Sustainable motivation
Today sustainability is a real buzzword and it can also be used when talking about the labour market. Just a few days ago I heard a job seeker asking the question when they were interviewed: ‘How can I sustain my motivation?’ It is a very good question. First we need to understand what being motivated means: it is the state when we have the power to perform our tasks at work and we do our best to achieve the desired goals; at the same time all of this causes no stress to us at all, we feel joy and satisfaction during the process.

Klára Csík
owner-managing director
Karrier & Stílus
How is this possible? One of the key factors in staying motivated is recharging our batteries during the summer holiday. We know from the media that travelling alone is trendy these days, but one must be open to all forms of relaxation. What if we have been working for the same company for decades? Well, in this case it is very important to know ourselves if we want to stay motivated (confidence is the key to success) – it is better if it is us who discover the areas we need to improve than others calling our attention to it.
Motivate yourself! How can this be done? First we need to know which of our strengths can be developed into a style. It is also very important to enjoy what we are doing: every day before I get up I spend 2-3 minutes with planning my daily tasks and I always pick 1-2 things that will make me happy. These days companies want creative, energetic, skilled, dynamic and motivated workers, people who are devoted and loyal to the company, its goals and the team.
Good leaders are able to motivate and inspire workers. A company’s structure is like that of an orchestra. The bigger it is, the more complex the task. This also means that motivation is something different at each level and in every position. Today our life is full of changes. One can learn not to worry about what will happen tomorrow. We must never forget that a good performance yesterday or today doesn’t guarantee that we will also be successful tomorrow. Expectations keep coming and there is no stopping.
Success is sustainable, but work keeps changing together with the changes of the market. No matter what our age is, we must keep going forward. Successful and motivated people attract others. Trust yourself, strengthen yourself and everything will be alright. Motivation can be sustained, but it can only be done if one works to the best of their abilities for it. //
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