Finance has reduced the general sales tax on special breads, including gluten-free breads, from 10 percent to 4...

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Croatian Entrepreneurs’ Association calls for uniform reduction of VAT on food

Due to excessive price increases, the Croatian Entrepreneurs’ Association (UGP) is calling for a uniform reduction in the VAT on food products, the organization said on Tuesday, responding to consumer...

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Significant tax changes are coming in Slovakia: VAT increase and cuts to reduce the budget deficit

The Slovak government presented its new consolidation package, which fundamentally changes the country’s tax system. Contrary to Prime Minister Robert Fico’s previous promise, the basic value-added tax (VAT) rate will...

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NAV: the return can be submitted in the eVAT system

Since February 1st, the VAT return can be submitted in the eVAT system via a web interface or machine-to-machine connection – the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) informed MTI...

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A reduction in the VAT rate for food was raised

The MSZP System Change also includes the reduction of the general sales tax (VAT) on food and energy, and the tax exemption of the minimum wage! program, which is an...

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Túró Rudi or vegetable VAT? There was a lively debate in the parliament

In addition to the Túró Rudi VAT reduction, the government is planning a number of other significant tax changes in the field of tax laws, which have already been discussed...

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Even VAT revenues are not increasing due to high inflation

The current state of the Hungarian budget can be considered precarious based on events in August. Several key factors are contributing to this situation: Decrease in VAT Revenue: In August,...

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In Croatia, price restrictions on certain basic foodstuffs have come into effect

Following the latest package of measures of the Croatian government, which was developed to alleviate the crisis caused by the rise in the cost of living, price restrictions on certain...

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Poland May Extend Zero VAT On Food Into 2024

Poland may extend zero VAT rate on food staples into 2024 if inflation persists, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Saturday. Poland slashed taxes on a long list of products...

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It was suggested that the reduced VAT rate should be extended to all staple foods

The reduced VAT rate must be extended to each basic food item, said the spokesperson of the Democratic Coalition at his online press conference on Thursday. Olga Kálmán spoke about...

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The Czechs would raise the VAT rate on beer, there is great indignation

For the time being, there is a lively discussion in the five-party coalition about the plan of Czech Finance Minister Zbynek Stanjur, which would transform the entire tax system. Among...

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The abolition of VAT on basic foodstuffs was again put on the table as a proposal

MSZP urges the reduction of the VAT on basic foodstuffs to zero percent. At his online press conference on Friday, Lajos Korózs, the vice-president of MSZP, emphasized that a radical...

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NAV: an individual entrepreneur running a grocery store failed on online account information

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) announced to MTI on Friday that an individual entrepreneur operating a grocery store failed to provide online account information. According to the announcement,...

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A reduction in the VAT on food was suggested as a solution

According to Lajos Korózs, the vice president of the MSZP, the general sales tax (VAT) on basic foodstuffs should be reduced to zero percent. Meanwhile, Jobbik also proposed the reduction...

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Spain Scraps VAT On Staple Foods For Six Months

Spain has scrapped VAT on staple food items for six months as part of a series of new measures to help the population to cope with the rising cost of...

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The VAT Act offers a number of options for actors in economic life

The VAT Act offers a number of options for actors in economic life. These are alternative forms of taxation that can either be a significant advantage or, if chosen incorrectly,...

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Will the prices in the food chains rise again from January?!

Food manufacturers and food chains agree that future food promotions should be reconsidered, and that if the currently high raw material prices decrease in the future, food prices may also...

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There was also the possibility of abolishing VAT on basic food items

The VAT on basic foodstuffs must be abolished temporarily, at least until the end of the year, said a representative of the Democratic Coalition (DK) at his online press conference...

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BDO: Foreign VAT can only be reclaimed by the end of the month

In Hungary, September 30, 2022 is the deadline by which the VAT paid abroad in 2021 can be reclaimed – Dr. Brigitta Mucsi-Szabó and István Rácz, the tax managers of...

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Germany keeps the VAT reduced to 7% for the sale of food in restaurants

On Sunday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a huge utility aid package of 65 billion euros. The German catering industry also benefits from the huge amount intended to offset the...

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The economy may suffer nearly three times the originally planned average annual rate of monetary deterioration of 5%

Inflation in Hungary exceeds all previous expectations. After the publication of the latest July inflation data, analysts revised their inflation expectations upward, and it is possible that the Hungarian economy...

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Despite the 0% VAT, the Poles do not eat more fruits and vegetables

According to GUS data, 0% VAT is not necessarily the way to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, at least not by itself. The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium are also considering...

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The EC draws attention to the new VAT rules for online shopping

New VAT rules for online shopping will go into effect on July 1, with the aim of creating a more level playing field, facilitating cross-border e-commerce and making pricing more...

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Abolishing the VAT exemption for small goods ordered from outside the EU may discourage shopping

At first, the desire to buy may be curbed by the fact that from July 1, VAT will also have to be paid on items under 22 euros that arrive...

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The Hungarian labour hire market is cleaning up

As provided for by the European Union, the Hungarian VAT Act was amended from 1 April 2021. In this sense, the VAT treatment rules for temporary agency services have also...

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The European Court of Justice has ruled in a Hungarian case – cross-border traders can breathe a sigh of relief

With its recent ruling in the Hungarian Bakati case, the European Court of Justice has settled VAT refund cases for foreign travelers and apparently is announcing a winner in the...

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The caterers caught up with themselves at the end

Hey Waiter! What’s that little VAT in my soup? Well, even part of the VAT rate reduction was passed on by the caterers to the guests who consume at home...

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The VAT rate discount for restaurants brings over 10 billion

Locally prepared food and non-alcoholic beverages are subject to 5% VAT when taken away or shipped. VAT on freight has not decreased, nor has the 27% key for workplace hospitality....

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Webshops: New VAT rules to come,

The 2021 tax package submitted by the government to parliament includes new VAT regulations for e-commerce. The law is expected to be passed next week, with major changes mostly taking...

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