Tag "adózás"

Many people launch new companies in Dubai after KATA

The changes in the itemized tax of low-tax businesses, i.e. the kata, encourage many involved entrepreneurs to rethink their operations and how they could continue their activities so that the...

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BDO: Foreign VAT can only be reclaimed by the end of the month

In Hungary, September 30, 2022 is the deadline by which the VAT paid abroad in 2021 can be reclaimed – Dr. Brigitta Mucsi-Szabó and István Rácz, the tax managers of...

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From the beginning, Rossmann employs its courier colleagues in a classic employment setting

Even before the KATA amendment, Rossmann Hungary employed its courier employees as its own employees in a “classic” employment relationship. The amendment, which came into effect on August 31, caused...

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The KATA tightening took effect: the number of companies closing increased fourfold

In one month, more than 3,300 social enterprises initiated their liquidation, which is the second highest value of liquidation of all time, and four times the usual monthly values in...

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Kifli hires the couriers who have been working within the realms of kata

Kifli is the first major Hungarian company to offer its couriers an employee status instead of if they are no longer able to use kata, HVG points out. Until now,...

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After Wolt, Foodpanda addressed the kata issue, too

Not long after Wolt spoke out about the kata issue, another food delivery giant, Foodpanda, also came forward. Following the modification of the tax form, Foodpanda has been working for...

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It is not true that the couriers of Wolt and Foodpanda continue with kata

Previously, it was suggested that Foodpanda and Wolt couriers will continue to bill via kata in such a way that they only bill private individuals who order food from September,...

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National Association of Hungarian Accountants: a gross error has slipped into the new KATA Act

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Here is BDO’s detailed list of tax changes expected next year!

The Government of Hungary has submitted a budget bill for 2023 to the Parliament, which includes 4.1 per cent economic growth, a 3.5 per cent deficit target, a declining public...

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Being an artist is good, too, from a tax standpoint, says BDO’s tax director

April 15, Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday (1452) is World Art Day since 2019. This way of life, which many have identified with freedom and self-realization and which they envy, can...

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Other important tax deadlines, worth complying with

There are three deadlines in March that are also important for micro-enterprises, which is not worth post-delaying, said Dr. Brigitta Mucsi-Szabó, an expert at BDO Hungary Tax Consulting Ltd. In...

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Bank card payment and tips

Representatives of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) and the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) regularly meet for harmonisation talks in the field of managing tips. Károly Zerényi, a...

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Many large U.S. corporations have not paid taxes for years

More than two dozen large U.S. corporations have not paid a penny in taxes to the federal coffers for the third year in a row, even though they are all...

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Chamber of Agriculture: a new era in agriculture

In November, the Parliament passed without a vote a law that will put the tax and structural foundations of the Hungarian agricultural economy on a whole new footing – the...

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From January, all invoices will be visible to NAV

Next year, the tax authority must be notified immediately if a company issues an invoice to individuals or foreign buyers. This imposes a new type of obligation on companies –...

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People living from agriculture can tax more easily

By renewing the regulations on family farms and primary producers, the government would simplify the tax environment for farmers and increase the tax exemption thresholds, the agriculture minister said at...

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További adózási könnyítésekről döntött a kormány

Az egészségügyi veszélyhelyzet során felhalmozott adótartozást nem veszi figyelembe a Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal (NAV) az adóslistája meghatározásakor – hívja fel a figyelmet az EY. A legfrissebb kormányrendelet alapján számos...

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NAV discussed professional and tax issues with representatives of the catering industry

Possible forms of cooperation and tax issues affecting the hospitals were discussed with the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the leading representatives of the hospitality industry in mid-February....

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The PM plans to reduce the administrative burden on companies

In order to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, the government plans to reduce administrative tax burden – Izer Norbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of Finance (PM) told in...

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The Chamber of Commerce urges the extension of the reverse VAT payment

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) urges the extension of the reverse VAT payment system for cereals and certain oil crops. The current system will expire on 31 December 2018....

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The European Commission called on Hungary to discontinue the discriminatory taxation of spirit drinks

The European Commission sent a reasoned opinion to Hungary because, in its view, tax rules on certain distillates favor local products, in which Hungary violates the relevant EU directive. According...

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No drastic changes in tax rules

There are more than 230 sections in an Omnibus law that was adopted in the summer and which amends nearly two dozen tax-related acts. The experts of Mazars have analysed the...

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Information exchange for risk assessment purposes

The recommendations worded as part of OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project have great influence on the international practice of transfer pricing. The goals of the BEPS action...

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Parliament gives green light to tax package

The Hungarian parliament has given a green light to the 2018 tax package. The VAT on internet services reduces by 13 percentage points to 5 percent – this step will leave...

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Simpler taxation, longer procedures

The World Bank Group and PwC’s Paying Taxes 2017 report – which studies how simple tax payment is 190 countries of the world – reveals that from year to year,...

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Only 14 percent of CEOs are averse to the higher-tax cafeteria elements

Although for next year, it will be more expensive for the employers to provide fringe benefits to their workers, according to a survey, only 14 percent are averse to the...

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The IMF would strengthen the role of consumption type taxes

It is important that the center of fiscal policy would be turned into consumption type taxes from income taxes, because, among other factors, this will help the long-term growth of...

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NGM: the government considers the small and medium-sized enterprises as strategic partners

The government considers the small and medium-sized enterprises as strategic partners. As a sign, the SMEs have benefited several tax incentives since 2011. Pankucsi Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State for...

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The system of online cash registers has increased the declared revenues in Croatia

The introduction of the system of online cash registers in 2013 more than doubled the amount of revenues previously declared by the traders and entrepreneurs – Boris Lalovac Croatian Finance...

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