The dm renewed some of its shops

By: trademagazin Date: 2016. 02. 03. 11:30

Thanks to the expansion policy of the dm, last year dozens of businessess were renewed, and this will be continued this year as well: the drugstore started the year with transforming several of its shops.

dm boltnyitás sopron

The address of the renewed stores:

2600 Vác Deres u. 2.
Family Center
Opening hours:
Mon-Sat: 8.30-20.30

6724 Szeged, Londoni krt. 3. (ÁRKÁD)
Opening hours:
Mon-Sat: 9.00-21.00

9400 Sopron Várkerület 100-102.
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 8.00-19.00
Sat: 8.00-15.00